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 Apr 2015 Girian Kruben
Hands shaking
Mind racing
Thoughts clouded
The room loudens
I cant breathe
I cant see
Hello my names Anxiety
 Apr 2015 Girian Kruben
 Apr 2015 Girian Kruben
"It's been a few hours," you said,
"I feel fine."
But the crash didn't take your life,
It took mine.
Well mine and some others,
A family of four.
As the bumpers collided,
The windshield became my door.
While I take my last breaths,
On this pavement death bed,
I watch you get out of the car,
Walking, crying, shaking your head.
Four bubbling drinks,
Took five important lives.
I can only hope the next time you take a sip,
Those bubbles stab at your memory like knives.
 Apr 2015 Girian Kruben
Don't approach a dog unknown to you
Holding out your hand, making eye contact
You may frighten him
Let him come to you

Don't write a poem uninspired
It won't work out
In good time
Let it come to you

Don't go out there seeking love
Like a child with a butterfly net
Live your life
Let it come to you
I use my eyes to see
As anyone else would
I see the colors all around me and the faces of those I love
I love my eyes for they let me see things some can't
Like the expression on your face when you make a mistake
Or the rare smile that you hide
But now my eyes are tired
Dark circles surround them
And my vision is slowly getting duller
The world seems to be turning into a monochrome mess
I couldn't even tell when the red under your eyes
Had turned to the same black as mine
 Apr 2015 Girian Kruben
You call me a fire,
I call you air.

You say I'm always the light in the darkness,
I say you're the one who keeps me burning.

You told me how fast I stole your heart,
I told you you always had mine.

You hug me when your cold,
I hug you when I needed you.

You carry me when I fell,
I watched you fly.

You taught me how to love,
I held you to the ground.

You tell me I burn all I touch,
I asked if you were burned.

You laugh at my antics,
I cry at all your wounds.

You tell me you love me,
I tell you, we'll always be the best of friends.
 Apr 2015 Girian Kruben
what is music to heart
an enchanting embrace that gives birth to feelings
or an incredulous cure to all the maladies of life
or a comforting smile that breaks the chains of pessimism
or walking, talking, living poetry
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