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Jack Jenkins Mar 2017
I think it's about time I
faced all of my devils
that I buried so deep.

I think it's about time I
woke up from this slumber
I have cast upon myself.

The man in the mirror is
so different from the man
I have always strove to be.

I'm done with maybe's
& want to's
& wish I's
& just am's

I'm going to accept the darker
pieces of my soul I kept locked
and buried away.

I lose myself in my lusts
but I never lose my care
for those who I love.

I get swallowed up in
agonies too great to understand
but I never will end it all.

I have the greatest
friends in the world
who understand why.

Thank you all for your
love and support you give
for forgiving me when I get carried away.
Thank you so much to those who meet me where I'm at. You all know who you are and I love you very deeply. <3
Jack Jenkins Mar 2017
I hate counting the days off that you've been gone from my life. I don't have any more ways to say I miss you. There's no more ways for me to say I still love you.

I saw you on Xbox live the other day. First chance to talk to you since that we were torn apart by misunderstanding. I wanted to say so much more than hello, to say I still burn for you just like our first time.
But I was scared. I don't know if you miss me. I don't know if you need me the way I want you. The silence is agonizing and it's not getting any better, Queen.

I want to talk to you. I want to cuddle with you and kiss your forehead like I used to do every night. We'd stare in each other's eyes and we didn't even have to make love. We knew we were there for each other. We loved. We loved until it hurt and kept loving because... it was us.

I don't want to say goodbye to you. I'll keep marking the days with notches until you come back... I miss you.

You're my Sparkle of Gold. You're my Queen.
Do you not feel me bleeding out?
I didn't like how the first one came out. I was in too bad a place to effectively convey what I wanted to say. So, here's to v2...
Jack Jenkins Mar 2017
I don't know how to keep going on
I can't open up to anybody
They can get into some rooms
but I lock up parts of me
Isolated and dusty
I'm an island sinking into the depths
Of my sin, of my despair

I used to have a lot of friends
Now so very few are left
I hurt most of them right in the heart
I never intended to harm them
Haha, look at all the I's I have in this poem
Just so self-centered...

I never meant you any harm
Family matters the most to me
Then why do I take you for granted?

I'm sorry, I'm saying I'm sorry a lot lately
The weight of what I've lost is crushing me
Irony of something you don't have killing you
Hey, that's just how I'm going to die...
Not really sure what direction I'm supposed to be going with this. I'm just hurting. Hating myself. Feeling totally alone because I don't know how to have friends anymore...
Jack Jenkins Mar 2017
I'm so sorry I lost you
  I never meant to lose you
   I love you beyond measure
    Why haven't you come back?
I saw you from afar
  I didn't know if I should say
   Hello.... hello...
I'm so sorry...
please come back
I never knew how bad love could hurt until I lost someone who loved me back......... ****
Jack Jenkins Mar 2017
I am very unwell
My body wretches
Heart palpitates &
I am very unwell
A sickly soul within
Darkness got a hold
Won't let me go &
I am very unwell
My skin creeps
My bones creak
My voice croaks &
I am very unwell
Feels like I'm dying everyday anymore.
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