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She looked at her blades,
Than looked at her wrist...
She missed that feeling,
But her scars were healing.
She wanted to stay strong,
But i's  been so long...
She put the blade on her wrist,
And than made her hands into a fists...
She dropped the blade,
And began to cry..
She couldn't believe how long it's been,
Since she felt those blades cutting her self.....
She should be so proud,
But voices in her head got so loud...
She sat there in pain,
Because she knew she was  going insane!!!
3rd poem  hope u like  it :)
Something I always do in Summer
Is just sit beneath my tree
Yes, my tree
Because it's about a 3 kilometer walk along a deer path
Anyway sit under that spruce with its shade giving branches
And you enter another world
The heady aroma of pine resin fills the air
Squirrels chatter in contentment over my head
I watch insects unknown to me
Walk the aerial ways
Ants in synchronized dance
The bark cracks do invade
Even in a gentle rain Mollie and I can share this space
Just sit and crack open another beer
And live for another day
No noise but natures noise
No rancid petrol or diesel fumes
Just the smell of mole turned soil
The sound of natures tunes
You know I love to sit in these lonely places
Mollie at my feet
Sit here with a pen and pad
In this special place where I and nature meet
I come here to sit and write sometimes just to think
But all to often when I leave
The pad is shy of ink
You see most of the time I'm quite content
To sit in filtered sun
Most of all I'm so elated
When I join with nature
When nature and I merge as one
Although life makes me overburdened with                                                          A lot of loads of pains and a lot of sufferings,but                                                   I will not give up at all ...                                                                                          Always those one-thousand of miles of my long trip                                            Start difficult ,but                                                                                                     Everything will be better and wonderful ...                                                            Although people bother from all sides,but                                                             My faith in God will not let kneel down to anyone                                               Except to the Al-Mighty God anytime ...                                                                 I know that way is Very long in life ,but                                                                                            I will struggle to suppress all those bad factors                                                 That will let bend down anytime ...                                                                    I am not that one who easily kneels down to circumstances,but                     I will stand up facing life with bravery of a fighter                                           Who looks for that good way in life ...                                                               I never give up and                                                                                              I will not give up                                                                                                  Simply because I have my own persistence and                                               I have my insistence on my continuation in life                                                Till the end ...........
Love was the lone window lit in that long wintry night
the vivid book that kept talking even  in sleep, evoked dreams
when he slipped in to the deep pit of dark blind abyss
love was the rope ladder to the rainbow bridge of hope
she frequented, but won't recognize his presence for a while.

love compelled him to compose songs that would stop
the flow of tears, his eyes were never dry even when slept,
it was the stone wall that shielded him from the fire of misery
the rain that came down in torrents when his broken heart
was parched dry in a cruel spell of drought that seemed endless.

Alone on the shore, washed by waves he heard those whispers
love speaking to his psyche, in a comforting tone, reminding mom,
gently love took him by his hand,led him through the rocky path
sharp thorns and rocks wounded him, gathering nightmares
chased and haunted him; love came along in many disguises
and comforted him,chanted potent mantras of endurance, gave hope
love was both the charioteer and messenger, true redeemer
<3 <3 <3

After I lost you once
In the dark  folds of life,
Suddenly you are back,
Here in my open palm.
I am never, never tired
To see how your rays glow,
Day after day always amazed
How much in my heart your grow,
How high its pulses you've raised.
You are a Jewel,
For whom so many times I fell.
Now let us shine together,
If you wish, one day and forever.

<3 <3 <3
I want to write a happy poem
With smile from ear to ear
the sort that makes your cheeks hurt
Usually caused by some one dear.

A poem that makes;
The Butterflies fly
and your tummy somersault
Eutrophia making you high.

Using words to melt hearts
Instead of tearing them apart.
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