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Tiny whispers,
soft and subtle.
Bed frames,
a warming cuddle.
Soul pieces,
nose kisses,
cold feet,
one love puddle.

dark secrets,
silent bracing.
Morning breath,
coffee grounds,
and carnal chasing.

Apple tarts,
Soft eyes,
and blunt smoke.
Crazy nights,
and tired days,
that is what I miss the most..
©Kyle Fisher
The sky, black as the eyes that stare at it.
Star-studded and as seamless as new programming.
I look down, the streets molested by fluorescent splotches --
red ribbons of memory evaporate from the lights of motorcycles,
gurgling by.

A homeless, pregnant woman, in a bar, once told me,
"Forgiveness is letting a prisoner free, then finding out that you were the prisoner."

The sunset looks like an explosion of emotions
no one understands, yet.

The smudges on her lips
look like the bruises of an orphan apple.
Ashland, Wisconsin
I awoke to the sound of your voice...

Images of your face etched in with your white hot,
steel fingernails.
Graciously placed in my vivid memories.

For weeks I've been clear of troublesome dreams,
your snake like self seems to trek throughout miles of synapses,
just to laugh in my face for a night.

It's very rude...
Still ranting.
Just go with it.
©Kyle Fisher
 Oct 2015 Nitika Small
i don't know why everybody buys
the lies they devise to defy our eyes
we've lost sight of a final prize
it's time we rise and fight our demise

we have a right to speak our minds
our spines draw the line that defines
it's about time to pull back the blinds
light a light and see where it shines
 Oct 2015 Nitika Small
i hide away during the days
watching the other birds in flight
i don't know their tunes, they say
those songbirds are the social type

i guess the day was made for them
just like the night was made for me
i'll just wait here until the dusk
all alone, in my tree

i don't fit in with their flashy ways
my feathers just aren't as bright
they sing so pretty in sunlight rays
as i await my turn to cry at night
 Oct 2015 Nitika Small
explain to me, put into words
how can the bees defy the birds?
when i was little, i was taught
our genitals just can't be bought
 Oct 2015 Nitika Small
sitting in his invented prison
where misgivings are never forgiven
restricted to only visits from visions
in his dimension of endless renditions

condemned to exist within mental schism
with his stiffest self sentence given
never forgetting misdeeds and decisions
only existing to revisit volitions

— The End —