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Take my love as a shield:
To protect you in times of strife
From the rages of war,
From the sands of time.

Take my love as a shield:
Bulwark of the ages,
Stalwart of the weak,
Aegis of support.

This shield does not break:
Unyielding fortification,
Knight of the rose,
Knight against night.

This shield does not shatter:
Impenetrable fortress,
Sight of safety,
Home of hearth and heart.

Take my love as a shield:
For you I live,
For you I protect,
For you I adore.

Take my love as a shield
For it’s all I can give.
It’s worth fighting for;
It’s worth dying for.

Even if I break and shatter,
My fortifications crumble
And my fortress is overcome
Take my love as a shield

To protect you from my night
For I am a weak knight;
I am at war with myself-
Take my love as a shield.
Tears Shed Alone,
Tears leaving my eyes
Without yours to blend
To become whole.

Tears shed alone
Are half filled
Vials of essence-
Incomplete tonic of my soul

Tears shed alone
Are escapees of my soul
Looking for the other half
Lost vials of my soul

Tears shed alone
Are tiny vials of my soul
Looking for their compliment
Looking for your eyes

I shed these tears alone
For you left me dry
So I soak myself in tears
Hoping at least they can find yours

In my minds eye
These tears I cry
Fly to your tears
In some time, some place, somehow;

Our tears still mingle
In the rain, in the air.
My tears evaporate and fly
Into the sky and fall into your eye.
Come not to my funeral:
I am dust now,
Conversing with worms.

Come not to my funeral:
One for me is not needed;
I am not so vain

As to ask dozens to gather
To weep for me,
To wear black for me.

Come not to my funeral:
I’m either very alone,
With many lost friends,

Or I no longer exist. So
Come not to my funeral
I am not so vain as to want

To hear kind words of me:
To hear soft sobs
And your final goodbyes.

Come not to my funeral;
(Honestly I may be a little vain
As I want to hear your kind words,

I wish to say my final goodbyes
And cry for my leaving too
As I miss those I left

But I’m more afraid of those
Who don’t weep for me,
Who don’t wear black for me.)
The old part of me is dead:
The part of me that loves you.

I put him to rest on a grassy hill
Where the butterflies flock to roses.

There he lies, under the tomb of a dead tree,
Steadily being feasted on by cankerworms.

He is silent, he is free,
For he has passed the door

Into a realm of calm tranquility
Where pain makes more sense

And reasons why are no longer needed
For he lives in the Kingdom of Night.

She rules there and invited him
With a kiss and a nibble on the ear.

He could not refuse her lovely black lips
But he knew not where to tread

So she shoved him down with words
Of ice and sorrow and blame.

There he lies with her through eternal night
Caught up in the death of his life:

Her, the one, the only, the Moon
That fought the Night.

That old part of me is dead now:
The part of me that loves you.

He is silent, he is sleeping,
For he has passed the door

But the ghost of myself
Still whispers his love for you

Ever more.
Everything is black and white:
No more hearts to fill in the colour,
No more roses to paint the land;
Just black and white without feeling.

Everything is black and white:
No more green on the trees,
No more blossoms floating in the breeze;
Just black and white without life.

Everything is black and white:
No more meaning, no more feeling,
No more life, no more colour;
Just black and white without a reason why.

Everything is black and white:
No more you to paint my face with a smile,
No more you to colour my life with feeling;
Just black and white without meaning.

I walk alone in black and white:
No longer with you, no longer with myself.
My world is so incomplete without you-
Nothing but black and white.
I saw a butterfly dead in the middle of spring
And I cried, for I saw the end of our relationship.

I saw the end of our relationship in the height of life
With lilacs in bloom of purple, her favorite colour.

The butterfly had drowned in dark waters of my heart-
For I was drowning- and I know she was too.

My heart was under dark waters, so I guess I couldn't tell her
How much she means to me, how much I care.

My mistake holding so much dark water inside for so long
As she had to drown in my dark water as well as her own to save me.

I know I was too weak to help her much in my own saving;
I’m sorry I was too weak to help her with her dark water.

She was so busy trying to save me that she wouldn't let me save her
From her own dark water, which she has drowned in longer than me.

Yet she wouldn't let me help as much as she helped me
For she has drowned much longer than me.

And to open up to me would be to open up to my dark waters sometimes
When she only wants to bring brighter days to my heart.

I always want to say how she brightens my day, with a smile, with a hug,
But under the weight of the dark water I guess I didn't say it enough.

Now I’m under new dark water, made of her tears I caused her to shed
And of the pain knowing she has brighter days of summer without me.

I hope some day that she can come back to me, after the pain has eased
And that we can tame the dark waters together.
Our tears touch-
They mingle
And smear together,
Becoming one;

Tiny vials of our soul-
In the form of tears,
Each half empty,
Until they meet as one.

Our lips kiss,
Sparks fly,
To and from, joining,
Becoming one.

Our souls leap
To meet each other,
To send sparks,
To announce the union.

Tears we cry,
Kisses we give,
All are glimpses
Of our souls,

Finally meeting ever so
Slowly but surely
They mingle
And caress.

Yours and mine,
That have searched
For each other
For all time.

Let the tears flow,
Let the kisses rain,
For you have found me
And I have found you.

For our tears mingle,
Our kisses send sparks;
They speak to the heart:
You and I are Soulmates.
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