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 Oct 2014 farahD
 Oct 2014 farahD
He said *come on
let's drink some more
get out of this place
and watch our feet sore
we'll be young and reckless
i'll bring you into this mess
but i promise,
baby, i promise
that tonight will be your best
these memories follow me around
 Oct 2014 farahD
Joseph Schneider
Don't allow yourself to feel "dumb" or "stupid" based on your inability to achieve something you care little about.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
Evolved under the harvest wall
dressed in clothes before they disintegrate as they fall
with bullets and tears so deep nothing left to control
students on the midnight fall of the law.....

We are the Students, ... .behind this midnight wall
such bitterness comes from one and from all
what have we here is pleading from Peter and Paul
As they wrote their Poems no less as they saw...

Splashed into this world
the wall will not get them down
the wall will not ring or bring as they are bound
this train will not stop for the lying man they swear....

We don't need no education... just rock and roll
We don't need no more thought control
We are the boys on the wall
not bowing down as the curtain falls ..oh yes, let us have a ball.....

Teachers, Leave those kids alone
hey people bring those students... where they belong
all and in all, you can get them on the phone
Oh yes, there is another brick in the wall.... Please, Let it be known...

Debbie Brooks...2014
I love Pink Floyd but this is a hard song to write from..
Okay I tried.. Blessings.. it was fun trying
 Oct 2014 farahD
Have we forgotten how to care
And how to give a ****
Our people go without
There's hunger in our land

The haves have excessively much
And hold on to it tight
The have-nots have so little
That they can’t afford to fight

The winds of change are blowing cold
On humanity's naked face
We just blew 800 billion dollars
To bail out problematic banks

Watch as children starve
A lack of interest takes the stage
Women still lack equality
Another black man killed today

But we can't afford such mercy
'Cause were financing another war
Have we forgotten how to care
And what this life is for?
 Oct 2014 farahD
Jessica Steepy
I want to cry
And fall apart
But I must be a brave soldier
And silence my heart
 Oct 2014 farahD
Joshua Haines
 Oct 2014 farahD
Joshua Haines
Hard to miss, you can take me home.
I'd rather be anyone than to be alone.
Marlboro-stained teeth
have my lips controlled.
Don't mistake the chemicals
for our souls.

I move with the waters inside your ribcage.
Because when I drown in you,
it's the perfect place.

Softly, please, taking off our clothes:
I can see the kisses that have left holes.
You've been acid-washed
by love that wasn't stronger.
Take off your armor,
so you can stay here longer.

Your face is as cold
as the place I found you in.
You can let go of the hurt
trapped beneath your skin.

I keep warm in your fire that beats fast.
To be alone with you, it to be, at last.

Hard to miss, I will take you home.
You can be anyone, rather than be alone.
Remove your shoes, but not your heart.
You can stay here, as our world falls apart.
 Oct 2014 farahD
Poetic T
Testaments wrote in language
Of old
To put hair on your chest,
"But accidents can happen"
Never sniff the jar full of mystery
Or you'll nose about it for weeks,
Upon it, styles just to hide the sight
Its growing from your nose in fact,
Do you like my
As you
And then the secrets are out,
Mischief with papers of old  
Noses shouldn't go
"Where noses shouldn't go"
Are for professionals, not those
"Nosy individuals"
Who should put things
Where they should nose they shouldn't go..
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