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 Nov 2015 Jacob
 Nov 2015 Jacob
love is a rocky shore.
calling out into the silence; faraway voices echoing.
ghosts of former warmth bring frigid desire.
the ivory waves at dawn, crashing over the horizon,
reaching for the remote lighthouse, shining rays into the ebony dusk.

salt up to her ankles, lithe limbs floating in the dark sea
overcast skies clouding lungs
petrichor-graced senses, lingering like his aftershave.
nostalgic longing tears at her heartstrings,
her psyche burning for his presence.

brooding in silence,
he stares at his hands in reminiscence;
his fate had always aligned with hers.
on the brink of shipwreck,
letting go has never been his forté

love is a rocky shore.
inhale the crisp november air,
exhale the distance from heartbeat to heartbeat.
fall for the uneven surfaces
and the tragic beauty that comes with high tide.
 Nov 2015 Jacob
Andrew Switzer
Dying love in a gilded cage,
Imprisoned by my pent up rage.
You never loved me, but neither did I,
The last gift you gave was the gift of goodbye.
 Nov 2015 Jacob
Maha Salman
When is it that you give up?
That you let infernos fire devour your strength
That you let delusion's screams chant a lamented melody for you to sleep by
That you let pain kiss your every waking thought goodbye

When is it that you get up to that point?
When you let the palpable tension of fear tighten a noose around your neck
When your mind doesn't register the calls of anguish any more because its numb
When  everything around you dulls to a faint buzz, and the colours drain with malady and the light shines with hate

When is it that you shatter?*
That the limbs of your body tear to stones,
That the hate which he possesses drowns you into storms
That every tears which falls from your eyes carry an anchor to the deepest pits of ocean
That the simplest motions reduce you to screams and blades
And the only waking thought in your mind is suicide.

When is it that you decide enough is enough?
That you decide you can't do this
You can't try anymore
You can't pretend to be strong
You can't smile anymore
You can't be happy ever again.
That the only thing you want to do now is sleep for eternity...

Should I answer this  question?
Should Itell you when specifically you give up?
It's  not up to me though.
You don't have to listen to me.
However if you want to know what I think
Then the answer my friends Is

So when is it that you give up? Decide that you can't do this anymore?
Stay strong
 Nov 2015 Jacob
Olivia Kent
Make her love you with a whisper
Entrap her with a kiss.
Pick flowers for her,
Selected for their qualities.
Wrap them up and tie them tight.
For true love is exciting when visible before her eyes.
Be wise before you prise her fingers out from your hands.
Love lasts forever.
It makes no demands
Think before retreating of the love you shared before.
Angels danced on flighty feet believing that your love were true.
From topaz blue horizons her ring she'll give to you.
You will answer her calling upon bended knees.
Begging of her, her sweet hand in marriage.
Carried forever in a glass fronted carriage.
Love will be forever and forever hangs upon a sunny day.
My relentless search for
The most beautiful
Is over.

You came to my lap
Leaned this graceful
Head on my upper

Covered with
The puffiest blanket
So familiar to us.

And Thou are ~
The eloquent Elegance,
The proof for the Sacred
Geometry, alive, warm
And lovingly cuddly.

I adore Thou blackest
Dots, above your Feline
Fangs, hidden as your
Cat's conundrum; When

Rest, how
Thou charm seeps
In me; like classy  
Lion paws

Touching my hand

I trickle my fingers across
Whitest beard, and savannah
maroone blackness.

Jade consciousness opens up,
And starts to purr, pressing my
Wrist tenderly when me writes.
This is an ode to my beloved cat Mani. I love him dearly. Sometimes he can be so gentle and so loving to me. It's a true blessing to have him near and within my life. Words can not describe how grateful I feel...and enchantingly charmed. Fabulous Feline Fascination.
 Nov 2015 Jacob
I was looking for ***,
but hoping for more.
You came and broke my hex
and that changed my core.

That simple kiss felt great
a call from above.
What a glorious fate
this fatuous love.
 Nov 2015 Jacob
Down goes the night,
somehow I just can tell.
Another day with no sunlight
and I'll spend it in my cell.

I once did a bad deed,
I shooted someone in the head
then I ran, I quickly fleed,
before he dropped dead.

Yes, I had my reasons
for such a hideous crime,
but that doesn't help in prision
where I'm doing my time.

I know I had it coming...
I know justice was served.
but I hate to feel rotting...
Rotting in my cell...
One for J. Cash
 Nov 2015 Jacob
Why?* If we had such a great start,
to my bed I ask before I fall asleep,
while I'm trying not to fall apart,
before memories roll down my cheecks.

Did I made you inside my head?
Your smile nourished my soul
and now I'm starving in my bed.
You where all I could've imagined.

Did I made you inside my head?
I'd die for another night in your bed.
I'm not smart enough and I blame this heart.
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