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HerrAichach Mar 2015
Someone say Marco someone make me feel sane
The third person is clearly me , so let me leave

With no sense of belonging for life is a game, and I don't have the skills to maintain . An indifferent individual on a spree to only grieve

What can anyone do about it when you're alone in the rain and you are just *ashamed
HerrAichach Dec 2014
I strut with confidence alongside her; she "fails" to acknowledge me
I try to attain her attention with my friends; she continues to ignore us three?
We decide of something else. We chose to go up to her and join her party
Whilst remained fixed on her dress which was Sacramento and sparkly

Bedazzled from her dress it seemed I was in the dreamworld
I had somehow dreamed that she approached with a kiss and swirled.
"Time to do it"I had repeated to myself. I grabbed her hand. I twirled her like a figure skater.
Finally,I found out she or he was a transgender, so...later?
HerrAichach Dec 2014
I stand a moment and gaze at my cloud of thoughts
What comes to mind is limitless;it is all sorts
The third hand seems dishonest.
For to love is a risk that one must be modest

Concealed in my heart I hide the truth of my being
I am not proud; but I am not satisfied to be fleeing
A cynical cycle, which  appears with a paradox ending
One should knot their laces now than later for pending

How can I ever be such a mockery that I hesitate, but rather be called a fool
I hate to feel abnormal with friends ,when I act like a tool
I cannot release this barrier that will restrict my trust
The matter has developed as an infant where bullying was a must
HerrAichach Nov 2014
I approached with caution when she extended her fist
Instead she revealed her hand with an offering of a list
She remained confident with what she had given
Whilst, I remain pessimistically driven

Her smile fades as a candles' wick with the growth of darkness
I laugh. I try to comprehend what I did wrong. I ask.
The way she had tried to be my friend. The way she had tried to make me feel no less
The past has corrupted  me, knowing the future has no more tasks
HerrAichach Nov 2014
I have asked simple questions with complex replies
Never in life could they tell the truth but only a lie.
They encouraged in a optimistic manner and they did succeed
Even if I try to do the same I ask, ' who will lead'

Frankly the true dedication was not delivered
For the victim has suffered and the love has buffered.
Where is the commitment of  basic standards
I am truly Angered.
HerrAichach Nov 2014
I struggle to notice the simple beauty of the stars which are present only at night
You look left and right and see people care for you, however I do not and that is not right
I feel laden when I am misinterpreted for the wrong reasons
I wish to feel equal, appreciated and capable instead of a treason
A simple person like myself has a simple life to fulfill with problems in my position
A simple person like myself has a simple life with an exposition
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HerrAichach Nov 2014
I* sleep for whose purpose, mine, yours or a greater being
The **** since childhood had prevented recollection of my precious, memorable, memories.
The only remaining of  my past would be the scars across my ankles teasing.
The **** since childhood had prevented relationships and education, but the realization for the victim is a worthless being. A worthless soul of energy.
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