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Eriko Feb 2016
I simply refuse to become*
another brick wall
decorate me with graffiti
there are weeds blooming at my feet
I am covered in ivy
but flowers always illuminate
under the sun
and a welcoming lamppost
accompanies me when dark
I sing with the cats
and howl with the dogs
if we are all brick walls
please, adorn me
*please, personify me
if you talk to me, I am very much NOT like a brick wall
Eriko Aug 2015
I sit in a place of concrete corners
Of spilling sunlight brimming poignantly
As the leaves go about swimming
On etchings of passing neighboring ghosts

The air cool to my cheek
And the sky baby blue in yawn
I sit in a place of concrete corners
Surrounded by elements my mother brought upon

See the nurture of her hands
The dew drops which bead the petals
The butterflies which flutter upon sunlight demand
And the soil which seeps in beckon to bite of metal  

Lonely I sit, surrounded by granite shavings
And a wandering mind which refuses to sink
I twist my fingers saturated with craving
For the nurture of her words and love without despite
Eriko Dec 2015
The thickness building at the throat
And breathing spiraling
So that my head starts spinning
Realizing I have forgotten my coat

The room seethes of chilly air
I hate to be here right now
Staring at the broken pieces
Leaving only me to collect

Terrified to dare touch the shiny china
Shattered smiles and broken ribs
I simply stare at the spilled tea leaves
And feel the heat slowly fade

Staring at the broken memories
Terrified, so I close me eyes
How easy it is to sit with such hate
Feeling it's better if I just fade away
Eriko Dec 2015
I would never want to be
a burden to others
Eriko Mar 2016
Single glowing screen
Translucent reminiscent
Shoes on wet concrete
It's raining here
Eriko Mar 2016
I don’t want to be standing here
In the next year
I would think that I have done
Greater things,
Become a better person
by then
#future #growing #better #worry
Eriko Mar 2016
returning nightmares moonlit*
if somewhere past loses
*sea corals forging poetry
Eriko Apr 2016
Swirling, swirling echoes of greens
Gem stones shining like
A lonesome star
Magnificently beating
Evoking some sort of light

One can never pass
The cry of those
Left behind in their own graves
He was like a ghost
Shimmering slightly
Whistling an empty tune
While climbing the chimneytops
To heaven's embrace
Racing to never catch his breath

Her nimble smile fluttering
Behind the iron ivory wrought gates
Under the chiming calls,
Crying beautifully she wonders
Closer to the music
Where her fingers could finally
Strike the light of dawn
Eriko Apr 2017
the lush greenery springing from the canal,
thick vines twisting and rooting
into the cobblestone and cement,
elephant-sized green leaves hovering
and its spiraling vines snaking across
the expanse of the slippery, slippery rock
from the canal water chants happily,
bubbling and choppy, reminiscing
of its mountainous origin, carrying
pure water and gracious elements
of its northern origin
I was inspired by the coming of spring.
Eriko Nov 2015
why is it so hard for me
to admit that
all the things I hoped for
will no longer appear
like a camera's flash
take a photo of my life
I don't pose in any of them
I know that this is only
a frame sliding next to
the thickening photo album
thousands of frames to take
and only one to take a shot
I know I'm foolish
a whimsical dreamer
dying to know
how to possibly
carry on
Eriko Jan 2016
nothing to keep my mind company*
at the dead of the night
only the night isn't as so
when I have dreams
of building a castle
yet in the darkness it will rise
and in the darkness it shall perish
forever accompanied
by the song of
*traveling wishes
Eriko Apr 2015
The grey wept all around me
As my feet sunk into cement
I clawed and fought,
Yet the stone reflected cynically

Soon my soul began to welt
As thoughts stood rigidly still
I froze glaring at the shell
Which have enveloped me  

The grey the began to pelt
And the cement cracked before my feet
For the clouds began to bleed
Like rain weeping from the sky
I think what I was trying to take a different approach to conformity. It can be difficult to break out of, and yet when we do break out, we sometimes become frightened. Maybe its because we see ourselves truly for the first time.
Eriko May 2015
a girl lies amidst
lost prowess pondering wonders
cupped flower petals enriched
of possible possibilities
dreams thick foam like sea
cerulean, these petals they see
blow away in wind so slight
she trails their path follow
and awaits the petal knight
her possible possibility
endlessly too fair to seize  
pondering wonderfully
like bliss of salty seas
Eriko Feb 2016
tectonic beams of golden rays
sweltering showers of sunsets say
beckon, really, sprouting delicate fingers
catch me
and I sink in the powdery white sand
toes slipping under chilly frothy seas
a striking reminiscent glint into fray
music resounding in ear drums fractured
pieces scattered by the sound of their laughter
chase after the receding glimpse
feeling the love sprouting from counting
the time takes flight across the seas
as if there is no tomorrow to seize
sprint, scream into the petrifying waters
the waves crash to your knees
threatening to buckle from underneath
it's now kissing your hips
and swallowing the tenderness
of my throat,
thrash hands into the light
the sinking sun, glistening blood orange, bites
its ghost glistening on the binding waves
catch me to treasure these figments you call yours
and maybe I can't swim fast enough
the ocean swallowing me whole
and this will haunt me forever
knowing what I once had
will never forever be mine
Eriko Nov 2017
my words, they halt like rusted hinges
they feel down and heavy,
translation of my inner whirlpool of feelings
thoughts and ideas, interests and loves
held on mute, so all I receive
is static noise or echoes of a ghost self,
the inner chord which rings with every step
which put a bounce in my cheeks
and a shine to my hair,
where has gone its magnificent self?
it's tugged, dragged down, deeper and deeper
into the chasm of cracks
which pried itself open with
the hauntings of loneliness,
so that the warmth and admiration
pooled in my stomach recoils and gets ****** in
to what feels like a icy numbness creeping
like a parasite without hesitation
a pit writhing with black snakes
and I'm left plucking at air, at a nothing
to which I am no longer aware,
and when will this aching strife
cease to be, when will this pain halt
its seize, when the loneliness shrinks
back to its corner of the world
and I left to smile and breathe?
Eriko Jan 2016
That piercing glimpse of reality
When you see a person
In utter
Three dimensions,
Nothing is so riveting
Wanting to steal a little part
To cherish forever
Eriko Mar 2016
my head has gone dizzy
remarkable flashes of serenity
drenched with the slightest shift
in my trade of comprehending
the slightest smirk hinted at the lips
blue eyes, whirlpools and tides
the drizzle of laughter and words
which spill and fly,
floating around in the atmosphere
three dimension folded and cut so smooth
not the slightest gap, complexion so simple
just to hear your thoughts ringing in the air
a pleasant annotation to the brightening horizon
a singing wind chime, strung with sea shells
that’s all I will let myself do,
to listen to the luminous chime
Eriko Oct 2015
heedlessly spun out of control*
caress the flickering heat
which seethes into ruby monasteries
freshly flushed of an intimate cheek
the chatter of flashing white teeth
in the darkness encompassing
the silhouettes  of our laughter
and the giddy vigor
drifting, lurking unforeseen
the melting pool of stares
glimpsed through the chatter
of padded reminiscent sighs
and the lingering melody
of our glinting
*chipped feelings
Eriko Feb 2016
over my dead body
can't wait to wake
this catastrophic illusion
embarked upon recollections
smothering in the sky
like cigarette buds left
to die,
wan a feather
stir the stagnant smoke
inhale an inevitable death
the stench reeking in our breaths
we are all humans too
Eriko Jan 2016
maybe those were the days
of aching hearts and sweaty palms
the uneasiness etched in our expressions
as we plaster our happiness on our quilted sleeves
the crunch of chips in the height of the night
so dark the stars would shine so bright,
of half-glimpsed eyes shot in the crowd
and our feet running, galloping
tile after tile in the blank of a hall
of swollen eyes from crying the night before
clutching our chests as the ache refuses to subside
of our lips pressed into thin lines,
grown tired from pressing against
the syllables of our desires,
maybe these are the days
in moments of catch phrases
and any excuse to pick an eye lash
to blow a wish, possibly making all of it
to be forever true,
yet life goes on and our bones grow stronger
as our plans sets us apart a bit longer
but the earth is spinning in circles and circles,
maybe the best of our days are only ahead of us
going in circles and circles
Eriko Aug 2018
breathe in,
breathe out
and the trees will remain
the bright, glowing sky
of sheer turbulence
and graceful beauty
setting ablaze
to the world underneath
will greet, twice, each morn
and every descent.
the birds will compose
and fill the air with streaking chirps
of soft lavenders and warm oranges
shadows will skip and tumble,
and I can fall into softness
and into peace
knowing all I
have to do
is to
Eriko Nov 2017
The walls capsized
Revealing massive luminous structures
Lights spilled, dancing and careening
In the lakeshore northern air
The water swelled, breaching the concrete
And music ballooned through the echoing streets
The sleeping giant tumbled onto wakefulness
The arrow of unconventional beauty
Shot into the climbing night
Eriko Feb 2016
sometimes it's terrifying*
to look too closely
I don't want to
*hurt myself
Eriko Aug 2017
walking, skipping, running
through the fields of golden hay
with sprouting sleeves of green
like green apple and lime,
hiking through the stony terrain
with my cloud of thoughts,
those rainy, rainy clouds of doubt
or thundering tempest pounding away
crackling and careening into a frenzy
blinding like the way
the ice skitters across the cliff sides
and accumulate on my breath,
running, run so the clouds cease to trail
sing, with a spiriting tune
gliding, soaring in the high, high stratosphere
where maybe its notes can beam
under the radiance of the shining sun
Eriko Jun 2015
where to follow
pale sun roses gone shallow

soon to swallow
mists of morrow's farrow
Eriko Mar 2016
Sometimes I don’t want to think
About the time you lost your shoes
And they flew in the air, the wind
Catching them and carrying them
Far away onto the road,
The way your socks soaked
On the wet pavement, you hair
Unruly and wielding sublime turbulence
I don’t want to dare recall
The stunning life sparked in the hearth
Of your eyes, there was so much flame
I think it could have lit the entire sky,
And with each swing of your head
Fire wood stashed blazed inside your head
Drinking in the present scenery
At the way the world seemed to be
Singing to you again,
And I’ll watch from afar, for I have run
In the opposite direction,
If too close, lightening will frighten
And bruise the sublime pearl of sky,
I’ll replace the succulent, gentle wind
As the heat which your head used to
Lay in my broken heap, perhaps
Far apart, we can coexist
Without ripping each other apart
Eriko Apr 2016
Crackling, still sheet
Of coffee stained paper
The ink scribbled
Smudged, leaving
A hazy blue residue
The fragrance floats, pleasantly
With this coffee stained note
It rings with truth
Syllables stained
With coffee beans
And laughter
Eriko Jan 2016
There cannot be any such thing as coincidence
I dare not to believe it
Our life is so much special without it
and things don't just happen
like the one chance of a midnight stroll
the melody of crickets and feet cold on the concrete
like the breath of a shuffling leaves
leading me to a doorstep
no, there cannot be coincidences
things don't just happen
and I rest better knowing, perhaps
my life isn't wondering so aimless
Eriko Feb 2016
keep me warm on this cold night
only, it'll take a while
for the ice in my hair
to melt away
Eriko Oct 2015
I feel like I am a cup of cold tea in the morning*
I'm never too boisterous
to inflict pain
and unlike a hot cup of tea
I never simmer down
and watch the time take
the life from me
I am just always there
*just happy to be
Eriko Nov 2017
I collect rocks where my heart
felt light and soul bright
and love infinite in the sky,

I collect rocks
to anchor my earnest dreams
Eriko Jul 2016
sleeping snugged in the crook
where sunlight beams without retrospect
a promise chafing while the tempest surges
scouring the hillside where mountains climb nigh

a moments breath held askew
salmon pink and beading mildew
meeting to cool the burning wound
as howl made flesh and skin crawl

just promised, a promise chastened
in a wooden oak chocolate box
buried in the steep ribcage of the earth
where the mind begins to lurk

feel the hand tremble to life
the awesome power, impeccable brilliance
sloping figures roughed into the earth
giving into the imagination of another night

and here, come along here
where the brain is turned ripe
and light gives way to blooming forage
never to be left alone

come along here
Eriko May 2016
familiarity can scar
on the home stretch*
to the haven we all belong
look out, out over the canyon
look how far the horizon yawns
the quaking feet dawns
on the dusty prairies and glittering streams
trembling vocals resonating where
the soul roams

we all simply want to belong
to something more than
the fistful of strife
quaking within our
the quaking rivulets
which run up and down
the road we have
come from  

*and I am on my way
Eriko Apr 2022
a night enthralled
with a rhythmic banter
clashing and pulverizing
a sound scape ricocheting
as the lights glow like a mischievous smile

the dark blanket of night filling
the empty spaces,
hand in hand the frigid air and
cracked concrete
crackle, sigh, bellow

a cat peeking around the street corner
a sticky glass of drink
the shaking of limbs and teeth
this night the house
collide with sound
Eriko May 2015
a blazing red ****
and flaming red hair
the music bashed
bones rattled and lips preyed in chances
we sang in the electrified night
tonight, our chorus belongs
to our sights
reflected by the drops
we call classified rejects

feet stampede
hands praised in air
a tangible element
a tangible chorus
the melodies arctic
as voices run coarse

a sea of fists saluting
the red **** a humble ferocity
a single note prances
washes over a thousand eardrums
as that chorus, a thunderous clash

the heart of sound
thumps against the cage in our chests  
wanting to break
claw out of cynical throats
and as sweat trickles down our bodies
sound plasters to our skin

lights flash
a mesmerizing aurora gone rogue
like cameras of new and few
capturing the moment
of raw ethnicity
of our younger generation
in all of its rebellious reasoning

an isle of blinded birds
walked before the red ****
searching for that truce
that happy medium
away from skeptics of wrinkled faces
vessels carrying our souls
without capacity written in stone

and as that red **** thrashed
a marvelous sight of beauty
for once the generation
a thousand demographics
a thousand thoughts and dreams
tonight, we come as one
unified as winds carry us on
we will sing, we will purge
we are the younger generation

and we will remain as we are
Eriko Jun 2022
a bullet train plummeting
through my head,
one ear and out
the other

knees weak and shaky
i cover my ears
and they hurt
i cover my mouth
my breath condenses

a rainy night, fractured
spidery network of lightning
dancing behind the clouds
and then something falls.

is this courage or stupidity, i think
funny how they are
two sides of the
same coin
Eriko Apr 2015
two opaque eyes
stared in front of me
like two pearly moons
they swirled in milky ways
as I realized
they were what have become of me

quickly, I ****** my arms out
morning spring dew fluttering in
through these cracks of conformity
the piercing chilly wind
woke the life once of me
Eriko Feb 2016
I consume the daily bouts
Collective hours spent
Immersed in poetry
scrolling through memory
Images of such beauty
sneak peek in someone else's dream
lost behind words
stuck behind layers of clothes
Concealing that screaming part of me
it all builds
until that sweet spot flickers on
in that pool of artistic insanity
I follow the tug
to the stench of turpentine
and glisten of hues
I can feel it as I speak
that urge to spill
every part of me
My studio is waiting.
Eriko Feb 2016
Attempting to save myself
In this vast, scouring island
Mainland and archipelagos,
There must be room for me
On any continent
Foreign tongue, smooth and rolling
Startling realities, alters festering
With those candles lit and eyelashes picked
Dreams and wishes laid down to rest and die
But no worries, I’ll save myself
I have a paddle and boat
Sometimes the bitter dark waters surface,
And horizons gloom and tragedy thunders,
But either way I’ll survive
And circumnavigate the globe
Meeting others with paddles of their own
Searching for new horizons
A familiar shape of mountain range
Eriko Feb 2016
an embellished conversation, words running catastrophe
the words sink fast, fast, fast
swollen with the stench
and gleaming with utter redness
pounding of head, shake to the left
only to glimpse the silver opal
called the moon
slip behind the ridge of mountains,
all these conversations
words translated without comprehension
slaughtered, spat out, the syllables
run rampant
a million times a day
there are two people having
a conversation
I wonder what they saying
I wonder if they mean
Eriko Nov 2015
sometimes one of the most*
impossible things to do
to yourself
is to convince yourself
*that nothing is there
Eriko Jun 2022
what are memories
but treasure chests
of pain

or hard candy
that slowly melts away
and leaves your tongue blue

or a phantom
that creeps
from door to door

peeking through some,
locking after a visit
lingering in the shadows

memories travel like a whisper
a refraction of light
and swirling dust bunnies

what are memories
but a corner fold
of a page
Eriko Jan 2016
why listen to those*
who do not know
*how you actually could
Eriko Feb 2016
ponder why the iridescent eyes
possibly cannot derive
of such great sights,
soar into vast shuddering heights
claw away the leafs which scatter
blinding like red and orange kites
spotting the thunderstorm
which lightening refuse to strike
nestle under the skies gone restless
a little unsteady in the heart
in a place which speaks to me like art
with all the visions,
hues and textures, movement without numbers,
a timeless monologue
but of the cracking paint
fat over lean they always say
just remember never to layer
the thin over the strong
you would just end up cracking
now what is the painting
the red kite and thunderstorm
what does that really mean now
Eriko Dec 2015
creeping darkened walls
slices of sunlight
cold cup of coffee
Eriko Mar 2016
far past the settling night
once to be confused,
casting waning yellow lampshade
on the turning pages
of lovers gone astray,

far into hours of another day
streaming sunshine shifting
through clouds,
a simple touch and a phone call
which never comes,

the darkness unsettling
early morning hours
of frightening a.m's
streaks of tears glimmering,
leaving beautiful dew drops
on the lashes
where another somebody
can gently kiss
for you

one night to speak of truth
dinner for nobody but you
smooth liquor and fluttering crickets
stars glimmering, constellations crossing
like crosshairs, catching the comets
of burning love meant to fall
and burn in marvelous casts
of another wish
Eriko Apr 2017
Sitting crowded where eyes fear to meet,
I've been told to never stop imagining
Where the soul can hum like the buzz of a hummingbird
and touch operates with inspiration of its own

Sitting in a crowded square, everyone speaks
Yet their speech is tangled, misshapen as it crumbles
As words fly off their lips with sickly colors,
bubblegum pink and neon green and pavement grey

Where I sit, in the crowd, a sea of compartmentalized people
Where hypocrisy is glued to their faces, reeking of hunger
And thoughts ****, bounce like chaos off the walls
No one really seems to care to glance what hits them

Where I sit there is no one else at the table
So I crack open the window and sunlight beams in
With a great flash the bouncing thoughts could breathe  
And eyes begin to see the colors which have been buried in their hearts
Eriko Feb 2016
in the blank blue
eyes vacant
cast in ghostly hues
did I really know you
are you really willing
this to crumble
into nothing
Eriko Jan 2016
I want to cry*
but I mustn't
because people will see
*and begin to wonder
Eriko Nov 2016
stretched, widening grins
plastered in red lipstick
and a smirk beloved
clapping heels and twirling skirts.

spilling red wine soaked into cloth
oozing smell of a cheeses and wood,
of cobblestone streets and cracking walls,

laughter, trickling down the brisk night air
the alleyway tight and sparkling,
the night alive with an affair
between moon and cuisine,
between human and love
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