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Dec 2018 · 602
the herbs
ehxpen Dec 2018
alone i smoke the herbs,
i inhale, the way you taught me,
every draft, every breath, every release,
you spread through my body,
like a river entering the sea,
flowing through my veins, the cold blood,
overheating, like a hot summers day,
making me meltaway

oh how i love you

ehxpen Nov 2018
i think back to the night we met,
on the rooftop, whilst the city slept,
just the two of us,
sixteen year old me,
full of innocence
oblivious to the fact that love was going to be part of my next chapter,

oh how time flies.
here i am,
by your side, twenty year old me,
full of adoration,
and your admiration.
the craving for your love,
that being unconditional.

oh how lucky i am,
so young and still blooming,
to experience something so pure,
something so soothing.
and here i will be, by your side,
when all i will be,
will be a dying sunflower,
by the tide.

Nov 2018 · 1.7k
im sorry darling
ehxpen Nov 2018
i’m sorry darling,
i’m sorry he brainwashed you,
manipulated you.
i’m sorry
it’s 2018, you should know better,
you should do better, be a jet setter
we are women
we have rhythm.
we are finally free
can’t you see?
why let a man control what you do?
i know darling, i've fallen for it too
but never allow a man to stop you
to stop you, from fulfilling your dreams
to stop you, from what you can achieve
i’m sorry darling,
i’m sorry he brainwashed you,
manipulated you.
i'm sorry
but you finally have control
take it with all your soul.
and for him? give him a kiss goodbye
and a fat ******* until the day you die.

to my cousin who is blinded by love
Nov 2018 · 853
those summer nights
ehxpen Nov 2018
i want to go back to the nights
by the lake and under the stars
smoking **** and drinking stella artois
i want to go back to the nights
the summer nights
with you
all my poems are real experiences so pls apprieciate <3
Nov 2018 · 755
Nov 2018 · 397
ehxpen Nov 2018
a cigarette helps to numb the pain,
i just hope it doesn’t become a habit.
like you were to me.

written a while ago
Nov 2018 · 1.4k
the drug: love
ehxpen Nov 2018
i took the chance and overdosed,
you were a trip i had to take,
and just for all times sake,
i knew it would be magical


— The End —