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Eriko Mar 2016
two dimples yawning
dormant far too long
earthquake spilling golden
cherish those who make you smile
it feels so good to use those muscles
Eriko Aug 2015
a sweet spot glinting*
of rippling heights
*keep it close
Eriko Apr 2018
reminiscing in sweet memories
savoring the laughter, cheeks
sore from laughter
and hearts flushed with
warmth and desire
and with these memories
often leave a bitter edge
a yearning for it
when it's all not
Eriko Apr 2016
A flume of cloud dust
Residue left by the particles
Or another wrought arm
Shoulder to shoulder
Head to head
An elbow grazing
Eyes averted as if
To mean nothing
Petals like stolen pebbles
Left on the marble countertop
On the waning afternoon light
A warm grey and mystifying echo
Sometimes my hands tremble
Skipping the stones
The flower tucked behind my ear
And a void of fear
Underneath the surface
Which has iced
Over the absent years
Eriko May 2015
I feel those stares
gnarly infringements  
a flash of photograph
a creaking doorway
a breathless hallway

I swear I feel those stares
hidden under staircases
creeping around corners
kneeling under tabletops

I press my hand into my eyes
so I can't see anymore

there are eyes everywhere
but only those of my consciousness
a doorway here, a path there
an unmarked territory
a charity to my soul
thank you, my body
for allowing to remain me
Eriko Jan 2016
I just can't sleep on some things
on certain nights*
especially that one thing
about hearts being
some with barbels,
and some with warmth
it's just a matter of fate
to find the one
*which ache
Eriko Feb 2016
Standing aside
sun gibbering
a moments collide
rotating dreams
shifting upon axis
thrown adrift,
start the car
it's time to go
seeing faraway
pollen drifting
in your hair
set of jaws
Tense in despair
smell the gas?
Time to go
on the verge
Off the curve
careful not to drive
Into the sea
careful not to drive
over the wet sand
wary of desires
too easily
set adrift
Eriko Aug 2018
the engine startles, the headlights flicker on
the soft spatter of rain a murmuring lullaby

the ceaseless roll of pavement
getting ****** underneath

the winds brush in a scatter of melodies
picking stray locks of hair

the descending sun a ball of scorched orange
a cigarette bud in a whirl of ash and smoke

music tumbling from the radio
filling the empty leather seats

no other headlight permeate the reflections
just pavement and trees and churning sky

outstretch an arm and cradle the twilight
hum sweetly in lone companionship
Eriko Dec 2015
a forsaken breath
sliced like shadows
a dreadful weight
flung into the mess
how easy it is
to fall to the blackness
how exhausting it is
to watch from afar
Eriko Oct 2016
maybe here, here is something
a puddle lukewarm and thinning
as the cracks in the pavement
tremor in the running wind,
running leaves and running colors
dappling with a blissful laughter,
I reach my hands out and grasp nothing
and everything combs through
my tiny, tired fingers,
I breathe and taste the sweet air,
I look down and feet is no longer there,
I am a float, here,
here where something can be
Eriko Jul 2015
for all the things labeled  
in the exterior mirages
of turpentine reeking layers
worn lavishly by red lipstick
and silver tailored suits,

light illuminating marble counter tops
dusted by the next-thousand-block immigrant
the mother of four beautiful children
she clashes with the detriment of money

which filters back to champagne of that red lipstick,
the silver tailored suit a million floors above
encased within their own skeleton
they peel their skin so not to feel a thing

stuffed in a daycare tabooed because of its door handle
touched by mothers working wage to meet end's meet
children skipping their shoes
on the stains of the concrete underneath their feet
and not realizing a thing

the mother bustles through
alone but surrounded by grease
seething into the cracks of her heels
while her children grows by the tick
into the template configured by society

the smear of red lipstick
the wrinkle in the silver tailored suit
the system of trickle down economy
have gone down the throats of so many lives
as a diluted joker waving a flag sewn with white  

this age of decadence
chooses to blind its kin
reality has been remodeled
into a Hollywood basement
Eriko Mar 2016
watery eyes squinting against
the pink glamor of the setting sun,
casting marvelous streaks
of cherry cream soda foam
radiating from the heartfelt

dusk settling, a quiet raven
swinging in the swaying trees
and a fence line lining
the edge of evergreen forests
a white picket fence
cluttered with the ghosts
of memories

a pair of binoculars
held by a silent girl
olive and freckled
of the shower of tear drops
which cascaded from those nights
of aching compassion

facing the other side
solitude presence of one
walked of a thousand steps
back splayed by the salty foams
spat by the restlessness of the sea
an umbrella clasped in his grip

the rain drizzled, throwing
the pink sunsets into arrays
of sweet, sweet melodies
the girl of binocular
and boy of umbrella
a picket fence in between

a relief from destiny,
a rain check into reality
figures of speech echoing
slurring syllables
recounting marbles
that used to roll off
from their laughters
on lovely nights

a girl of binoculars
and boy of umbrellas
dreamt of once a meeting
of one such like this
the raven cries
fear not, deal not
what has there
to be done
when the pink
ceases to refill
your sweet dreams

and the girl smiled
the boy climbed over
the white picket fence
and held her hand,
holding the umbrella
to keep their warmth
sheltered deep within

the girl picked her binoculars
held it close to her pretty cheeks
above her lips,
navigating sights
knowing their memories
will far exceed than that
of the white picket fence
Eriko Jul 2017
perhaps, perhaps a fleeting day
with the bristle of leaves
washed ashore by a brave,
brave young wind
like that of stirring sirens
spurred like a screeching raven
lost in another sunset day,
then, a momentary stall in
another alcove,
perhaps one day the leaves and grass
frothing at her feet will kiss
the sore, sore bruises inflicted by
weariness and travel,
a faucet, perhaps, to water the roots,
to quench the thirst of listlessness
and the parched corals of her crackling soul
fossilized to crunch like stone, grinding each
passing morn with no living recollection
of warmth pressed close to her body,
encompassing her bare backside,
where ghouls will no longer stalk in her shadows,
plant the faucet, channeled with the tug of war
like an ocean's embrace,
that of passion and despair,
of reckless delight and vengeful tempest,
that of relentless tug to kiss the roots
of majesty's feet, queen's skirt bristling
that of sea froth and sandy dunes, of
huge rooted trees and laughter
as grandiose of mountains
bursting through the mists,
this small girl has much to learn,
something about a faucet to
water her small alcove,
something about knowing that the grasses
and roots are all she knows,
until the wind decides to carry with her
to make another home,
so her feet are no longer sore,
to nestle next to the ocean,
to be kissed every waking morn
Eriko Feb 2018
perhaps she doesn't know much else
lifting her feet flagstone by flagstone
and breathing with a fierceness
which trailed behind her gaze
she fumbled under the twilight haze
mumbling with half shadows and half light,
her life captivated by half truths and half loves
stranded on an in-between
like coral reefs and rolling fogs
she dreamt of a life of absolutes,
crooning with morning calls,
so deliberate in their musical merit
yet she walked with half steps
and lukewarm indignation,
her reach falling short by indecision,
So she anchored in what unearthed her heart
with fantastical reads and splash of color
and afternoon gold-drenched walks
she yearned for a full truth, a clarity
yet little did she know the coral reefs
housed by far the most beautiful
of creatures
Eriko Nov 2017
two notes of laughter
interweave like stream water*
trickling and shimmering
two voices who
love one another

a companionship
which eludes my grasp
trembling and sinking
I stand feeling like
*an alien
Eriko Jun 2017
I see white, I see nothing
yet tugged behind the corners
where dust may began to collect,
I know that light and color
is brimming, waiting to race
onto another dimension
of timeless captivity,
I see white, like a thick haze
and it petrifies my bones, locking joints
into an empty embrace,
so now, trudging through the timeless echo
I know that the time will come
for the blankness to implode,
for the spirit to by spurred forth
like that of mourning widow
seeking revenge on the docks
of an alien shore
Eriko Feb 2016
some memories which have created me
I have been homesick lately.

I have lived far and wide
have seen the excursions
foreign to many eyes
my childhood born in the suburbs of Tokyo
rising to the bittersweet aftertaste
of concrete and metal,
everyday learning something new
an endless adventure,
boarding a subway and just to go
then to that of the northernmost island
Hokkaido, where I learned to love
the gentleness of snow
yet fear the brutality of the cold,
spending days and hours
entire weeks on the mountain side
wooden log cabins, wonderful blazing fires
with a snowboard strapped to my leg
oh, how I feel so powerful and graceful
flying down the mountain
carving into the chest deep snow
hear my laughter echo into the air
as I watched the stars glimmer
on the icy peaks,
and in the summer everything turned green
I went kayaking and painted
in the fluttering sweet breeze
then back to the city I found myself
eradicated from my home country
placed in Seoul Korea
my apartment that of 31st
of a 45 story building
riding the subway from and to school
that was nothing of difference with me
the city never truly sleeps
and I don't remember ever closing my eyes
with a longboard underneath my feet
hurling through crowded streets
cars honking in rush hour
the city lights seen for miles and miles
getting lost in alleyways and black markets
craning my neck to see metal scrape the sky
because of such cities, Tokyo and Seoul
I always ventured at night, a nocturnal teenage girl
skirting on the Han River, meeting so many people
being multilingual  but always alone,
never behind the closed end of the door
in Seoul that's where I discovered how to cope alone
in Tokyo I discovered the joy of the unknown
a short excursion in that of Hawaii
tasting the salty seas
riding the crashing waves every morning
watching the sun rise and feeling comfort
in the soft white sands and tall green palm trees
flying down paved roads
and underestimating sunburns
long boards and parks, going swimming in the dark
lush forests and scaling mountains
I had no money but made the best of it
then to the mainland, the big United States
I haven't been here very long, in the midwest
probably will never understand
the southern accent
and the American youth's mindset
only, I haven't been here very long
I have been stuck inside
but I have nothing to hide
it's a different society
a culture which always escapes me
I have been dreaming but remember nothing
just feeling a bit homesick
I don't want to make it sound like the U.S. is bad. No, this was just a big adjustment, a huge shift in lifestyle.
Eriko Jan 2016
I can't sleep tonight
Because I realize
What I should have
A long time ago
Eriko Oct 2017
stuck high, high in a fog
glistening bulbs, whispering
reminiscences of gold and pinks,
of blues and greens,
wading through a marshland
crisscrossing streaks of dreams
wishing upon a falling star
rustle of trees, savoring the breeze
the sweet, crisp wind and icy glares
melted, blasted into watery gazes
with the grinning avalanches
and warm, warm smile,
a mystery, a marathon mystery
twisting through woods
and bridging mountains to the next
a marathon mystery
an ongoing memory
Eriko May 2016
I picture myself with an army
An army with strife and vigilance
An army crooked next to the snaking pearl shoreline
Filling the air shimmering with good vigor
I imagine an army bristle with accordance
When a dragon take its destructive toll
An army marching the vast grassy planes
An army with cook pits twinkling at night
As if gazing onto a heavenly hearth
I want to lead an army who wouldn't think twice
About letting down their swords when the
Fight needs not to die
An army of ordinary men
An ordinary tale
Marching when their need is high

An army of what?
An army of whom
Simply an army of ordinary minds
Simply an army of extraordinary minds
Eriko Apr 2016
there's a beat
a rhythm to the step
in which the festering wight
ascended those steps
carved into the great mountain

a certain heat
escaping from its lips,
shrouding and smoking,
leaning great rimmed horns
and a snarl to match the dip

a certain weight,
involuntary and hidden
burden carried without sight
knowing, diving into the unknown
into the orchestra of this strange creature

dancing among the prongs  
facing headstrong into the blazing wind
a gasp of relief, a sigh of terrible scare
as the stairs welded narrower
it had not the wings to fly
but save for the fire in its words
and the power in its horns,

an ugly beast set out alone
a wayfaring stranger like
any other,
it feels the notion too
feels the fragile, flickering gaze
of empty space underneath
its feet
no matter the skin, the outer appearance
there is a journey burdening
each and every one of us
Eriko Feb 2016
the brushes lay flat
scattered across the yawning table
my canvases scattered, paint incomplete
like the thoughts which fall
from my head in repeat,
I pace the studio
the beloved safe haven
the place where I can be my own
the place where I can cry alone
the paints just glimmer
my fingers cringe at their shimmer
I sit in my studio,
staring at the blank scenes
knotting my hands, twisting my fingers
my heart has lost the appetite
of such delicate vigor
the rain glints in the darkening sky
the windows plastered with darkness
I can't see anything for the being
yet I sit and try
something is not right
it must be a new night
--a new flight--
that must be why
missing my paints
Eriko Jul 2017
a storyteller, the odd girl*
who rested her head in the cold sand
smiled a weary, weary smile
What is it, she asked
how about a tale, one of the gods
and a gallant hero
She smiled, teeth showing
as the water covered her face
How about one of the sea, she replied
A tale of the sea?
Yes, and how it connects all the continents
With the sea, I can go anywhere
And I'll give you a hero,
Not so particularly gallant
Yet wisdom of Sun
the Sun?
Yes, silly, the tale is the Sun and Light
And how they existed side by side
As two halves meant to be
Yet their cousin, Life
Grew dark and heavy in envy
And became the sea
To drown their love
Yet Sun, in all his glory
Felt pity chip in his fiery rays
And with an explosion of power
Brought the inferno from within
Of Life's deepest throne
And brought forth liquid fire
To spew across that of Life's watery bodice
Oh, how Life was infuriated
And howled with rage
Yet soon...soon Earth began to mold
And soothe Life's churning ways
Earth was beauty of green
And she spoke most eloquently
So that Life began to lap to her shores
And call to her in tune and lore
Yet with an ach to her heart,
A flaw to Sun's sight which cannot be seen
The Wind swept Earth away in howling love
Grieving, Life took the beings
Dwelling in his dreams
And placed the creatures on
Lady Earth's lovely, lovely shores
As gifts to her, so that Lady Earth
Could love instead the expanse
Which Life, the sea, became to be
Wind so then battered the sea
And swept him high in his throne
So by mischance parts of Life
Cascaded unto Earth's kingdoms
Earth, weary of such cruel tricks
And taken aback by Life's otherly touch
Shuddered so that her shoulders
Began to tremble in a terrible fit,
And Life, the sea, soothed her shores
And sang her crashing melodies
So the fright would leave her body...
And to this day, the world remain as is,
Life, the sea, sparring with running Wind
The Wind bold and dashing
Running untethered in great leaps
The relentless affair, the Triangle of Time
An existence of infinite grief,
And streaks of bubbling joy,
Under the heavenly eye of Sun and Light
them why are you here, on the shore
laying down on the eve of Life and Earth
Well, you see, the girl said
The Sun and Light are ancient and wise
And created all that is,
Yet as I lie here in the sand
I sometimes, quite silently,
Feel the aching yearn Life, the sea,
Reach for Earth
and if there is no Earth?
Then the loneliness of Life
Will consume him and turn
Him into ice, as seen
By Great Uncle and Aunt
North and South,
Where Earth does not dwell
can you hear Life, the sea
Yes, and how mournful
Does the music flow
An ancient tune of why
Loneliness fell to the bottom
Of the heart
Eriko Apr 2016
This is the color
This is the price
This is the reason
I chant for a greater day

What is this
I know not
On fire
There is life
There is death
There cannot be
Eriko Jul 2016
years of downstream rivers
carried by north arctic waters
which snaked through
the snowcapped peaks
of a lone, lone mountain
the temple of the universe
drinking in the marvelous view
yet, sometimes sediment grows
and lay upon a layer of filth
which accumulates and seethe
into the gapping fissures which
I have patched, suppose
and stalagmite stifle
into a frozen expanse
of glistening rock pillars
diverting the direction of the waters
beckoning for a quake in the ether
yet all that is inevitable,
a grandiose cry,
the lone peak began to
grow restless,
so thus divert the temperament
of the waters,
yearning for the scrape
of another fresh spell,
another wonderful,
out-of-the-world view
Eriko Feb 2016
A cluster of antlers
knocking upon whithering
knots of raspberry flesh
shredded from smitten jagged
Ends of your hands
Call back the yawn of Sun
brilliant gorges of yellow beams
string back the gorgeous night
where sorrows are to be drowned
and glittering stars to be sewn
onto my flesh and bone
wielding a cloak of thrice longevity  stars are same as the sun
Clutch onto last remnants,
Desires behold, life to love whole
Keep my sanity, throw caution to wind
Run with those stags,
knock antlers and breathe
kiss the deer and drink water
running through the creek of laughter
Don't really know where I was going with this
Eriko Aug 2018
there are 7 billion souls
and every shade of love
Eriko May 2015
you know that euphoria
misshapen twisted circumstances
my beloved aquatic relevance
drowning in remnants abandoned utopia

a dreamless state
unfurnished minds defined
those ******* their sickening sake
of whatever hell inclines

I sit in dread
glancing at rain gone sour
with paperweight for a head
death shall toll thy hour

I have lost my eyes
the sucrose in my hearth
an addict drink to realize
this infested dearth
Eriko Mar 2017
those lies flew
tumbling, whisking out through
the window as the ashen faces
stood starstruck with the impression
of another moved syllable,
coping with the thought
that it disappeared years ago,
that their beloveds were peeled
like ripe oranges under a summer sun
so all that is left to see
are the pieces
of another
Eriko Mar 2016
soft, kissing rain and grey clouds*
trail a finger down the cold
*marble statue of Athena
Eriko Jun 2015
breathe finer
breath louder
voices obscured
foggy mirrors cased  
wilder minds erased
cease the ceaseless fray
this obstructed destruction  
lead a roped hallway
a heartless willow
shrouded upon mornings
of grey chilling graves
stone heads jutted
miniscule in occupancy
of our daily living ridiculed
leave a moment astray
soak in the finer grain
follow the veins
which roam upon green hills
breathe in the finer sky
bridge the bridges
and walk the banks
scour the terrain
which have seethes to exist
devour the sights
and trace the map
fingers of atlas
before the dirt
have called back
your bag of bones
Eriko Aug 2015
drift pleasantly into the wafting glimmer
the enunciated murmur of a purring simmer
the tickling breath chilly spite of the victor's vigor
the momentum upon present infatuations
sought for the hands of the lost bridal remnant

feet brushing the moistened soil
milky coral china topple the path
the splash of hotly brewed tea
lavender and jasmine and lemon ginger
seeping into the cool, hard ground

feel the air swirl in your lungs
the colors of the trees a respirator  
glinting their fiery embers
they embark far into the silly autumn night

cool blue shadows creep uphill
stretching and lengthening for night's full bloom
the hours have waned, the sun a lovely hue
as the woes of nature have come down to hunt
Eriko Jun 2022
a paragraph of words
a herd of syllables
in my throat

I purse my lips
to keep it all contained

laced with a wading fear
with a love that’s like warmth
cupped in soft hands
and an indignation
reflective as polished stone

I am a dewdrop
twinkling in the sunlight
of a spider’s web

I am a question
held prisoner
to the whims of time
Eriko Apr 2017
I must say, I must speak*
I must admit
just quietly, ever so slightly
into the cold, grey air
and the twisting of trees
to the brisk, harsh wind
and the sea of puddles
carrying the scent of ocean
I must admit,
I feel a hole in my chest
where there, beneath
the warmth and strength
and throughout the years
I buried a bag of bones
where the future cannot
*touch me
Eriko Feb 2016
tear into the falling night
fasten the day
without a single painful tear
push those memories far away
fast sinking, the glistening forever sky
waning in the dying light
trample of feet
in tall green grass
the soft haze, I love to feel
as everything soften
elbows swing and air bellow
past my ears, like those years
I spent listening, misery
but now those melodies
don't tune with me anymore
and hearts pace
as this band of youth
with stories to tell
and shoulders to sleep
simply decide to race
against the dying day
wanting to get away
Thank you, friends, for occupying the numbness and giving me remarkable memories I can cherish forever. Let's just try not to pet the goats again...
Eriko Feb 2016
a cynical eye glimpses
down into the barrel
terrified at first
what to find at the bottom
there was a great quake
a thundering shudder
of such mighty shakes
hands slips on the rusted rims
leaving traces of red imprints
where fingers ran
up and down sharp cheeks
and across the forehead
dusted with coat of hope
this barrel since looked down into
speaks without wanting to
a barrel full of water
left forgotten amidst trees and garden
lush greens and rainy skies
leaving paths muddy to tread
yet stumble on, keep the hood up
a jacket zipped too, to keep the warmth in
the barrel of water, glimpse down
down and down
a mirror, water so still
the raindrops can't even ripple
the face set in stone
Eriko May 2015
stand still in transmogrification  
my thoughts are lost in constant annihilation
a puddle smooth as mirror of skies
as rain weeps under silhouetted lies

we wander astray perplexed our entire lives
never to really smooth the wrinkles frowned in despise
a circling globe of mesmerizing flights
of peoples souls awakening restless at night

we wonder and ponder
at thoughts what lie in yonder
a dreamer's dream sunlit in beauty of clouds
perhaps we wander to bury our own fire

and as series of flashes whisks astray
never fully to contemplate
why we love to drink sights so faraway
why we never see beyond certainty of date

that the rubies in waking hours
and gems of thoughtless creatures
are all and same, as one together  
systematic to the longevity with one another

for one to truly live
there is nothing but one
in unison, simply
as beastly elegance to rest desire
Eriko Dec 2015
the cushioned seats and inflated beats
the window cracked and the slippery December chill
glanced into our sitting like quiet falling leaves
as the sun descended behind the swollen green hill

the exasperated haze of a cerulean film
a lungful of our smitten reels
a crack of laughter to follow soon after
with silence ringing like clear warm water

simply sitting with knees tucked in
our hearts soaked with the softness of the moment
our chatter rustling like those December leaves
as our half-glanced smiles lift into the beat
Eriko Sep 2015
blues splotches nestled
in grooves of wrists
the streaming of things
pulsing underneath the skin
as the warmth of each kin
slip through my grasp
how the strings in my ribcage knot  
please don't step on it
shall the bones render me
shatter into a thousand pieces
keep your knees close at ease
and chins snuggle in discreet
as I yearn from afar
the silhouetted body tangled
in reminiscent dreams
it's best not to wake you
your breaths whisk into distances
yet just don't forget about me
as I sit you drift
so the weight won't crush
what already have been embedded
Eriko Feb 2016
I have been around for a little while,
Skies have screeched an eternity of a mile
Tracing the paths into exile
On maps drawn on parchment,
Grease pencils smudging inky black recklessness,
That wonder bewitched my eyes in questioning,
Never able to get enough sleep
To wake every morning to dazzling dewy seascapes
Slumber with swirling scent of burning firewood,
Moss and grassy hilltops, a band of lost boys
Shivering with anticipation, a crew of stellar girls
Glistening salmon lips and unpainted complexions
I have been around a little while to know
My heart thumps to escape like pirates
Like those lovely, lovely pirates
Hunting for treasures beyond the wilted horizon
just ready for a new chapter
Eriko Jun 2015
writhing thorns engraved in bark
the wood creaks as each breath clones dark
ancient thrones of malevolent sprites
thus thrusts in everglade crevasses alike

dew drops, swirls, a complexity
masks nature's generosity
authenticity aching bones lost completely
as flesh groans in lacerated deeds accordingly

quick, hold your breath
as the earth moans in discontent
ivory, savory whimsical delicacies
the thrones topples atop star ridden daisies

sigh, beloved, my beloved king
splinters etched in wooden sheathes
close your eyes, dreadful king
as the children of you forest

grow tall to die
Eriko Feb 2016
Why is it that
I am happy in a day
Yet so miserable the next
This is getting to be
So *******
Eriko Feb 2016
cut past, an endearing tear in emptiness
glanced upon a hilltop where
the lavender swayed without breeze
picking the soothing color
I wasn't supposed to see
misfitted, trails foraging into
tailor shops and nestle of roses
I am
nothing like those petals red and lavish
something simpler, an aged branch
of great oak trees
birch trees ghostly white
a chip of that, a glint of a knight
don't beat the drums
if the lavender can't even
grow within my sight
Eriko Dec 2015
I feel like I am drowning
Even though there is no water
To drown in
I feel like I'm falling backwards
Even though I am sitting
Very quite still
I feel like crying
Even though today
Was my birthday
And there is no reason to
Only at how it's so easy
For days to turn dark
What is it, night?
No it's not the night
I can't see the stars
And feel the breath of a better day
On the horizon
Eriko Apr 2016
The snow chastised, floating
Swirling through the blue ridden air
Smokey haze, crackling splinters
Of wooden fibers wretched from their lair
A washout water mark
Radiating flowing heat
Crickets weeping viola harmonies
Reminiscing fiery ambers singing
In memory of months laden with snow
When man could skid on the lake  
Skating lavish traces in echo
Of ghost striking pitched chorus
Something like mourning
Fluttering in the reflection
A bittersweet harmony with
Eriko Oct 2015
do you ever feel like*
you are a ship
with the walls
still being built
yet you still
float along
the cerulean surf
*of the salty seas
Eriko Jan 2016
That inexplicable hum
At the ceasless sight
My bones creaking
That all we be
Quite alright,
they dare to live in divine
apart from vernacular stare
they sit apart from the crowd
Comfortable in believing
the impossible which is not
always there,
they feel it in their bones
these vessels of their souls
I want to be like everything like them
Even if my bones creak
louder than they should
yet that is quite good,

My bones didn't even move
Eriko Dec 2015
look out for the best of us
the way the greatest dance
is sung to the spill of light
the anxiety tucked away nice and neat
tie it with pretty bow
stuff it in a box,
loved the best are those things
held closely to our chests,
cradle the box in the crook of my arm
as I run as fast my legs could carry,
plunge into the frothy shoreline
and I hold onto my breath,
feeling like those boxes of fright
which keeps me awake at night
***** away my breath
I try to save for the swim
across the cerulean waves,
yet the boxes only ***** away
the breaths I try to save
for the day I will I finally
learn to speak
Eriko Jun 2015
leave me breath*
I cannot lie
here, in the dirt
as the sun grows cold
into pearly ashes
of starless moons
give me eyes
so those teeth bare
the midnight cannot stare
and barrel knives in your chest
the fire dances in your heart today
so leave me breath
I can't possibly keep up with the rest
Eriko Feb 2016
I always loved to see*
in the cold
so beautiful to know
we aren't as different
*after all
it's this connection which really takes my breath away. the simplest detail is what makes life wonderful
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