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A platter of black plastic
Spinning circles at a speed
That fill the air with music
The inspiration that I need

I close my eyes and listen
To every hiss and pop
I keep the arm retracted
So the music doesn't stop

The little worn out player
With the sweet distorted sound
Takes me back to being younger
It's where memories are found

It's magic made of plastic
Spinning out musical streams
That box that pops and crackles
And fills my vinyl dreams
Should a primitive tribe be civilized?
Are we civilized or savage?

Leave them the aborigines to their home
in peace
their abode in the depth of forest.

But where's their abode?
we cut the jungle and made road
where would their babies be born?
in the smoke of engines blaring of horns
so hard for them to birth
on the dwindling patch of their earth
our Paleolithic ancestors' living fossils
who with iron will
fought bullets with bows and arrows
now falling by the bullies of progress
begging for last living space.

Leave them the way they lived so long
unspoiled with their own education and culture
let them retain their own way of life
and not make them civilized the way we are.
Jarawas, an indigenous tribe of the Andaman Islands, India.
Their population restricted to Middle Andaman is estimated to be around 400.
Encroachment in the name of progress in their core area has made them vulnerable and endangered.
This write is based on my experience while working in the Middle Andaman.
With my companions,
Depression and Nightmares, I
Am never alone.
September 20, 2016
When my day is feeling gray
And my mind is in disarray
I look outside
Only to find
A blue butterfly
Fluttering through the sky

When I saw the blue
Of its wings as it flew
It brought a smile to my face
As its wings flap with grace
It brings happiness in its wake
And many friends does it make*
For my friend Kirashma, who is always so kind and friendly and always makes people happy just like the blue butterfly.
Tree, I have come to shelter and with the rain to weep
I am soaked, barefoot with mud running through.
Soft the moss, cool and cold
to soothe my heart that bleeds.
Our waxing nights of love and moons
now fallow, a field that burns.
****** our hollow bed
of haunting, silent screams
too soon the fiery devil
too far my lover
the spring.
Dear beautiful people thank you for reading my poem, and thank you too, for your kind words.

insight into the deepest and darkest corners of the mind
necessary to know one's true inner working
people who once seemed all the same now appear one of a kind
discover the hidden parts of yourself that are are always lurking
poetry is the best way to truly know someone you'll ever find
I think mainstream love is overrated
It's over played and over used
There's more broken hearts and pieces
Than there is bandages to fix them
People think love to be too limited
"You must love me and ONLY me"
Well that's why we could never work.
Why can't you just have the queens quarters of my heart
A Kingdom can't lead one person
I believe too deeply in Agape Love
Unconditional and Unselfish Love.
Love that doesn't have to be physical
Love that isn't even tangible
Its just understanding the heart of another
I understand too many it seems
My type of love is taboo to my peers
Unconventional and Wrong
But the only form of Love I've been able to agree with
So if you disagree please stop loving me
But know that I will always love you
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