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Dear Society,
You have created...

A state of mind
Say you love someone,
But show no actions.
Say you Want to be successful,
But sleeping is enjoyable and work is a dissatisfaction.

A state of mind
Where people are powerful in the physical,
But are puny mentally.
Where Parents don't want their kids to follow their path,
Yet their actions make them watch their kids pay the same penalty.

We can still change and create...

A state of mind
Where we don't find problems,
But we create solutions.
Where is laziness is not an option,
Because winning is the only resolution.

A state of mind
That stands strong in trouble,
By conforming the body to its will.
That helps people in time of need,
And refuses to lead them downhill.

A state of mind
That loves to give to others.
One that hates to damage and pollute.
A society that is truly genuine,
And only speaks the truth.

A youth concerned about his generation
By: Mishael Ward ©
The fighting is not over,
The silent, pleas of terror are rampant;
Confrontation is not over,
For the cries of the innocent cease to be absent,

No, the struggle is not over,
For little children starve each day.
The struggle has not ceased,
When people die for being gay.

The struggle is not OVER,
There is much change to come!
What do you not understand?!
Let us no longer be numb!

Do not give up on improvement,
Do not think change is done;
We've just begun this
Long and strenuous run.
I have read so many wonderful poems,
haiku's, 10 words, so many more, and none are alike!
But we tend to forget about spoken word poems,
Hello Poetry, can you make it possible to share our spoken words as well as our massive pile on's of endless poetry. Spoken Words would add to the sight, and only make it better.
I wish I could also Use Hellopoetry on my mobile phone, in an app,
I'm not sure about anyone else, but that would maybe add to HP

Please consider what I've had to say, c:
Please send repost like and share and comment anything else you think the sight needs since it's growing in great ways. Please share and like if you agree c:
As time goes on I am starting to learn how everyone has someone they love but just can't be with
It is the sad reality of stumbling blocks ruining what could have been, the imagined perception expectation of the future that we let ourselves believed we deserved to live
I often imagine meeting you at the record store in another life and it working out the way it was always supposed to and you've been holding my heart for centuries and though here, we may be foolish and alone but this is just one time dimension where maybe things are difficult but I will see you in the approaching vigor, in the dim light of a motel room near the city, a place where things are better, a place where we are better and I will kiss you like a poet trying to rewrite the language of love on your lips and you will touch me like your hands are praying to the religion beneath my skin and we will burn with love beyond what any movie or book describes
But here, I cannot love you and you cannot love me. Here and now we are poison to one another, a disease not worth catching if it can be avoided, our bodies were never strong enough for our love, we didn't want it anymore, we got too busy, too stressed out
You wasted my time but that’s okay I wasted yours right back, we were never in love but oh God we could've been, you know, as time goes on I am starting to learn how everyone has someone they love but just can't be with and regrettably, you are my someone


F R I E N D S!!


We have no way of knowing if your
posting is REAL or METAPHOR.
Even if it's a metaphor to your
end as a POET we care.


♡ Catherine
Please see my last repost!
Note it may be metaphorical.
The "birthdate" could be when she
started WRITING. But Nicole Dawn's attempt should be a lesson to all of us!

And REPOST hers and mine!
I'm just a bit crazy, there's really no doubt
I'm a flightless angel waiting for her wings to sprout.
Translation: I'm just trying to get my **** together
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