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 Mar 2015 Ara
Adrian Strider
Staring at the sky,
Screaming on the inside,
lighting up to be high,
vanishing from where I reside.

Slicing open my veins,
Wishing to sleep all day,
like a corpse to be lain,
without another I lay.

broken, haunted thoughts,
Scattered, desolate dreams,
A innate nature to be fought,
bursting out at the seams.
 Mar 2015 Ara
Adrian Strider
 Mar 2015 Ara
Adrian Strider
Why are we born,
into a world of dead?
So much time to burn,
So little life too live,
We all cry when someone
leaves us in this world.
We all live to die,
and yet, we do not
want to die ever,
We are all just
living to die, and
dying to actually live.
We are confusing,
messy, and silly
ball of craziness.
We are all human,
and we are all batty
crazy, and yet
we could never ever
be any other way,
It is what makes us...
it is "Us" in a metaphorical sense, as in... yea you get it
 Mar 2015 Ara
Nostalgia ridden thoughts of you
Run through my conflicted mind
What path they lead is a mystery
Waiting to be solved
But how -
How do I contain such heavy thoughts
Weighing down my dreams
Get lost in me
Or pass me a knife
To cut out the memories
 Mar 2015 Ara
Josh Morter
Life is one of those questions we would all like to answer
Love is a game that we all like to play.
Play with our hearts and feelings
we do this every single day.
Sometimes through happiness,
sometimes regret,
sometimes things can happen that we'd all like to forget.
Yet we will get on with our lives and rarely ever let,
another player roll our dice
to decide on where we go,
a day to go by without letting someone know.
Know the feelings that are in us, the need to speak the truth.
We merely just get stuck in a game, a game that we get used.
Used to playing,
together or alone.
People state that.
the heart it is a home
A home we welcome visitors to,
Linger there forever, or just spend a day.
A memory is a moment that is forged down deep within our heart, it is a single solitary snippet of life with which you cannot part.
Let go of or forget.
It's part of our life.
It's become part of this game.
It's there until game over, it shall always here remain.
Pulled into contention as part of the big question that is;
What's the meaning of life?
as within yourself you question,
what if?
What of this love I felt, how can it now cease, was it destined to be my life, my answer, my secret *** of gold.
The love the stories mention that you shall never get to hold.
Hold in your arms, with their head upon your chest.
Hold upto the skies as they rise above the rest.

Its something to always ponder on, as if that were the case
I thought I understood the question and found my own meaning of life
Yet I'm still part of this race so there's still time to decide.

So maybe there might just be a chance, that it could be true.
Life has more than one meaning.
and maybe for me it wasn't you.
I have been searching through all my unfinished poems or little phrases I had written down to give me motivation.
this one was partially written so I decided to edit it and play on the premise that love is just a game we all play to make life have more meaning. (not sure I agree with that viewpoint though)
 Mar 2015 Ara
Ryder Rose
 Mar 2015 Ara
Ryder Rose
I feel
in as
I do
It runs through my veins.
 Mar 2015 Ara
Garry Napkin
 Mar 2015 Ara
Garry Napkin
Life is like a highway, you never know where it is going to take you,
With multiple ways to get to your destination like different exits on the highway,
And plenty of choices and challenges,
Comes new opportunities and outcomes,
Some good and some bad,
You never know the full consequence
Until you have taken it too far
I am looking for some critiques on this poem... Also looking for some interpretations of it.  Tell me what you think of it and keep in mind that I am young and not good at writing poems.  Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
 Mar 2015 Ara
 Mar 2015 Ara
I feel like
just hit me with a truck
and then steamrolled over the
broken pieces
I had a mental meltdown.
 Mar 2015 Ara
 Mar 2015 Ara
I don't know
how much longer I can cope
with the demons
in my head
and monsters under my bed
I feel the walls caving in
crumpling like
slowly giving way
to the pressure
slowly fracturing and tearing
at the structure
of my
Barely. Breathing. Heart.
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