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Jun 2023 · 126
Facia Overkill Jun 2023
i dreamt you took me to a gallery
contemporary and bizarre
what i imagine the insides of the capillaries of dali’s brain to be
we didnt speak a word
everything felt sturdy and well crafted
my dress was seamed well and your shoes shined
our legs half-evaporate as we stroll
ever so eager
puzzling looks at unfamiliar shapes
we admire the work
and then we leave
silence; still
mouths shut
locked and sealed and we shake the keys
the hands of the clock dance for a while
my thick moustache grows as we swallow Guinness
and then it happens
ever so eager
admiring looks at familiar shapes
we puzzle the work
and then we come
Mar 2023 · 154
femme fatality
Facia Overkill Mar 2023
why do i glide serum through my hair
stare into the mirror in my makeup chair
i need advice and a vice
being a woman does not suffice
a keen yearn to please
must i get down on knees?
swamped in a somber guilt
i lack will, i wilt
Mar 2023 · 140
The Love I Keep In A Jar
Facia Overkill Mar 2023
O! how life could be so kind
to lie awake with You
threshold open, mellow birdsong whilst the trees unwind
reflection shows a colour of bristol blue
like glassware or a spectical- like yourself
formed, sculpt, handcrafted with purpose
place thou on a mantlepiece or centrepiece shelf
Facia Overkill Jan 2022
i had a dream
i was rich and known
a nightmare at first it seems
everybody knew who i was and who id been
tabloids of my face and all my disgrace
they see me how i see myself, but worse?
with my earnings in this dream i built a wall
a palace never ending to the sky
and i sat there away from it all
me and john
and we rot away in this new place we built
its home
Facia Overkill Dec 2021
familiarity takes its grip in december again
we can meet again im sure of it
im walking and running whilst chained to a thin mattress
ive been here before with a different shade of glass
the same lack of blood and a new longing for you
i wish for difference and you wish for life
some things never change
Nov 2021 · 151
In Front Of The Telly
Facia Overkill Nov 2021
So soft and gentle
You’re ******
Wrapped in cottons and covered in hair
You mildly look to me
Crimson, Scarlet, Ruby,
I pick my nose of crystals
And absorb to one
Oct 2021 · 179
Facia Overkill Oct 2021
bottled water replicates you as i lie in a empty double
i tell myself i dont need to feel the touch of those blistered fingers
who have they touched
you got your escape
and ill always get mine
Aug 2021 · 169
Bethnal Green
Facia Overkill Aug 2021
Lymm, limerick, limerence
nine top ***** of salmon- one dropped, still remained.
I'm curling my spine in pain
Isabella shifts into action- double entendre
Happy birthday to me
Thank you for the bubble and tea James
Telephoning, beeping, buzzing and dialling
Can’t catch me babes, i’m on the tube
She said she doesn't remember a thing but
My number is in the emails if you so need it
Aug 2021 · 122
Facia Overkill Aug 2021
you get into your car and you go
you leave but youre never gone
your sweat on my pajama sleeve or
in the trees of my bedside window or
leaking out of me
you stay beside me and i love you
Facia Overkill Jul 2021
i keep to the left hand side of the bath
i leave room for you
i dont know if im saving it for you, or if you dont exist
youre space is here with me
i hope youre alive
but your presence in my head is enough
we werent meant to be together i think
but i long for you
Facia Overkill Jul 2021
toes first i dip into jealousy
flickering lights taunt me as i show no peace
drowning everything but myself
i wish i could drown
i can still taste you on myself but
not for long
youre gone again and im back again
May 2021 · 112
woodhouse moor
Facia Overkill May 2021
A Premature Soul
As I cry out
My merlot washes through the drainpipes
Is comfort ever possible?
£30 richer- nevermind.
I’m waiting for you at the staircase for you- again.
Circular motions
Circular motions
Thick and Wide and the flattened lilac flowers in our kitchen
Im Yearning
Nov 2020 · 130
Facia Overkill Nov 2020
stuff your fingers inside of me
our lips tangled and my hips rule over me
everything happens to quickly
my ******* sit on your chest
lust like honey once again
Facia Overkill Apr 2020
to be yours or to even to be your mistress
lingering in my mind like an awful smell
gone off dairy on my bedroom window sill
in my dreams ill follow you i promise
im searching the streets of london town
falling on cobblestones and scrapping my knees
i seem to find everyone but you
i just want you to breathe me and
completely consume me
throw out my core into the thames and leave me there
wrap me in your trench and discard of me
as long as im wearing you
Apr 2020 · 152
isolation romance
Facia Overkill Apr 2020
alice into wonderland
this pill makes him larger
your entirety enthralling to me
completely nailed to grey matter
this pill makes me small
wishing to be each article of clothing of yours
everything infiltrating me i call by your name
singing to you solely in moans
i fall in love to easily !
Nov 2019 · 352
Facia Overkill Nov 2019
do you think of me

sprawled on top of you

ridden of purity

deep rooted insticts

no act of seduction

pure lust

true love

heart shaped entrance

for this moan is lone
Nov 2019 · 144
Facia Overkill Nov 2019
shattered smaller and smaller

fine like pollen

jump from your mothers roof babe

and i will too

i wish youd leave me alone

i wish you would just *******

turn up on my door step

sever myself and sever you too

drawing lines on my eyelids and my thighs

are these pills making me better or worse?

severed again and sever forever
Facia Overkill Oct 2019
it was the 22nd of october
smoking outside of your dads house when it started
you started to leave me
i could feel you
you were digging your hands into me
trying to stay
burning me with lighters and cutting me with nails
if i could i would scoop you up and push you back inside of me
you are dead now and i think i am too
another old one
Oct 2019 · 185
Facia Overkill Oct 2019
my fingers pushed inside myself

i can almost swear i feel your hair on my neck

to hear your reciprocated love

feel your lips entwine into me

i go places i know you visit hoping to bump into you

pretend incidental

that my body isnt wrapped in things i think youd enjoy to take off

softer and sweeter voice

i see you in everything
May 2019 · 214
Facia Overkill May 2019
youve gone now
ive lost you
trying to find you in other people but i seem to only find you within myself

i wish you knew i was still yours completely and i wish it wasnt like this
for im miserable now
you are probably thriving and i feel so conflicted on that
i just wish i was the one making you thrive
but im just glad youre not in the same situation i am in
i just hope we meet again
it may be in years
i just know we are one
an old one
Feb 2019 · 660
pa; a year of saudade
Facia Overkill Feb 2019
your skin clinging to your bones and your veins protruding but
i still think you are beautiful
you were longing to die and i was longing for life
just one more month
but you couldnt do it
uninterrupted saudade
trying to come to terms with the idea that you dont exist anymore and trying to accept feeling like i dont either
but its what you needed
so frail and gentle as always
too tired to live
but this grief hurts more than i expected
i always thought i would be okay
i just feel continuously lost without you
oh how your presence feels vital
for you are home now
Facia Overkill Sep 2018
asleep on the walnut sofa bed, my body sprawled over yours, clinging maternally. with your mouth slightly open and your eyelids cracked, your skin tight and your hair- still short, intwined with my fingers, you pull me towards you, still half asleep. your lips touch my forehead gently, my hand now resting on your neck and my thumb on your jaw, doused in the feeling of safety, as you lightly whisper good morning. of course i say it back and you kiss me so blissfully, and you feel like the relief of finally coming home. me, still in yesterday’s t-shirt of yours, now watches you hand roll us both a cigarette- your red nails going back and forth with the cigarette paper with ease. we go in to the back garden and sit opposite each other on the small glass table by the corner and we share a lighter again. again, i watch you inhale and exhale as we drink our tea as the rain begins to fall lightly. strangely, you finish your cigarette first, and begin clearing the table for me. im still overwhelmed by everything and all of my thoughts are in my tangled mind and the words i speak do not compare to the things i think, you are exceptional and any synonym of that word also, you are rare and you are beautiful and something that can not so simply be but into words. as you get up to go back into the house, leaving me to smoke your cigarette until the filter, you kiss me and tell me you love me. i- frozen at the thought of this and overwhelmed by this, my heart races and my mind panics and my mouth blurts out a empty-headed “What?”. you dismiss it as nothing and apologise for the accident, you didn’t mean it. my heart is singing for you. i am in love with you.
Facia Overkill Aug 2018
you are a home i want to live in and
you are a sea i want to drown in
constantly fascinated by the way you move
and the way you speak
and the way you approach
you are a peach stone and
you are a boiled sweet;
sweet but hard but sometimes soft
you are a colour that does not exist
you are distinctive and
you are noteworthy,
i want to be consumed by you
you are a house i want to live in and
you are a sea i want to drown in
Facia Overkill Jul 2018
when i watch you light your cigarette
i wish it was me instead
what a honour
being inhaled by you
id love to dance through your lungs
be inside your body and fill a space within you
but instead i am just myself
you know i'll always be there and
i don't feel like a novelty or a luxury
i am simply just the girl
who's lighter you will borrow
to smoke out the sorrow
of someone else
so much more than me
this poem doesnt make sense anymore !!!
Facia Overkill Jul 2018
just wna feel ur body heat on me
my mind is dosed in dumb ****
just wna stroke ur cheek agen
Facia Overkill Jul 2018
I feel like a child with you
So young and naive
I never know how to act or what to say
You make me shy and
Thats just not me
You make me a lot more than shy
I regret comparing myself to a child with you
You make me feel mature
When you are inside of me i feel as if
I have waited my whole life for this
And i can die happy
I cant stop lusting for you and
I just think about you constantly
i dont know why
Out of everyone it was
Who i got hung up on
Tangled up in those strings i promised were never attached
How can i unwind these strings
When i have intwined with them now
The strings are more of my being and
I really miss you
Maybe sometime we could share a cigarette
Everything i write is **** but so am i. I have no motivation to make this better or even slightly improve it but at my soon-to- be funeral, hope this is seen by whom is it about, this could b my last post, sorry its a **** one <3
Facia Overkill Apr 2018
lowering myself onto you
passionate; raw lust
sliding down, cork and corkscrew
your lips, deep ******

silence breaks with a mourning dove
pure pleasure
no longer disguised- undeniable love
supplementary leisure

your tongue dances on me
listening to the music i make
everything you do with sensuality
to heal the heartbreak

then its 3am and im filled with you
resting my head on your chest
the sky is a paler blue
our love; now professed

and now i look at our star
and think about last night, in the backseat of your car.
sometimes rekindling is good. feelings that come back are feelings that never go away. forever x
Mar 2018 · 348
Facia Overkill Mar 2018
im sick of writing just for it to cycle back into yesterdays pain

i used to tell myself it was just a case of writers block

im really unsure why I'm still thinking about you

Even after everything you're the person who id want to rest on

i keep seeing people with hair the same colour as yours

and feeling that feeling before a first kiss or

realising you're falling in love

maybe not in love

i've always been indecisive

realising you're falling in lust-maybe?

so being so sure on you is a foreign feeling

slightly lost

ive just entered a labyrinth

i know i can get out

i can run back to safety

but a minotaur never felt so magnetic

its peculiar

Yesterday i saw someone with a brow bone as prominent as yours

it felt homely


My father told me my next boyfriend should be called your name

i cant help but think that means something

I don't know if i'm over-romanticising you into somebody you're not

and it hurts that i know this wont be mutual

a manageable ache possibly

Maybe i just need this imaginary person i've conjured you into
to comfort me

but id just really like to wake up in your bed sometime

Forgive me for mythering
im really not in the mental headspace to write poetry recently but ive been told to write. here u go x
Feb 2018 · 517
We both know i miss you
Facia Overkill Feb 2018
I keep reading over our messages
Questioning myself
Where did it go wrong
Where did i go wrong
Why am i always too intense
Did that scare you
Was it overwhelming
Was it unattractive
Im sorry if I’m not pretty enough for you
I really tried to be

I hope you’re okay
Facia Overkill Feb 2018
sometimes we have to trust that our friends know better than us
but why is it that everything is reminding me of you now?

i know the tip of your ***** better than you

why am i so caught up on someone i barely know

why am i craving your presence
when i barely know that feeling

why does the loss of you feel so dramatic to me

falling for you the way i wished i could fall asleep; quickly

why don't you feel the same?
Jan 2018 · 394
my naivety broke me
Facia Overkill Jan 2018
My uncle met his wife when he was 50, he told her “ i wish i could of met you sooner, so i could of loved you longer”. I felt so grateful i met you so young, before my life even began, i felt a connection with you i never felt with anyone, we were children of fate, everything felt right next to you, everything was okay when i was wrapped in you, my youth was given to you as a gift- no, please take it, i dont want it anyway.


I fell for you the way something breaks, slowly, then all at once, a new form, a new shape.
Aug 2017 · 296
How Do You Do It?
Facia Overkill Aug 2017
Labyrinths coating your cerulean iris'
The kind I can't help but get lost in
And slowly lose myself in
Every visit to your bedroom
My lust thickens
Viscous like honey  
Slowly solidifying
Holding every piece of me
Previously scattered
Now compact, dense
Aug 2017 · 304
Please, Not Again
Facia Overkill Aug 2017
The anxiety of trusting you
Is so much more difficult than it should be
You are mine and I
should believe the rare
occasions you tell me
how you feel about me.
Are they even true?
Or do you just tell me
What I want to hear
When you know I’m swallowed whole
By fear of
the future
By fear of
By fear of
My skin against yours
When your skin is against somebody else
Once was enough

My soul is in




Facia Overkill Aug 2017
i cry oceans over you

your befogged mind refuses to believe my feelings revolve around you

my hurting is your actions

sprawled within me

trapping me

prisoner to you

and you don’t even know

even if i wanted to leave

i died in you

and now i’m stuck in you

its probably my fault for believing you when you told me ‘forever’

im never permanent
Aug 2017 · 594
Smother Me
Facia Overkill Aug 2017
I want you
Clasped around me
Your lips locked with mine
Holy palmers kiss
Blue oceans with black holes,
Expanding, swallowing your iris' whole
Lusting for me
Your fingertips exploring me
Every impurity of my dilapidated skin
My skin smothering yours
I want to be smothered in you
drown in you
suffocate in you
Choked by the idea of you  
taken back
black and blue.
Facia Overkill Aug 2017
When You picked Me

I felt like the most beautiful rose

Blooming and bright

But resting in your vase

As you picked another rose

Left me missing my stem

— The End —