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 Sep 2023 Islam Bader
I poured myself
inside your cup
pretended to be tea
your lips pursed to the rim
burning kiss
bile churns
you forgot
I'm made of sins
 Sep 2023 Islam Bader
your heartstrings are becoming more apparent.
all the swooning and looming in summoning forth your own beautiful musicians to repeat the melodies you once had with me.
i cannot bear to witness you seeking such wonders to tremble what you know is immortal

nontheless, i too wonder to this day, why you're still searching for me in every woman
im not good at titles so feel free to offer alternate names
A loaded mind is way more dangerous than a loaded weapon. ✨
 Nov 2016 Islam Bader
J B Moore
I have often heard the sky is blue and how the grass is green,
But I haven't got the slightest clue as to what that's supposed to mean,
No, I've only heard the stories of a sun shining bright.
You see, I was born into the dark, never to know the light.

I know birds by their songs and trees by their shade.
My fingers run for miles on hills artificially made,
Painting pictures in my mind of things I never knew,
Looking for some insight, searching for the truth. 

But all I see are the missing trees and those who make no sound,
Ghosts of my own making, look at what they're taking, never to be found.
For insight is like hindsight, both are looking with the mind
So spare the lies, don't try to empathize with a man born blind.

I have smelled the color purple, I have heard the color blue!
I have tasted green and yellow, and the combination of the two!
I can feel the color orange like the warm late summer breeze,
And the pale blue of the waters in winter when they freeze.

To walk by faith and not by sight is so much easier for me,
For I once was lost, but now I'm found! Am blind, but now I see!

The original poem before I turned it into a sonnet in Sonnet of a Man Botn blind
 Jul 2016 Islam Bader
Dr Strange
She use to smile, ya know
In the distant past anyways
Never let anything take that smile from her
Until those days...
Until the days she watched parents get taken away
She was 12
Watched her dad get gunned down at point blank range
And her momma...
Well her momma went insane
Took her own life in vain
She got ***** 30 times a day
By ten different guys all ending the same way
So can you really blame her
She just couldn't take it anymore
It wasn't until 10 years later she finally got away
But she was forever changed after that day
A cold blooded killer
Drained all of their life force away
Now she doesn't smile
Forever remembering the days she was taken away
Forever remembering the days she escaped
Today I
Lost my

Maybe I dropped it
On the way out
Of the store
Where a mother
Swore at
Her five

Maybe I miss
Placed it
When we
Our old
And everyone
Spoke to me
Like they understood
But forgot my
A lot

Could I have,
Left it
At my dad's house?
Where he
My kid brother
And little sister
Told us how much
Missed our
Right after
He had finished
Divorcing her

Perhaps it's
Under the seat
Of our car
Maybe it fell out
Of my pocket
At that red light
The one
When the car next to
Us had a
At his wife
In front of their kids
One of the children
And he turned around
And hit them

This is so bizarre
I can't find it
Any where.
He has a smile that
Carefully hiding
The circles that form
Beneath his eyes.
He laughs like he
Doesn't feel hollow inside
But the sound never seems
To come out quite right

He lives
Like the silver moon,
In a midnight starlit sky.
Faces stare admiringly
Yet he always wonders why.
He only sees the shadows
Swimming before his face,
Never the light that he emits,
With unassuming grace.

He longs for
But I am just one fleck
Of light amidst the darkness
That wraps around his neck
I feel his aching heart contract,
Encased in ice and stone
Oh, that I could be the warmth
That he has seldom known.
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