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Truth is you
weren't blameless
I saw your eyes
flash red that night
the fire in your palms
wouldn't burn out.

Together we were
a suicide pact,
there was something
about the drug in
each others eyes
that made us want
to overdose.

We itched like
razor blades
on each others skin,
our tongues a noose,
heartbeats fast,

My hands bled love
my knuckles
bruised like skies
I puked up every word
until I could finally
say goodbye.
our love is god. let's go get a slushie.
© copyright
The sun is so fiery, the Sun is so wild !!
Look at the Moon , it is so deary and mild !!

The Sun burns itself to spread warmth and embrace,
The Moon sparkles with borrowed light to softly caress !!

The Sun gives light and the Sun gives life,
The Moon builds romanticism to bring a new life !!

The Sun gives you power to overcome the fear,
The Moon is your best friend when at night you shed a drop of tear !!

The Sun and the Moon in the sky are never together
but they are like distant lovers who madly love eachother forever !!
You're an anomaly
He said to me
A little crazy
But to Mr. Swayze
You're like the wind
Always travelin'
In different directions
I think his intentions
Implied a compliment
But it felt like cement
As it brought me down
Because I've found
That to be unique
You'll face critique
In a world that conforms
You'll surely adorn
A kind of pariah
As you start to acquire
The loneliness
Becoming depressed
By the need to connect
When they're all inept
To the concept
Of your strange perception.
This person keeps following me,
She wont let me out of her sight
She follows my every step, turning left and right
This person keeps following me

But she must be tired by eight
Because when the sun goes down, she's gone
She must not stay out late
Although I could be completely wrong

Maybe she's out until three, dancing away the night
Maybe she's begging for him back- attempting to make things right
Or perhaps she's hiding something she doesn't want anyone to know
Is she addicted to something identical to the sight of falling snow
This person keeps following me

When the clouds cover the sun
She disappears as well
As if the darkness reveals all her secrets
Running like she's got something to tell
This person keeps following me

She's doing as I do
Making the same mistakes
Actions that only take and take and take
Although she'll never know my thoughts
Cause when I'm feeling sad my actions don't show this feeling
I've tricked myself into believing
And she too, has fallen for my tricks
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