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 May 2014 Franny
first last
 May 2014 Franny
first last
And with a tear streaked face
and a pain plagued heart,
she got up
and carried on.
 May 2014 Franny
i had the chance to kiss you
I know that if i did you would continue kissing me
we had the chance to kiss eachother
I know that it would be an amazing kiss
I'm dreaming about it last two months
I look in your lips all the time
I can just imagine their taste
I can just imagine how you're kissing me
And i had the chance to kiss you
But maybe i was afraid.
 May 2014 Franny
 May 2014 Franny
I sometimes look back
And reminisce on the days of 'us'
When your eyes weren't as cold
When you still cared

But then I look closely
And realization washes over me--
I was fooling myself all along
Because really, you never cared at all
That's just the way it goes
 May 2014 Franny
They're going to tell you to not get involved,
they're gonna say it's not your place,
but when you know something is right,
you're going to fight for it with all your might.
No matter what happens,
no matter what they say,
you're going to stick up for what's right
and Fight Fight Fight

this is more of a quote but i decided to share it

 May 2014 Franny
The Hero
 May 2014 Franny
I want to convince you
that you are loved
I want to cover your body with a million kisses
as if that
would shield you from all the pain
all the sorrow
I will hold you and give you
my heat, until, you discover
the warmth of your own heart
until you discover the beauty
of your mind
of your body
of your soul
of your time
(not every hero wears tights,
you’re just lucky that way)
 May 2014 Franny
Victoria Ruth
For you I was a chapter
A part of your life so brief,
You had no idea you stole
My heart so quickly like a thief

For me you were the book
I kept turning page by page
Never even imagining
By the end you’d disengage

Each sentence I read was delicate
Like a sweet melody of words
You and I were free to fly
As free as two blue birds

I thought the book would
Never end, and go on forever
But you shut the book tightly
And now my heart is severed.

You left me all alone
With just the pages to mend
Together my broken heart
Why oh why did it have to end?
he was my most treasured book
but now
blood and tears stain
the remaining pages

— The End —