have you once
thought about
whether or not
moths ever feel
of getting burned
by the light
they always
and forever
long to chase?
don't you think
they stop
for even a second
to deliberate
about it?
or maybe
to them
and their short life
it was worth it?
did you consider
that maybe
it's why the have
such short lifespans?
perhaps in the lenses of
miniscule eyes
of ephemeral dismal colors
in this infinite world
the warmth
of flames
are all they live for?
i don't know...
maybe that's why
we humans live longer?
or at least some of us
have the mind enough
to say that
"this is the
"i'll ever be'
"to the sun"
before we all turn into ashes.
hey icarus, if you had the chance to conquer the skies knowing you might melt your wings forever, would you even try to soar?