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Fear stings us all
With the pain that it brings.
But the heart is deceitful
Above all such things.
Back to bed again
Ive paid my dues
Waited countless hours in this
Half state
To ascend to higher realms
Yet i remain wide eyed
And worried
Counter parts ive wished to cast out
But havent found out how
push defeatism aside
Horizons rise
And set in these moments
While i convince myself
Who's body
I belong to
Out of the distance
Whispers slither in
"Forget what you know"
 Jun 2016 Heidi Kneip
Ami Shae
...can describe the pain
of what so many are going through
no words can give back
the lives lost
all I know to do
is hope hope hope
each and every day
that somehow our world
will find a better way
than to maim and ****
when things are not what we agree upon
if we don't find better ways of coping
one day soon, our world will just be gone
(and then there really will be
it's just so sad... :(
 Jun 2016 Heidi Kneip
Ami Shae
Sometimes whenever my heart is laden down
                                            with all the sadness that surrounds
                  our globe, our hearts, our minds and souls
I have to wonder if heaven really knows
                                            how much we humans ache to be free
of all the seemingly unending misery?#
do we even matter? So much pain.
Those heavy crushing
Waves of doubt
That's so often
Come about
Zeroing in
With triangulating precision
Seeking any weak spot
Any crack
In the egos fragile shell
Seeping in
To get under your skin
In so subtle a way it's hard to tell
That you've been inundated
To the point of allowing
Your self to be  deflated
Sometimes so dramatic
That like a balloon let loose
To fly madly around the room
Regardless of the ricocheting
Life delaying
For something
you never needed to begin with
So as much as I hate
The seemingly endless situation
I try to chalk it up as the cost
Of my pursuit
Of higher education
My personal higher education
A creature ruled by Venus, so elegant, so pure, stares at the moon, thirsting for more. As it smiles back at her, the light bends around her face just to caress her cheek, to let her know, there is something more, something far beyond, in the distance, waiting for her. For a creature so elegant and pure, cannot sit in darkness for long. The moon has something in store. A gift from the lord, something that has been there all along. A gift from her past now brought to her present. Has this happened before, I'm not sure. As the spirit in the sky returned the gift to the moon, it then smiled back on our creature from Venus. He handed her this gift, not quite concealed. But she still couldn't see. For too long she saw flowers wilt, lights flicker, wells dry up, and seasons change. The next night as she looked outside, the moon was gone. Oh how she cried. Oh how she hurt. She cursed the moon for all its worth. As tears dried and her heart slowed. She heard a knock at her door. As she twisted the cold metallic handle and took a leap of faith, with eyes wide open she felt the night's embrace. "There you are", she exclaimed. As they sat together under the dark sky, now with the light inside, they knew this was forever. And though some may say it was selfish to take the moon from the sky as others need the light to see. They realized, as long as they had each other, no one else would need the moon. So as it goes, there presence together sent ripples into a sea, a sea of people, planets, creatures, and trees. A force so strong, a power so great. They looked into each other's eyes and she finally said, "This is fate".

Matthew Dante Cosentino

— The End —