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 Nov 2016 Wi
Always Remember
 Nov 2016 Wi
Always remember to love.
Love with every fiber of your being
And with no regrets.
Let your walls down
And accept the happiness
That you deserve,
And always know
That you are worthy of love.

Always remember to never hold back.
Your feelings are valid
So speak your mind
And don’t worry about what others think.
Accept who you are
And don’t ever let anyone change
The way you think or feel
Because it makes you
The unique person that you are.

Always remember to trust yourself,
Because you are the only one
That will always have your back.
People will come and go
So don’t be numb and cold
But be cautious
About who you open up to.

Always remember to never give yourself away.
The one’s you care for
Are capable of leaving
No matter how hard you try
And how much of yourself you give.
Giving someone your all
Makes you vulnerable
And easy to break
Like a sheet of thin glass
And people will take advantage.

Always remember to be spontaneous.
Dance in the rain
And sing until your lungs give out
Embrace your inner child
And live in the moment.
You are never too old for adventure
And life is too short
To dwell on the past.

Always remember to be passionate.
Stay motivated
No matter how stressful it may get
Because it will be worth it in the end
If you love what you are doing.
And never stop working
Until you have given your all
And reached your goal.

Always remember to fight through the pain.
No matter how hard it gets
Don’t give up.
When it feels like you are drowning
Learn how to swim.
This is only a small chapter
In your life
So turn the page
And start fresh.  

Always remember to live like there’s no tomorrow
Because you never know if there will be.

Future you
 Nov 2016 Wi
 Nov 2016 Wi
To, the love of my life.

Last night I sat outside in the corridor. The place where the two buildings met, where there was a cold wind blowing.
I shivered, but it was a good kind of shiver, you know? The one you would gladly take, because along with it came absolute peace. The knowledge that everyone was asleep, and you had the night to yourself.

The buildings with the lights still on looked like stars, and reminded me of pablo neruda's poetry, you know "tonight I can write the saddest lines"?.
But no sad lines would come to me tonight, I was at peace.
I could have cried and laughed and danced and there would have been no one to see, no one to hear. The phrase 'dance like nobody's watching' would have applied well, because nobody, was watching.

So why? When I was revelling in this silent night, did I think of you?
Why did I wish you were here.
Granted, I was happy on my own.
So why did I think you to hold me in your arms?
Why did I want to hear your voice?
Why did I want you to watch me dance?

Why did I want to break this godly silence?

I would rather be here with you.
 Nov 2016 Wi
Just Melz
 Nov 2016 Wi
Just Melz
Throughout this soundtrack that I call my life,
       your heart is the beat,
          your voice is the lyrics,
   your soul is the slow and steady rhythm,
             your kisses are the chorus
       and your face is the album art.
Without you,
  I would never hear music the same again.
 Nov 2016 Wi
See The Rain
 Nov 2016 Wi
Some days I wish to soak the earth,
Some days I wish to return to the simple mindedness of the dirt,
To a time when I knew less about me,
And more about how I wished to improve.
When I see the rain, such as it is, I think of this,
And afterwards I think of you.
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