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She calls you in the middle of the night
Her voice as sharp as knives
And she says she wants to die
Not to **** herself
Only she doesn't want to be alive
No one knows better than you
Poetry challenge: acrostic using your name
i called you,
and when you came
i wanted you to go away
With love as infinite
And boundless as the sea
He gave his last kiss to the shoreline
And drifted away from me

But the tide will do as the tide does
With serenity and calmness
In all that he was

Though his footprints have been washed from the sand
Do not cry, rest easy now
He's in Gods hands

He is in every rising wave
Every sea gulls cry
In every day we are brave
And in every breath the wind sighs

A wise father
A gentle brother
Returned again to the sand and water

Because what The Deep gives
It must one day take
But do not be afraid
Just know
When the currents pull
They are pulling you home
 Jan 2015 ghost dad
circus clown
i am sitting on my back porch with you
more satisfied from your presence than
the nicotine between our fingers, and i'm
holding back laughter to hear yours first
because it's cold out and the sound of it
puts the warmth back into the air and
i can breathe again.

until your leg brushes against mine
then pulls back faster than i could notice
it was even there in the first place

the space between our bodies is a purgatory
 Jan 2015 ghost dad
 Jan 2015 ghost dad
You make me feel like I don't matter.
And that.
 Dec 2014 ghost dad
Heather Elise
You’re the meteor shower I stay awake all night for.
my love you are made of so many stars
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