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 Jun 2016 Eleanor B
Shayla Ahrns
As a little girl
I wondered about God and love
And if they were one in the same

But God took shape
In other ways
She was nothing I had been taught

God became me
I grew holier with age & each year
My grace was lessened by
Him or him
Or him
My God was becoming
A man who had no idea how to love me
I saw God inside his evil eyes
And I thought that God
Was not love at all
Love was not supposed to leave
But he left
And I faced myself
I found her, I found God
Inside my pretty eyes
And it was love.
 Jun 2016 Eleanor B
Jon York
Success is not final just
as failure is not fatal but
it is the courage to continue
that counts so know that it
ain't easy as the days are
long and the years are short
and today you are the oldest
you have ever been and the
youngest you will ever be
again and as we get older the
less we listen to what people
say and the more we look at
what they do and we learn
that it is not the words of our
enemies we will remember
but the silence of our friends.

Your life is a story so write
well and edit often knowing
difficult roads often lead to
beautiful destinations and
life is short, so live it and
love is rare, so grab it, and
fear is awful, so face it, and
memories are sweet so
cherish them.

Know that one of the hardest
things to do in life is letting
go of what you thought was
real and remembering those
two words of six letters that
are easy to say, hard to
explain and harder to do,
"move on".           Jon York      2016
 Jun 2016 Eleanor B
Luna Craft
 Jun 2016 Eleanor B
Luna Craft
We never really changed did we?
We're still just children, the term adult is only a title paid in lifespan.

There's no real requirement, it took less effort moving forward then it did standing still,

Like there was no real reason I needed to try, life would push me off the cliff on my own, it outfitted me with a piece of yarn and told me to jump.
Like that would save me, I wasn't given a chance.

Maybe if my family cared more about education and less about alcohol- or if anxiety didn't riddle my lungs each and every time I opened my ******* mouth- but no, I'm stuck as a mangled corpse used as a warning to rich brats with close family

'Don't be like her, go to college, have kids, die with a family to repeat the cycle'

How many would truly want that if they hadn't been told since exiting the womb that it is their one goal.

We could have philosophers, travelers, those who are pure of heart and thinking.

Instead we pumped them full of lies, sent them off and hoped for a rerun;
 Jun 2016 Eleanor B
Jesse Osborne
but he wrote a line in some novel
about love as a hair clip left behind on the dresser.
his lover coming back for it later.

i still think it could've been your bobby pin, there, on my bedside table.
however, now that i'm single,
i much prefer hair ties.
The Field has been Plowed
Seed Placed in the Ground
Lifes Tombstone This Mission
No Music, No Sound

Inspired Grace Vision
These Ruins Fled
All See
No Wonder,
No Blessing
No Light Here
To Be
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