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 Dec 2014 hani shibli
i've tried making poetry
spinning silk from cobwebs
sitting in the corners of my mind
trying to sew them
into sweaters that smell like you
so i could sleep at night

ever since i met you
i've been swallowing ball point pens
so i could spit out poems
everytime you cut me open.

there's ink in my veins
and i can't get them out
i can't quit this now, it's too late,
i've become addicted to your mouth

i painted my cheeks red;
you painted it black and blue
you turned me into art right?
i don't understand
why they kept telling me to leave you.

you tell me you don't love me,
and i keep saying i don't care.
i've felt it in your kisses
there's never been a spark in the air

you ask me why
and i tell you:
you're my favorite kind of pain.
not to be cliche, but i'd like to die
whispering your name.

my friends say i'm a fool,
"if it's an addiction, then quit"
but honesty is the best poetry,
and i'm getting pretty good at it.
 Dec 2014 hani shibli
 Dec 2014 hani shibli
i never ran out of words.
i'd see the night sky and i could describe it in a hundred ways --
i could say it was the ocean reflecting the twinkling lights above;
or maybe a moonlit path now visible through the waves.

i'd feel the wind brushing my cheek
and write about how it tousled my hair into messy tendrils--
how it plays with the leaves one moment
and the next leaves them astray under warmly-lit streetlamps.

oh i could write for endless hours
about disasters, impossibilities, probabilities
and i never ran out of words.

there are twenty-six letters in the alphabet and they never failed me.

but then i saw you.
The world is my kingdom,
The seas are at bay,
My heart is with you,
Where it shall stay.
I don’t live in a lie; I live in a version of the truth.
 Dec 2014 hani shibli
Devon Webb
We are critical.

We find flaws in
everything we see
because nobody
wants to write
about perfection,
even though sometimes
we wish we could just stay
staring into that
unblemished surface.

2. We are never satisfied.

We live our lives upon
mountains of
scrunched up
bits of refill and
ideas we gave up
trying to

3. We never forget.

We write words about
eye contact made
three months ago
that we replay over
and over in our minds
even though it
being relevant.

4. We are fickle.**

Our emotions flash
from one
to the other
like strobe lighting that
disorientates us
until we feel as if
the world
will never be still.

5. We are exposed.

We don't know how
to keep our feelings
to ourselves so
we'll write them
down for
you to find

6. We are vulnerable.

We wear our
hearts on our sleeves
and won't lift a
muscle to fight back
if somebody tries
to break it
because we thrive
from the pain.

7. We will never stop.

We will never stop
feeling and
we will never stop
we will never stop
breaking and
bleeding and
even though the cycle
is endless
and we know what's
coming next.

We are addicted
to agony,
but we agonise
for the art.
It's worth it though.
 Dec 2014 hani shibli
 Dec 2014 hani shibli
I hate even numbers
They're so predictable

But I love X's
They're so mysterious

I hate biscuits
They make me so thirsty

I also hate coffee
I drink tea instead

I love flowers
They are so pretty

I love plants
They are so green

I hate abstract words
They are so... abstract

But I love abstract things
They are so free

I hate words in general
I find them very limiting

But I am a writer
And they are the best part in me

Anyways, I love the sun
But it blinds me often

I hate how yellow it is
It makes everything look ugly

I surely love the moon
There is something mystical about it

It reminds of the wolf
A good old friend of mine

With his piercing amber eyes
He can look through my soul

I love flowers
I wish I was as pretty as them

I also love clouds
But not as much as
I love the rain

I also love the wind
Hey! easy on me
Don't ******* away!

Oh, You love me?
I love me too

I love me so much
And I hate me as much

No, but really
I love you
Whoever you might be

I hate people
They can be such a headache

With all their talk about themselves
Them, them and them
psst, shut up

Then, they say I am way too careless
Bwah and nyeh, whatever

But I love humans
Never have I met something
As beautiful and ugly as them

I hate society
I find it very... Just no. Ok?

And I also hate reality
I think it's really boring

But I love dreams
sigh... Oh, dreams...

I love dreams
Of wakefulness and of sleep

Strange things happen in mine
But it's all I have ever really known

Oh, did I say I love flowers
Because I really really do

Only give me one once
And for forever, I will love you
*Gimme! Gimme!
While you're staring at rainbows, we're fighting off rain.
While we struggle to build walls up to keep ourselves sane.

So put em up
get those fists ready to go
because this world is a *****
and she doesn't take it slow.
Any chance she gets she'll hit you with that cheap shot.
Sometimes it seems like it never stops.
Eyes on the clock like I'm waiting for the end like
tick, tock,
tick, tock.

So put em up
get those fists ready to go.
Because we're stuck in this mess,
in this hell all alone.
The walls crash down when you think you've had enough.
But it's a marathon, not a race so keep that chin up.
Hey, my name's *******.
I am here to take away your pain.
Hi! My name is Ecstasy.
I am here to take you to your destiny.
Sup, I'm heroine.
I'm the one who is supposed to take you to the room you're in.
Hello, I'm what others call wine.
I am the date who expects you to dress divine.
Heyyyy, I'm ****.
I'm the one who is here for you even when you don't succeed.
Well, I'm beer.
When you've had too much of me, you can't see clear.
I'm what some refer to as Dusting.
I'm made of fumes that in most eyes, are disgusting.
What's up? I'm pills.
Take to many and for once, you'll be scared of the thrills...
Hello everyone, we are drugs.
*The beautiful creations of man that gives you all the excuse that life gets better if you are under our influence. But we are here to tell the truth... You are all believing a lie, we are all guilty of numbing your brains and blinding you from reality.
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