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It is clear your interest in me started to rot.
I just hope that you remember the short fun time and
you never forgot.
There was something between us we did not figure out or know.
All that matters is that you're happy,
so fine,
I'll let you go.
comes from
the reconciliation

if you're seeking peace
reconcile first
your heart and mind
the way your words caress my body
will forever be more sensual than what your hands could ever be capable
Have you ever felt

awfully overlooked



eyes see through you



never seeing you at all
Like the purest sand brushing the tips of my porcelain fingers.
White as snow,
Hot as hell.
I catch your scent in gusts of wind,
Cinnamon, like your skin.
The blue of your eyes lingers behind the clouds.
Whirling, twisting,
Lighter, darker.
You are everywhere.
The cream swirling in my coffee mug,
The whisper of the leaves as they escape the trees.
The click of keys and the punch of the spacebar
Tip, tap,
Though muddied in a puddle,
Your reflection still clearer than my own.
I search for you in seas of people
And forget to swim myself.
You suffocate me.
You resuscitate me.

Breathe you in.

Breathe you out.

Your voice,
It’s the melody that harmonizes perfectly with mine.
Your touch, the very thought of it-
It kills me.
Rips me.
Destroys me.
Come back.
Be who you used to be,
Love me.
Use me.
Rebuild me.
 Feb 2016 Jaee Derbéssy
Sunday morning
all is peaceful and quiet
I was drinking coffee
while skimming the morning paper
Listening to the cars
roar in the distance
You came out of the bedroom
yawning, stretching
looking cute with your bed hair
Eyes squinting
Adjusting to the sunlight
You made your way to the kitchen
poured yourself a cup of coffee
and took a seat across from me
We just stared
Studying each other
Not a single word uttered
We sat still in silence
a comfortable one
Few minutes passed
You looked a way
licked your lips then smirked
I daydream about
doing a lot of things to you
I wonder
Are you thinking
the same way I do?
his darkness became
tainted by my red

i burst like the sunrise
on the canvas of his skin,
raw and hot, red, red, red

i set flame to the somber
blues we'd once painted
our skin deep with.

kissing the echoes of
our past, but always
pulling away too soon.

i was too red, too vibrant.

he didn't like the taste
i left on his tongue
it was bitter like him,
it stung of the past he'd
tried to bury on my lips

my skin would ash
but he'd miss the flames.
my pulse would gallop
and intrude like
summer into his veins.
© copyright
i swirl in van gogh.
i am charcoal stains
on blue,
a smile of barbed wire
for the painter,
i am mona lisa, true.

monet, he paints me
calm waters,
water lilies floating
in solitude,
he doesn't see
the fire sprouting
in my veins.

picasso cannot stain
my heart with colour,
magritte cannot
create a masterpiece
out of my eyes.

to be immortalized
i beg in pink
lick the brush
and paint myself

end my days
in escher,
sketch myself
out of the stairway,
into the globe.

throw myself
at deaths eye,
kiss the canvas
rotten, ******,
© copyright
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