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 Jun 2014 Heliza Rose
Mikki Bloom
Humans are like*  Roses
We all have our  Thorns
And we all have our  Petals
Some have Sharp  *thorns
Some have more  Beautiful
Petals then  Others,  but
in the  End  we're all just
Simply Roses  that are
to  **Wilt
When I found this, I just really liked it so I wanted to share it.
 Jun 2014 Heliza Rose
They come and they take you out,
They show you love and what it's seemingly all about.

It's what you've been looking *for,

Your shattered heart is picked up from the floor.
Still, day by day they take a piece of you away,
You don't notice, but, regardless you have no say.
You grow older and wiser,
Yet, also become smaller and blinder.
Love and hatred intertwine,
In love you see hate, in hate you see love- all overtime.

They go and they leave you out,
And you're left even more broken and alone than before, no doubt.
 Jun 2014 Heliza Rose
Zero Zaneh
I am not a game
When you beat Me
There is no high score
I don't have extra lives
So don't throw My life away

I am not a toy
When I am broken
You can't just put the pieces back
Don't go out and replace Me
So please take care of Me

I am a human being
There is so much that can be done
There is so few that cannot be undone
a heart as heavy as stone, hands wild as the ocean, can only hold onto things for so long before they are turned into driftwood, bewitching, bewildering, beguiling

his lips on my skin burn holes big enough to drown in. he tastes like peaches. like peaches and honey. like peaches and honey and sugar.

i fall for it - snort - what he calls fairy dust and let pills slide down my throat into the lagoon of my empty stomach. he shows me mermaids and pirates and red Indians, we dance around campfires, around burning buildings, around each others blazing hearts. he shows me danger and excitement and freedom.
we're not perfect but at least we're free
purple is the the first day of october, when
strangers eats your bones for breakfast and
your mother calls you beautiful for the first time
purple is every corner you've ever passed
with your friends and family
with cigarettes and candy
purple is him looking at you but seeing
a child that smells like museums in France
purple is the bitter taste of dry wine
and a fragile boy you once knew so well
purple is loving someone who
will never love
you back
Sure, it'd be nice to walk
Along the shore of the beach
And watch the sun set
With you.

But I'm happy enough to run
In circles around the track
And watch the grass wilt
With you.

Sure, it'd be nice to cuddle
While eating junk food and snacks
And watch a horror movie
With you.

But I'm happy enough to sit
While laughing over your shoulder
And watch funny videos
With you.

Sure, it'd be nice to be
The one whom you call "yours"
And to be loved back
By you.

But I'm happy enough to love
The perfect person you are
And savor the moments I spend
With you.
Although you are oblivious to my love, therefore likely not to feel mutually, your laugh alone is enough to make me smile.
 Jun 2014 Heliza Rose
Mr X
Be different.
Pity their sameness.
 Jun 2014 Heliza Rose
We have that easy, lazy kind of love.
That sleep in late and wake up gently
     to morning kisses kind of love.
A love so simple and genuine
there's no effort involved at all, really.
                        It just is.
I knew from the very start
we were something special, baby,
when your slow smile reached out
to take hold of my heart,
no trying needed.
                       And we just were.
And now, now baby,
we have that beautiful love,
     that lazy kind of love.
And it's sitting together for
     a cup of morning coffee,
And little reminders of affection
     left for surprise.
It's the slow breath in
     after the content sigh
     following a deep kiss in the rain.
And never wanting to leave,
     always returning for
     just one more.
We have that easy love,
     the carefree kind of love.
                      And it just is.
This poem was inspired by a line from another poet, J. Raymond, whom I follow on Instagram. The "lazy love" concept is his, I just took it to heart with my own relationship.
Was all I needed
To wield
The power of love*

© Raphael Uzor
 Jun 2014 Heliza Rose
People aren't beautiful
We're ugly
With hideous intentions
Like insidious black monsters hiding our skin
Some monsters want to take that little girl
Others want to see ripples of carnage laid out in front of them
Some simply want to steal away things that don't belong to them
There are a few that are free from that murky black hole
They are like prey sensing predators
But always aware of the disease that some of us are.
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