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 Jul 2016 frankie
Jazzelle Monae
Do you remember?
I destroyed you
Do you remeber?
I cheated
I lied
I cut
And I tried
Do you remeber?
So don't come back now
There's no way no how
Do you remeber?
Our fights
Our anger
Our pain
The danger
Do you remeber?
You destroyed me
Do you remember?
You manipulated
You lied
You left
Never tried
Do you remember?
Why did we do that
Do you remember?
After the kissing
The missing
The loving
I'm reminiscing
Do you remember?
Your lips
My hands
Our plans
Do you remember?
Like glass
One thousand feet high
Our bodies touching the sky
Do you remeber?
We were happy
So happy
In love
Do you remember?
But we can't live back there
In the past
Do you remember?
The future
Do you remember?
I loved you once
Do you remember?
Can we love love again?
Do you remember?
I won't get my hopes up
Because I remember.
2016 © Jazzelle Monae
 Jul 2016 frankie
 Jul 2016 frankie
I am not an ex lover

you can’t remember the name of

I am the ghost of a mistake

you can’t quite shake the shame of
 Jul 2016 frankie
 Jul 2016 frankie
It seems like an indention

A dent in my life
Like a truck
Was too late to pull to a stop
And there was nothing to do but drop
And lie flat
Let it flatten me
So I can never get up

It hit and left a mark
An imperfection
They say
A decision
They say
It's not
But it's hard to argue
When everyone's talking over you

So just come and commentate on
My descent into sadness
What's the difference?
It's not going to make people understand better

Come, let's just wait
For the perfect moment
       the perfect torment
When voices like mine
Start screaming in minds like mine
        Varying speculations
        on what's wrong with me
                    wrong in me
                    wrong and me

Help me ready the hearse
To bury this curse
Once and for all
Though everyone hoped I didn't have to come along
I kept hearing that it was a choice
It didn't feel like it was
       So I thought I was missing out
But now it's all good no doubt
Because I get to use the coffin I myself picked out.
 Jul 2016 frankie
Stu Harley
green fog
bright swords
find eternal peace
 Jul 2016 frankie
All the sun has gone
away for this brief span of time
Lost in a coffee cup
Why must we cary on,
Why are we told to be strong,
Why do we fight if it a war,
i win each battle,
but i've lost the war.

How can i fight,
when i have no power,
How can i be the one,
Why must i be the one to fight,
When all i want to do is leave,

Why do we have friends,
when they are bound to give in,
Why do we bother,
fighting in the southern wind,
Why, Why must we?

— The End —