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Feb 2022 · 509
When people say a duty is to be done.
However, that is only done by some.
The rules do not stay.
Each situation to its own way.

In some situations, it is seen as the rule.
In other times, it is misconstrued.
You are accused of kicking up a fuss.
When others had not done their task.

Is it not right that one should clean up one's mess?
It would not be fair to push it to the rest.
Why do some get away with what others must do?
Under the same boss but governed by a different rule?

To give partiality based on seniority.
You would just be losing your credibility.
Please follow through the rules you set.
That way you'll earn much more respect.
This poem speaks of situations at work, where a practice and duty is being enforced, but other times, partiality is given.
Nov 2016 · 1.4k
His masterpiece
As I look upon the rich glistening hills
And the blue sky, I gasp in awe.
Not at its beauty, but at how intricate, delicate, deliberate
And beautifully they were made.

Every hill, every shred of grass and every cloud.
I think of how I was made and I am amazed.  

If my God created all these around me
And my God created me,
How beautifully and gently did He make me? 

I rejoice and praise God,
I praise Him that He made me.
With a heart and soul to feel,
Rejoice and delight in all creation.
Suddenly, all my worries all feel futile,
Worries about my future, my calling, my spouse, my family, my children, my life... everything.

If God created everything on the face of this earth with such grandeur,
And He said we were the greatest creation He made...

The only creation He loved enough to die for, then how beautiful would His plans for my life be? How beautiful would my family be?
How beautiful would "this painting" (me) be, when it is completed by my painter? 

His final masterpiece.  We are His final masterpiece.  What else can we do but live in His presence all our lives and do whatever He calls us?

Since He is the author and finisher of our lives, He perfects everything He touches.  My soul cries out to my Lord, "Praise the Lord, praise the Lord forever and ever, amen."
Mar 2015 · 3.3k
I thought I had knew
who I wanted you to be,
turns out I didn't have a clue,
till you appeared before me.

I've watched too many shows,
they gave me false impressions.
I've had too many blows,
I've lost all my expectations.

I focused on the wrong things,
they distracted me away.
The promises of love they say,
I fell to their prey.

I thought I had lost,
But I actually gained.
What I had learnt,
was worth all that pain.

I learnt that I'd been shallow,
and that I didn't look deep,
deep into the heart and soul,
the things that I could keep.

And now I won't be fooled again,
I won't let you go.
I know a man of character,
is precious as fine gold.

Through the years of refining,
still he will remain,
older than before,
better than before,
and by my side, he'll stay.
This poem speaks of how my expectations started to shift more towards focusing on what's inside than outside, and my journey through my immature and shallow dating days of the past.
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
All wrong.
In your budding years,
they said you weren't beautiful.
Little did they know,
that a day would come,
when your petals would spread gloriously,
such sweet aroma, such beauty...
That was the day you started to bloom.

And then they spoke again.  
This time they said,
That you needed to draw attention,
to gain admiration.
And that being desirable,
made you valuable.

So you wanted to stand out,
from among the crowd.
"All eyes on me,
So that the people would see,
my charm, my wit, my beauty."

But then you looked into the mirror,
and you didn't like what you saw.
You didn't look like that ******* TV.
Your flat nose, your round face,
Your eyes that aren't as deep set.
Since she was the definition of pretty,
you wallowed in self-pity,
obsessing over your own flaws.

So you got busy.
Busy putting makeup,
and covering up flaws.
Concealing, contouring.

Busy dressing up,
Trying to look ****,
Showing what you got,
so that people think you're hot.

But you got it all wrong.
For they were all wrong.

They didn't tell you,
that there is beauty in modesty.
And that drawing people with your body,
might end up leaving you lonely.

And that relying on other's validation,
would always lead to disappointment.
And that everyone out there,
really just wants someone to care.

That always drawing attention,
is a selfish expression,
and that giving attention,
may warrant more admiration.

They didn't tell you,
that you were beautiful,
even before bloom,
even before budding,
even before birth.

They didn't tell you,
that you were beautifully,
and wonderfully made by God.
And that what you thought were flaws,
God called beauty.
This is a poem on how the views of society affects young women as we grow up.  I hope this will bless many beautiful ladies out there, and that they will start focusing on the beauty they were blessed with, and not fumble in insecurity.
Nov 2014 · 1.0k
Moving on
I am sick and tired,
of wishing on a star,
sick of waiting here,
wondering where you are.

People seem happy,
they've found their true love.
I act like I'm not envious,
sometimes I'm acting tough.

I act like it is easy,
to bury all the hurt.
I act like breakup's nothing,
it's just another word.

I tell people I've moved on,
I tell them with my smiles.
I tell them I'm okay,
but that's just what I say.

I know that if I told them,
there's nothing they can do.
If I selfishly told them,
they'll be troubled too.

So I will continue,
going around with a smile.
Finding meaning, finding purpose,
So my life wouldn't be dull.

I don't know if you're like me,
But if you are,
you're not alone.

I just wanted to tell you,
your happiness is your own.
And we don't need someone to make it happen again.
We don't need someone to lead us out of the pain.
We just got to start moving on.
Oct 2014 · 2.2k
Productivity VS Humanity?
In this world of capitalism,
we're driven by consumerism.
We act out of a sense of entitlement.
At times, we order others like a servant.

We think we deserve our rights,
and just for that we'll fight.
Just so that we can win,
We'll raise our voice and create a scene.

In our competitive society,
There is so much emphasis on productivity.
We end up becoming exploitative.
Can the outcome really be positive?

We need to think carefully,
if we can live with ourselves comfortably,
when most of our gain,
is built on another's pain.

Perhaps we should really see,
that we're not much different.
You and Me.
There's so much more that we could be.

Be the change that you want to see.  
To others, they might be somebody:
A daughter, a sister, a lover, a wife.
Please give some honour to their life.
In a society where we have migrant workers and domestic maids in our homes, waiters and waitresses serving us at tables, factory workers who are exploited to produce the very clothes we wear. It is a productive society, where people are valued for what they produce, not who they are. Let us start by being the difference, to give each and every person respect, despite their position, to restore more humanity to our society.
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
Love is...
Love is patient,
It willingly waits,
Accommodating the pace,
of others,
it is never in a haste.

Love is kind,
It provides support for the long haul,
even in the heaviest downpours.
It appreciates the efforts others make,
However small.

It does not envy, it does not boast.
It exudes humility wherever it goes.
Love is not proud,
"I" is never what it's about.
Love is not rude,
even when it's in a foul mood.

It is not self-seeking,
It does not fight for rights.
Love is not easily angered,
It does not stir up fights.

It keeps no records of wrongs.
Love is forgiving.
It is always protecting,
rather hurting itself than hurting another.

It is always trusting, hoping and persevering even
when the person repeatedly does the wrong thing.
Love never fails.

This is the love that I have.
The love bore to me in death.
When you died on that cross,
You paid the cost.

And now, I'm no longer lost.
Inspired by 1 Corinthians 13, it is used to describe Christ's love for us.
Oct 2014 · 972
A candle is never quite the same,
after it melts with the beauty of a flame.
Emanating such blazing warmth,
enchanting in its glimmering form.

It's just like intimacy,
being known in vulnerability.
Being held in warm embrace,
as they gently stroke your face.
Soft kisses planted on your cheeks.
And the moment your lips meet.

Certain things I wish I never felt..
For once they are felt,
they are never forgotten.

And I am never the same.
Desires once awakened cannot be silenced.  They can be ignored, controlled, but the fact remains that, you know that they exist.
Oct 2014 · 1.6k
I think of those people,
time and time again.
I tend to think of those,
who left me with much pain.

They tend to be the people,
that started like a dream,
I used to think they were,
the nicest I have seen.

They brought a lot of laughter,
and smiles and jokes my way.
They were the kind of people,
I really wished would stay.

I got used to their presence,
and I felt more secure,
I slowly let them inside,
I opened up my door.

But it was wishful thinking,
to wish that they would stay,
Because, just like shooting stars,
they passed and flew away.

Leaving behind those memories,
that were not meant to be,
Just like a piece of hot iron,
they left a mark on me.

I don't see them any more,
but if I did, I'd say,
"Thanks for the times you made my day,
by having the right words to say.

"Thanks for genuinely,
pointing out the flaws in me.
Though it was gradually,
you played a part in changing me.  

Perhaps we are not meant to last,
Only to be a memory of the past.
Even though we drifted apart,
you'll always have some place in my heart."
To those who I got close to at some point in time, but have since drifted from.
Oct 2014 · 796
Who am I that you are mindful of me?
Despite my hidden sin and evil thoughts.
How could it be?
That you, oh Lord would die for me?

Many times I let you down,
But even then your love abounds.
Every foolish mistake I made,
each time I made your heart ache.

I look upon the wickedness of this land,
As I see the works of men.
Greed, killings, exploitation,
happens in every nation.

Robbery, kidnap, prostitution,
****, ******, molestation.
Every crude and wicked deed,
Don't these men deserve death indeed?

Yet you died for them on that cross,
and for that, I'm filled with remorse,
for every moment I condemned,
In my mind or with my lips,
any of these men.

You died for them and died for me,
and because of this I'm free.
Freed from every guilt and shame,
Freed from death and eternal pain!

And for this I pray,
have your way,
fill my heart with compassion,
compassion for the nations.

For they do not know what they do.
For they do not know you.
We should not love based on a lack of knowledge but in truth.  But to love in truth is hard, since it requires us to face up with reality, even the ugly realities in life, the ugly parts of ourselves and others... I can't love with my own strength anymore, I could only do that when I was ignorant.  Now I know I need God's love and strength more than ever before to love myself and others.
Oct 2014 · 42.0k
In a world without technology,
can you imagine how it would be?
To not have any lights.
We'll probably stay home at night.

In a world without technology,
we'll lose forms of connectivity.
We'll not have wifi or 3G,
distance will be as it should be.

However, without technology,
We won't have people far away,
because we can only walk on foot.
Most will live at home for good.

Without technology,
perhaps there'll be more sincerity,
where more people would be seen,
not looking at their phone screens.

Instead they'll stop and listen,
giving undivided attention,
to the people by their side.

Perhaps without technology,
we would have to do things manually.
Life may be tough physically.

But with technology,
is our life really that easy?
Is the world really as it should be?
Are people living in harmony?

Or is there more strife?
More people losing their lives?
Or is there more pain,
more people dying in vain?

What about pollution?
Isn't it part of our contribution?
All the fuels and carbon,
it'll soon bring us to extinction.

Our earth today is now diseased,
life on earth is not at peace.
We can deny all this,

And this is the utter irony,
while it gives us mass connection,

It reduces engagement,
attention and perhaps even compassion.
"Across the globe, millions reported dying",
ends up being desensitizing.

Technology's connectivity,
leaves us more detached than we should be.
This is a poem on how technology gives us many conveniences and advantages, but it also robs us of many things.  I'm not saying life would definitely be better without it, this is to provoke thinking and to challenge the view that humanity is definitely better with technology.
Oct 2014 · 491
The Present.
The only thing I own is the time now.
The thoughts I possess.
The will to do my best.

I may think I own my past regrets,
The mistakes that were made,
foolish words I had said.

But I don't own them.
I still did the moment they happened.
But once they passed,
they ceased to be mine.

My past is but history to me,
past lessons to be learnt,
stories to be shared,
to give strength to another.

The past left an impact on me,
that I don't deny.
An impact that will last forever,
but I can't change it ever.
Not even if I tried.

So why bother?
Why should the past matter?
All I can do now is work to a better future.
But I don't own the future.

All I own is the present moments.
I need to use them wisely,
to proceed cautiously,
because I know that..

Once they pass, they cease to be mine.
And this cycle repeats.
This poem speaks of the emotions I feel now, the feeling of regret of my past foolish actions or words and the realisation that I can't change the past.  This is a reminder to me, and a reminder to you.  Be wise in the present.
Oct 2014 · 9.4k
Purity is not just about virginity,
It's also about dignity,

Purity is not restricted to femininity,
but requires the protection of chivalry,
and regard for responsibility.

Purity is not innocence out of ignorance,
It's making a choice that's different.
Even when facing a challenge.

Purity is not just about hiding behind a white veil,
Or donning a white spotless gown.
It's about going through a season of waiting,
even if it can be tough.

Purity is not just a state of being,
It's a state of knowing,
valuing and protecting...

The sacredness of a marriage.
The loyalty to one's spouse.
The unity of two to form one flesh.

Not giving up one's body to all the rest,
but leaving it for God's best.
Based on my stance on purity as a Christian.  It's not meant to be offensive to people who have other beliefs.  I am just expressing what I believe in.
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Perfect Love.
I used to believe in happily ever after,
I thought falling in love would be forever.
I used to believe love was an emotion,
that would naturally lead to actions.

I didn't know that love,
was not just about emotions,
and actions, but determination.

I didn't know that love,
was not just having a companion,
receiving and giving affirmation,
but also commitment.

I didn't know that taking things slow,
and being cautious in the relationship,
was a form of love and protection.

I thought taking things fast meant passion
and that he was deeper in love.
I didn't take it for what it was,
immaturity, rashness,
and a lack of self control.

I believed him when he said he liked me
before he really got to know me.
But he really liked me more knowing me less.
And when he knew me more, he liked me less.

He didn't like me, he liked perfection.
He liked me out of ignorance.
Ignorance of how I was flawed.  
Just as he was.

And now I know,
that true love isn't meant to be perfect,
but true love is demonstrated,
in the ability to love imperfection,
as if it were perfect.
Oct 2014 · 591
My Fears
Afraid to love and afraid to believe.
Afraid to receive and afraid to give.

Afraid of giving you too much thought,
I'm scared I'll like you a lot.
Cause if you're not Mr Right,
I'll rather let you out of sight.

But then I toss and turn at night.
And on those days I feel low,
I keep thinking of you,
And now I know.
That I never should have,
Let you go.

Because of my fears,
Now my greatest fear came true.

My greatest fear was losing you.
Oct 2014 · 566
I let you go.
When I think of you...
I think of the hugs we embraced,
and the kisses we shared.
The whispered vows of love.

When I think of you...
I think of your innocent gaze and charming smile.
I think of your laughter,
how I haven't heard it in awhile.
And I start to miss you...


When I think of you...
I think of the times I needed you around,
and repeatedly you let me down.

When I think of you...
I think of how I became a convenience,
a companion, and not a commitment.

When I think of you...
I think of how we quarreled,
the hurtful words that were spouted,
the pools of tears that were shed.

I think of how I've never known,
how it's like to be with someone,
but feel like I'm alone.

When I think of you, I sigh...
Because this I know,
that it was right to let you go.
Oct 2014 · 2.7k
I won't ask for anything.
I'm not someone to ask for gifts,
or pester for calls or texts.
I'm not someone to ask for more time together,
or request you send me home.

I'm not someone to ask for hugs or kisses,
or ask for flowers and roses.
I'm not someone who would ask you to plan a date,
or request that you call me when I'm sick.

I'm someone who wishes for all these but never asks.
And maybe I'm weird this way...
But I felt, if I had to ask,
sincerity and meaning would be lost anyways.
Oct 2014 · 13.3k
I'm tired to wash up,
So I procrastinate.
I'm tired to stand up,
So I'm sitting here.

I'm tired to walk to bed,
So I remain on the floor.
I'm tired to get myself to sleep.
So I'm still awake.

But I'm tired.
Oct 2014 · 694
First date
I was waiting for you to arrive,
Never been so anxious in my life,
I had longed to meet you,
I hope you felt the same too.

As I waited longer.
My heart started beating faster.
The tick tocks of the clock got clearer.
The sound of my heartbeat, louder.

I had to find something to do,
to seem less eager waiting for you.
So I acted like I was reading.
Though I could barely get a thing.

Then I heard a familiar "hi".
And I looked up into your eyes.
Your flustered face covered in sweat.
And then beside me you sat.

Those lovely eyes and dashing smile,
I haven't seen them in a while.
Your sincerity, how you looked at me,
made me as comfortable as I could be.

The more we spoke,
the more relaxed I felt.
You knew just what to say.
I wouldn't have it any other way.

An hour passed and an hour more.
And it was time for us to go.
As you opened that door,
my heart cried "no."

And then we parted with a smile,
And as you walked off,
I looked on for a while.

Something stirred inside my heart,
And I knew deep inside...
that I might...
Just might...
like you.
#firstdate #love
Oct 2014 · 482
Becoming a woman
When I was a child,
I wanted many toys.
When I was a girl,
I wanted to have that boy.

But now I'm a woman,
And I know that life's not about play.
And that boys can't save the day.
And I wished a man would come my way.

So I waited.
And I dated.
But soon I realised,
That what I wanted,
no man could satisfy...

Every longing. every desire.
Every need for validation.
Every emotion.
This kind of drove me to depression.

A lost dream. A broken heart.
This fake smile, this calm facade.
This strong front, this high esteem.
I really wish that I could scream.

But thinking back upon it all.
The small girl of then, still standing tall.
On the outside, her frame is small.
but inside she's ten feet tall.

She is strong and matured now.
And I know she'll survive somehow.
I don't know what's ahead,
But there's no need to be afraid.

I don't know if you're just like me,
But, just know that you can be...
Very strong and very brave.
Keep going, don't lose your faith.

And on some fateful day,
You'll meet a man along the way.
And you'll be able to say..

"There was no better time to meet,
all our struggles made this sweet.
And it was all as it should be..
To make you YOU, and make me Me.
Now, we can say in certainty,
That all of this was meant to be."

— The End —