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1.7k · Nov 2014
Gloria Nov 2014

Dang it. They're back.
Right when you least expect them.

Let me hold my breath.
One Mississippi, Two Mississi-

You think someone could be missing me?

It can't be you.
I just gave up on the concept of us.
How would you know I gave up?
Did your soul sense my pain?

They're gone.
You are my cure for hiccups,
and more.
In my culture, you get the hiccups when someone misses you. If you are able to guess correctly, you hiccups are supposed to stop.
1.5k · Mar 2015
Gloria Mar 2015
You're bittersweet
Like grapefruit.

You're ****.
You're sweet
And you've got that bitter aftertaste.

Some like you with a little sugar,
Others need a lot.
But a select few of us,
we like you raw.

Even though I like you raw,
I can't take your acrid taste anymore.
You're delicious, you're good,
but you're no good for me.

Maybe  I should've waited till you were ripe.
1.3k · Dec 2014
what i mean
Gloria Dec 2014
When I call you an idiot,
I mean I love you
but I shouldn't say it.

When I call you a nerd,
I mean I love you,
especially when you start rambling about math.

When I call you a dork,
I mean I love you
but I shouldn't say it.

When I say you're a *******,
I mean you're a *******
but you're my *******.

And I am still madly in love with you.
1.2k · Jan 2014
Yours and Mine
Gloria Jan 2014
I miss you.
Yearn for you.
Yet I am at peace this time.
For this time I am yours and
you, you are mine.

All the insecurities and transgressions bob about:
Worried that I'm just a placeholder;
Simply a teddy bear in your time of need.
Yet I am calmed because you are mine
and I am yours.
975 · Jan 2015
Gloria Jan 2015
When I've given up on you,
on us,
The Universe reminds me that
You cannot give up.
You mustn't.
He is yours and you, his

That has been written in our fates.
The love between us is too strong
and too long overdue.
Let this be the time we happen.
Let this be the time we work.
723 · Nov 2014
Gloria Nov 2014
Happy anniversary

Here I am celebrating another moment without you.
Do you remember?
Do you remember how a year ago you asked to be with me again?
Do you remember how you had promised to not hurt me again?
Do you remember how you made me believe things would last?
Do you?

Just another set of stupid questions for you, my dear *******.
615 · Nov 2014
Unrelenting Love
Gloria Nov 2014
The love I have for you is both astounding and inspiring
And for that reason I doubt it at times
Is this really real?

Do I only want you even more because you're gone?

Why am I still smiling at every little thing you do?
Why am I still falling more and more in love with you?
How am I doing this?
More importantly,
How are you doing this to me?
598 · Apr 2014
Gloria Apr 2014
How is it that your embrace is now home?
Why can I seek solace in your smile?
How do I feel so safe with you by my side?

Why is it that your embrace is no longer home?
How come your presence makes me frown?
Why can't I feel safe under the same roof as you?
515 · Jan 2015
Gloria Jan 2015
I may be your clutz
But you're my *******.
497 · May 2014
Growing Lust
Gloria May 2014
The vampire has fed its lust,
No more will I turn to dust.

But now, the lust grows.
How much? Only she knows.

Is it one-sided or two?
I think it’s from both me and you.
497 · Apr 2014
Gloria Apr 2014
Your stubbornness
        rivals mine
           aggravates me
             challenges me
      and yet
  is an endearing quality.

This independent woman
      is driven mad
           by your dominance
                   and thirsts for more of you​.

Your inner boy
      excited by childish joys
​matches your ruggedness
     ​that comes out to play at night.

This once modest woman is greedy
     for more of you.

​It won't be long
    she'll be
                    to you. ​
392 · Mar 2014
First and Last
Gloria Mar 2014
My first and my last;
that is what I want you to be.
I want no one else.
You are the one for me.

You're the first
to make me feel this deeply.
The first I want to bring home.
I love you.

And you might be the last to find out
But let me be the first you utter those words to
And your last.

Let me be your first and your last
And all I ask in return is that
You be my first
And my last.
389 · May 2014
Gloria May 2014
His eyes
they are so dreamy

His hair
so soft that you want to run your fingers through it.

His smell
so intoxicating, filling every breath of air I take.

His arms
so strong; never wanting to leave their security.

His lips
so inviting, that I want to feel those feathers touch me every time I
look at his face.

His presence
forever engraved in my heart.
386 · May 2014
Blissful Moment
Gloria May 2014
When I think of that moment,
When your lips touched mine.
All my worries went dormant
And I lost track of all time.

And now, in a matter of a couple of days,
My life has changed
Evermore so, you have left me in a daze.
Your love for me has been proved.

More do I think about the future;
One that I will share with you
And in the End, may be we will be forever.
371 · Jan 2015
Gloria Jan 2015
And today all I wanted to do was...
         hold your hand for strength,
         get your ever curing bear hug,
         see your joy-inducing smile, and
         hear you say, "It's okay."

But I know that today,
you cannot give me this.

Today, you choose to give this to some other girl.

Today, I cry of a tomorrow without you.
364 · Feb 2015
Gloria Feb 2015
I want to drink my heart out.
I want to be reckless with my body.
I want to implode.

I want to not love you anymore.
I want to stop caring.
I want it to end.

That's a lie.
I don't want to stop loving you.
I just want to stop the hurt.

I'm glad you're happy
With her
and without
335 · Nov 2014
Gloria Nov 2014
Oh baby, this is it.
Today's the day.
I can't help but feel like I'm empty inside.

You have this power over me.
I don't know when I gave it to you
But you have it.
I love you

I've tried not to.
I've tried to live it.
But my love for you is still here

You love me still,
So you'd have me believe.
Yet there's this girl.
She's at our place
With you.
On our day.

I thought inside I was dead
Now I know better
You give me pain more than
You give me happiness
309 · Nov 2014
just another dream
Gloria Nov 2014
I want to stay asleep
Because there you and I are a reality.
Because there I still have you.
And every night I look forward to my dreams,
For another excuse to see you.
What can I say, I still love you kid.

278 · Apr 2014
Baby, you
Gloria Apr 2014
         thoughts of you
        through my mind
        and Night.

​From the First kiss
    to the last.
​Every moment
          both good and bad
     ​is cherished.
270 · Aug 2014
Stay, baby, don't go
Gloria Aug 2014
how come you’re always there and yet you’re not?
why are you always there just waiting for me ?
but when i get there you’re gone.

I’m so scared we won’t fulfill our destiny.
What if we mess up?
What if life pushes us in a different direction?

I have faith in you.
My faith in you is unwavering. Even in us.
It is my faith in the universe that is not.

I’m so scared:
what if i lose you again?
I can’t lose you again.

I want you in my life.
please don’t leave.
please don't shut me out again.

Let me fight for you.
See that I am here for you.
I’m not going anywhere.
I’m here to stay.

Please, baby, don’t go.
269 · Jul 2014
Gloria Jul 2014
I will not go

I love you
And you love me.

Love means that sometimes you do crazy things.

And, baby, you are my crazy.
Let me help you with yours.
Let us be crazy together.

Help me help you, baby.
Please I beg of you.
I beg you to stay,
         To not leave,
         To take it all back,
         To fight for us,
         To fight for love, our love.

Don't go.
235 · Jan 2014
Gloria Jan 2014
Sometimes I sit here and wonder:
"Am I your she?
Or am I just her stand-in?"

Could it be true?
Could it be that you're here to stay?
Could it be that I'm here to stay
with you?

— The End —