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I hope you meet a person,
any person,
who makes your heart beat
in tune with your favourite song.

I hope their laugh becomes
your favourite melody,
and that their breathing
turns into your new lullaby.

I wish for you the amazing miracle
of meeting someone that makes you
feel like you have orchestras
in your chest.

I hope you have the privilege of
finding a person,
any person,
that gives you a reason to sing.

Because right now there is someone
who's looking at you
and they're busy having an affair
with the music that you are.
You know when a song gives you that feeling?  You know what it feels like but you can't explain it and you love it so much? I hope to one day meet someone that makes me feel the same way music does.
How the **** I got here,
I still don't know,
reasons unexplained,
just let me go,
evil, it will reign,
looking through my eyes,
never be the same,
forced inside,

you bring me close to the edge,
and I keep on pushing,
now I know it's the end,
but I'll keep on searching,

you bring me close to the edge,
I am lost within time,
screaming voice in his head,
hear them talking in mine-
I am beautiful.
I know this because I can look myself in the mirror and say it.

You are beautiful too.
I know this because everyone is gorgeous in unique ways.

Beauty is in your bright eyes.
Beauty is in your gorgeous smile.
Beauty is in your hair as it blows in the wind.
Beauty is in your attitude and your actions, in the way you treat yourself and others.

Beauty is NOT in the extra pounds decorating your hips.
Beauty is NOT in the color of your skin.

Everyone is beautiful in both invisible and tangible way.
It’s just a matter of seeing those ways in yourself and others
For all the girls out there... this is for you...
 Dec 2014 Ella Matache
i look at the mirror.
i stare at myself.
how could i be an alien
under my very own skin?

i wear layers and layers
to cover the alien outside
but, each attempt i make
adds to the demon inside.

i cry.
i reason.
i spend hours in the dark.
to fight away the demon that has already made its mark.
just something about what i'm going through.
you are your own demon.
 Aug 2014 Ella Matache
The love poems make sense.
The songs make sense.
They always made sense.
But they never made sense.
 Aug 2014 Ella Matache
Some people
Go through their entire lives
Not living
Breathing, yes
Surviving, yes
But not living
Not ever knowing the joys and sorrows
Of first loves
Not ever understanding the tragedy that comes
From a broken heart
Or the inexplicable amount of euphoria
That comes from listening to music
But not just listening to it
Feeling it course through their body
Like the blood in their veins
Some people
Go through their entire lives
Without feeling
And that
Is the tragedy of surviving
(Old poem)
Stop refreshing your messages.  He has not replied. He will not reply. Delete all his words. Just because he said he cared for you when he was drunk, doesn't mean he will remember when he is sober.
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