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 Oct 2014 little one
 Oct 2014 little one
Kenzie is making


i should probably
poem 2oo

**i dont wunt 2 beeee left out
I get so bored in college
 Oct 2014 little one
the gost of his love,
You keep
and reminding me
your love
what could have been

I see your face
in the crowd,
in every guy
who ever smiles at me
it's you.
Please stop.
You know
I loved you so
Not a single shooting star
that was not wasted upon you
but now
my 11:11 wish is
for the clock to
stop ticking
and use its arms to
strangle me instead
So that I could
finally be free.
from having
all my energy
spent on
trying to keep my **** together
in a vain attempt to
keep  myself
from falling apart
to pieces
in front of everyone
why don't you understand?
I love you
I love you
I love you
My heart beats with this rhyme
I love you more than i have ever loved aNYTHing
The pictures that you sent
still live in my phone
and the wind keeps whispering your name
and i have stopped looking a t the night sky
two bright stars reminded me of your eyes once
i see you in everything-
the first drop of rain,
a child's laughter
a tree's shelter on a summer day
I never wanted to let you go
but i had to
it was between you and him-
one who gave me life
and you
who became my life
and i owe you both
and i love you both
but he needs me a little more than you do
and so i chose Dad
but i love you.
I just could not burn their dreams
And use that as a light
That would guide
Me to you
I just could not break their hearts
To keep mine in one piece
I could not break my old house
So that i could make a new with you.
And so i decided to loosened the grip
But it was you who walked away!
I knew you had
But don't blame me for what happened
i still hold on to you,
i clinged to your memories
like a drowning person
clings to a rope
thrown to him
And holding on to you hurts
so please set me free
I love you, i love you please come back or take this ghost of your love you, please!
 Oct 2014 little one
Andrew Durst
You're full of dreams,
     and all of
        the sweetness
           in this beautiful world.
My first "trilogy."
 Sep 2014 little one
I have been made fun of for the color of my skin;
For the way I dress;
My taste in music;
Even how I talk.

They say I talk black.

Talk black?
What do you mean talk black?
We have given color to the words I speak?
Can you SEE their color?

Instantly they make me a ****.
I become uneducated.
I am a thief.
A suspect.
You do not even know me;
Yet you make ASSUMPTIONS as to who I am.

You do not even know me?
I'm sorry, where are my manners?
Hello, nice to meet you.
My name is ---- ----.
I am white,
But I talk black.
 Sep 2014 little one
 Sep 2014 little one
I don't c u
Yet u stand 2 feet away
I cannot hear u wen u shout
And cannot read the language u sign
Wen you touch me I feel u not
Though my skin grows cold

I am blind
Not in my eyes but in my mind
I observe the world around me
But I am not one with the world around me
Wen the heart grows cold the mind soon follows
To become empty the world grows hollow
To open my eyes and 2 open my mind
And dream of the joys I may then find
To see u too hear u too touch u to feel
To show that this mad wonderful world is real
A trick of the mind a world so surreal
To see u too hear u too touch u to feel
The idea of solipsism: the only thing we can prove is our own consciousness. We are not real, this does not exist
 Sep 2014 little one
i asked u not 2 take my heart
instead u break it, shatters
u say its time that i move on
but still ur all that matters
in my dreams i c u
in my nightmares i cant escape
so i lay awake 2 think of u
the one ive lost of late
the dark seems so much darker
alone feels more alone
suddenly im lost
when u r here im home
i know u'll never c this
but know ur n my heart
close my eyes and c us
our love has yet to start
 Sep 2014 little one
 Sep 2014 little one
i find my mind blank
when the world arounds alive
but in my loneliness i ponder
and that is my demise
my eyes attempt to open
reality is blinding
you see that its ironic
that life and death are binding
the wise seem always dying
the ignorant do prosper
in this modern day and age
an empty mind is proper

— The End —