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  Feb 2016 Cinnamon Honey-Glacé
h i m
no hints
no words
no pictures
no gestures
but his face popped into my mind
just the mere thought of  him
and my insides go crazy
the way he smiles
his laugh
Your voice... It's so nice to hear again.
It almost hurts....
but I've been so numb since you've been gone.

You've reached me
Have I?
I hope you're in heaven.
I never believed in god or an afterlife,
You know that.
but I hope there is now.

I'm out of reach right now
Because you won't be out reach forever,
If you're in heaven.
But heaven knows, I won't see you again.
You're so far gone.

But leave a message
And the closest I can get
is sitting at your tombstone.
Stone is cold and it doesn't warm my heart
like you once did.

and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
I miss you so much,
And I will see you soon.

Your call is important to me.

If I could only place my heart
in the right hands before it stops beating.
If wanting you more and more each day or
If wanting you for myself and myself only is bad,

Then call me **egotistic.
  Feb 2016 Cinnamon Honey-Glacé
This sin refuses to part from my skin
I wear it well
It wears me thin
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