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You say we're not meant to be,
But how can that be possible,
When my most vivid dreams
Are of you?
And I don't even need
A sleeping pill
To make it happen,
But every other night,
I'm lucky to see even a blur
With three tablets in my stomach.
 Sep 2016 Finley in Despair
Child of mine please know

All things have a season

All things have a time

If stars can fall, then crash and burn

Humans fight and fail to learn

Then time has nought to teach

The blind will never learn to see

And the deaf will fail to hear

Even mighty rivers run dry

And seas can also die


my heart stopped beating

But time has taught me this...

Love is where you find it

Follow joy wherever you can

Hope can spring eternal

Fellowship remains in man
 Sep 2016 Finley in Despair
I could have fought harder
but at the back of my mind
I always knew

that even if I win all the battles
I would lose the war

because the things
I believed that are meant for me
are exactly the things
that would never be mine
:) ripf
Edward Hopper Painting

Badly lit street, through a partly steamed up
café window I can see an Edward Hopper
a man dressed in a brown suit and hat which
he keeps on while eating fries and drinking
black coffee, trying to slow down time.

Wears his underwear too long, doesn’t
change beddings for months, his depressing
rooms are unaired and a smell of loneliness;
middle aged and divorced he just exists, and
has a loser’s look of unspoken despair.
a beautiful child
grows up
a broken adult
looking for love
in all
the wrong places
still scared
still shaking
ceaselessly filling
an empty
but the wind is so strong
and the trees are so bent
that they make me think that I'm sideways.
sometimes you do that to me too
because your love is so strong
and your words are so bent.
i've never liked being sideways.

shadows shed by moonlight
through the plants entwined
creating their own patterns
weaving their designs

blues and purples shimmering
the subtle shades of grey
the lovely dearth of color
unmatched by light of day!

they create a tapestry
of mystery on their looms
the woof and warp of dreamers

the shadows of the moon


(C) 9/11/2016
I had a lovely time reading tonight. I wish I could read longer... My time is so limited and precious! I want to read you all! But it is almost midnight here, and I must be going to sleep soon.

Wherever you are in the world!

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