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437 · Feb 2015
Hello Poetry ClaSICK
Love life
Pain and sad
Depressive heart
Your death thoughts hurt

Ah! It's a brilliant poem
Epic daily
And it's a great poem sir,
It's a classic

Yes! A ClaSICK
This is what I feel sometimes when I see the main page of HP. That's why I sometimes don't even check it

Btw, Where is Raj Arumugam? He must come out of his sabbatical to light things up :D
432 · Mar 2018
Tears of pure emotion
Tears of Pure Emotion

Tears of pure emotion rolled over his cheeks
Taking out the lava of pain down onto the earth
His revival now solely depends upon the way
He manages to carry on in the aftermath
Of the eruption of the volcano, called emotion

You're not here with me doesn't
Necessarily mean
You're not with me
I know you're always with me
Whether it is here
Or somewhere else.

Death separated
Our bodies
Not the spirits, the hearts
Your existence
In the space-time
Once or thence

I'll lead my life
Till the end
In the name of the best within Us
430 · Jan 2014
Eyeful of tears
Mindful of fears
Are the only arrears
She left

That depressed soul
Created a big hole
By leaving her role
In poetry

That decomposed smile
Melted me for a while
I traveled many a mile
For her
Sylvia Plath
430 · Feb 2015
Haiku - 56
The Sun's coming up
Through Eastern hills, a red ball
A new beginning
426 · Jan 2014
Alphaboetry - Poem E
An object is not evil you know?
The root of all evils is money
Aha! Who can live without it?
No one can. Evil, it's in your mind
Not in that lifeless object Money
Trying my hand at it, creating Alphabet with my words. Here it is E. Let me see if I can do with  rest of the letters :-)
421 · Jun 2016
Haiku - 59
Starless Night pitch black
Not a single photon of
Light, but there's hope. Yes
419 · Apr 2014
Elizabeth Squires
She writes beautiful poetry
Experiments with form and content

Many styles, many ideas
Some vivid, few abstract
but none mediocre

She's the Queen of Haikus
Scored a century recently

And I thank, I had learnt Haikus from her
One of the first persons that I followed here, and learnt about many forms of poetry reading her beautiful poems. Wish to thank the good friend, teacher :-)
Her brilliance was bordering on genius
In reality it's beyond genius
Some called it madness
Some called it sheer divinity
Very few people knew it's exactness.

But whatever others may think
One thing is certain
She was
The Girl Born In The Garden of Roses
A random thought
415 · Oct 2016
Haiku - 62
Sky in velvet night
Lit up by milky Moon bright
Polka Stars twinkling
414 · Nov 2017
Colours of Life

The grey began to fade,
As the colours filled the sky,
The chill began to warm,
As the sun began to rise.
412 · Feb 2014
Closed interval
Life = [birth, death]

Life is a
Closed  interval of
Birth and death

Yes, it is
bounded by those
But there are
always infinite possibilities
For Ayn Rand
409 · Feb 2018
Light of Love
Love is composed of light
It lights up the souls
It removes darkness
When darkness disappears
You can see the right path
403 · Mar 2014
I suffered from severe Migraine attacks. I experience bouts that I cannot differentiate what's what. I have no one to back me up when needed, people think that I'm crazy for many things and not many believe in my ability. Few friends left me for what is not my conscious mistake, and few more just keep me aside. My failures always outnumbered my successes. And frankly I have no single person to rely upon in my toughest times (of course few helped me out and I'm always thankful). 

But I always keep going. 
I work a way around when needed. 
I conquered Migraine, minimised dyslexic effects. 
I never appear pathetic. 
Most of the day I laugh/smile. 

I never (majority of days) feel tired at the end of the day, and carry the same energy levels all through the day. How? 

My biggest ally is my integrity, and my best friend is HOPE. HOPE, my friends, it's my best friend.
It's not a poem
399 · Apr 2014
Haiku 34
Leave away what you
don't deserve and then you will
left with peace of mind
Eyeful of tears
Mindful of fears
Are the only arrears
She left

That depressed soul
Created a big hole
By leaving her role
In poetry

That decomposed smile
Melted me for a while
I traveled many a mile
For her
Republishing my old poem again after reading WL Winter's poem on Plath.

One of my favourite poets
391 · Oct 2013
Haiku 6
An old man on a footpath
Wheeled around people
Peeked at their children
390 · May 2014
Good sense
I think
Good sense is shown
More in the ability
To avoid pain
In the mere
Desire to do so
385 · Nov 2014
The Classic (Horror)
You dumb
Don't know how to do this?

You fool
Don't know what it is?

You *******
You don't know anything
Waste of a life

I wondered if
I'm good for at least eating.

He's your master
And THAT is his masterpiece
What have you got to show?
Go to him again.
Wait till he ratify you
My father brainwashed

Determined, I went back to the sir
I want to have my masterpiece

And soon I did have
My masterpiece
Not one.
Not two.
But many.


Since then
My master wasn't seen
By none

Any doubts?
Halloween special.  But a little bit late. Dedicated to our Raj Arumugam sir :-)
384 · Dec 2013
Tears of Pure Emotion
Tears of pure emotion rolled over his cheeks
Taking out the lava of pain down onto the earth
His revival now solely depends upon the way
He manages to carry on in the aftermath
Of the eruption of the volcano, called emotion

You're not here with me doesn't
Necessarily mean
You're not with me
I know you're always with me
Whether it is here
Or somewhere else.

Death separated
Our bodies
Not the spirits, the hearts
Your existence
In the space-time
Once or thence

I'll lead my life
Till the end
In the name of the best within Us
Kodfather was a young adult
At the time this story begins

He went to a tea shop
with one of his followers

Started debate
with few of the fellow
and was virtually

Impressed with his oratory skills
One man asked
How old are you Kod?

Dunno sir
But one thing
My mother said once
When my sister was born
"You are three years older than her Pizzie"
For she loves pizza

Thirteen years passed since
So I must be
Sixteen years older than her
To know more about the Kodfather and his sister, Rose, check here
378 · Feb 2014
My Family (50th poem)
Sky is my friend
I can expand beyond horizons

Ocean is my grandfather
I can play in (over) his lap

Sun is my father
I can be brighter than his shine

Rain is my beloved
I'll romance with her

The nature is my mother
I can create wonders
Goddess Lakshmi is treated as mother in our culture. She is said to be originated from the ocean of milk, the Ksheera Sagara. Hence Ocean is my grandfather ;-)
375 · Oct 2013
Haiku - 2
As a leader
He saw things but ignored
For political mileage
370 · Oct 2016
Haiku - 67
Long road to travel
Keeping an eye on the goal
It's easy, let us start
355 · Dec 2014
And then she said
Don't wait
The sight of your heart is me
353 · Jul 2014
Man, Woman and Love
Man know what love is,
But don't know how to express it.
(But) woman don't know what love is,
But can express it superlatively
- Stefania Schmidt

She's my PhD guide, and she says it's the basic difference between a man and a woman. This poem is made out of her statement

As it is taken as a generalized/universal thing, usual grammar is not used
352 · Dec 2013
Haiku 14
Julius Caesar
Stabbed by his friend alas
Said, "You too Brutus"
338 · Sep 2018
The right
A fight
For the right
Without flight
See the number of meanings it conveys
332 · Oct 2014
Eyes are mine
Tears are mine
The finger is mine

And yes, optimism is a mine
As you dig
So you get

The gold
332 · Sep 2014
Do we need a dovecote, eh?
The thing
The thinger
The thingest

The greatest poet I don't know
Endha parandha endha SaaTa?

Poetry is what keeps souls happy. Why making alters and fight over petty things? If someone sees your poem, they may love it. If not, it's not their wavelength. What's the problem if someone doesn't love your poem?
328 · Jul 2018
And then she said
Don't wait
The sight of your heart is me
328 · Aug 2013
Haiku - 1
An aging man
His image unsteady
In flowing stream
326 · Aug 2013
A man left to be
Becomes a fountainhead
312 · Apr 2014
I am not confined to
Any one language.
I use the language
Which is apt at that time
To give fuller meaning to
What I want to say
311 · Oct 2016
Haiku - 61
The image depicts
a woman moaning in a
passionate embrace.
309 · Oct 2017
Wasted Lives
Wasted Lives
Swamy Downey Vs SIRI - V

After great war
Comes great peace
In her
Intellectual musings

Agreed Swamy Downey
Not piece
But pieces
Of many
Of wasted lives
308 · Jan 2015
Man seeks
Power over matter

He doesn't seek
Power over his self

That's where people
Like me

We rule those
Mob masses
The Kodfather is the anti-thesis of Swamy Downey
300 · Oct 2016
Haiku - 66
His love for her is
As thick as his blood and pure
For they are siblings
Two missing haiku's are from different series. Will post them later
298 · Oct 2013
Haiku - 4
A raging bull
Its target unsteady
Rest is a tragedy
296 · Jan 2014
Haiku 21
The idea of
solving a mystery seems
almost Holmesian
To Sherlock Holmes, and Robert Downey Jr.
289 · Jun 2018
I am
I'm a collection of solitudes
A silence derived from
the summation of all languages
281 · Oct 2014
Beautiful verse


278 · Jan 2014
Haiku - 20
Don't wear your heart
     On your sleeve. It's not good.
Opens gates of hell
259 · Jan 2014
Haiku 24
And in the middle
Of the writing I understood
It's for me, my life
258 · Mar 2014
Sp'ring' ;-)
The spring in your steps
And the spring in nature
Playing a match
That let me have a catch
Of a bit of happiness
In all my loneliness

In all my loneliness
This weather makes me
Light as a feather
Dreaming us together
I am told it's spring in most of the US
252 · Jan 2014
Haiku - 26
A wave of thoughts rolled
in my mind and tumbled to
the tip of my pen
250 · Jul 2014
Haiku 44
With eyes, two hearts formed a bond
It's love, a bit more
248 · Oct 2014
Haiku 48
As dawn broke I slept
Working all night over it
the story I write
247 · Oct 2020
Pea(ie)ce (Haiku 84)
The dawn red as blood
Violence all over the field
Fight for peace they say
246 · Jan 2014
Haiku - 27
The truth went away
And what you are left with now?
Perpetual lie
239 · Sep 2014
No Excuse (10 W)
Making excuses
Is a
Bad sign
In a new relationship
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