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don't get me wrong
even if I'm just a dream
i'll be by your side
through thick and thin

do you know?
there's blindness
in everything that dies
and maybe that's what has kept me from leaving

i fear the darkness
it sticks to me while the weather holds
and that fear amplifies
the more time draws near

don't get me wrong
i don't want to leave
i think
 Dec 2016 Edward leahy
Duchess Ry
I begged for your love
I wanted your heart
Ain't just your body to have
But you'll never play that part
Those pair of burning eyes
Hungry for my body and soul
But I know I'll never be wise
Because I'm giving you my all
Love will never be us
Kiss me as you spank my ***
Because to us, love is lust
Isn't just a love that lasts
Your hands that loves to roam
Around my body feels just like home
Those lips that kisses every part of me
Makes me moan because of pleasure
As you licks the skin of my body
Lust that I felt will never be sure
Love, Love, What I feel is love
I want you, inside of me
Your heart is what I want to have
Kiss me deeper as you enters me
Hold me tighter as you ******
Moan my name as you go deeper
Make me feel your love ain't lust
Say "I love you", over and over
I taste your lips on mine
Savoring each moment pass by
Pulling me closer to you
Locking me inside your arms

Exchanging intense kisses
In a room filled with nothing
Nothing but our sweet noises
Shaking to the pleasure your giving

Suddenly, you stop for a moment
As you look at me with a sweet smile
Leaning to give a soft kiss on the lips
Saying how much you love me

You pull me closer once again
Indulging myself in your warm embrace
As we cuddle throughout the night
Until we fall asleep in each others arm
 Mar 2015 Edward leahy
Shame doesn't register
Reality is my competitor
I never lost touch with my emotions
Because I've never developed them

The condition of my mind
Is abnormally blind
I don't have emotions
They are all undefined

I've lost touch with true existence
Because it has no significance
No longer living in reality
Fantasy is my residence

I see pleasure in pain,
Burning buildings, and planes
While I may look calm
My true intentions are contained

Able to fool you with a fresh batch of lies
I can mentally count how many lives
I'm willing to steal
Once I take off my disguise

Indignation runs through my blood
Wrath and fury will often flood
The only way I can suppress those outbursts
Is with alcohol and drugs

I am viciously angry but detached
Thoughts of ****** will perhaps
Inspire me to wreck, intrude,
And attack

I will grab the weapons that are closest
Again I will enter hypnosis
I am insanity
And I have psychosis
i wrote this poem after finishing "Columbine", a non-fiction book about the Columbine massacre (based off of Eric Harris's perspective)
 Mar 2015 Edward leahy
i love you, you see
but you dont love me, maybe never did
i want to use & abuse guy after guy
just to make you see what you've done to me
just to make you jealous
just to sate the pain, the hunger, the desire
but i just remembered...
you would have to care for me to be able to hurt you
and you dont.
Be careful when you fall in love with a poet
We kinda don't really think in the same way as everybody else
If everybody's thinking outside the box, were probably the ones thinking on the box
Or with the box, or in another box
Yeah see that was kinda weird
We think in metaphors
We write with our own blood
We write about anything and everything that makes us feel
Which means we will probably write about you
And will continue to write about you even after we've broken up and you moved on and youve forgotten about us
We will still write about you
Because you engraved feelings in us which we have immortalized into words
Think of it like this
You come into our lives
You spill wet cement on the walls of our hearts
We write all the feelings we get on the wet cement and when you're gone it dries up

Be careful when you fall in love
With the girl who can compare you to the sun
One minute she can tell you that the sun is the source of life in this world and brightens up her day
And the next, she can tell you that the sun's UV rays are actually harmful and the sun sets too
While you are talking
She is thinking about how your eyes crease at the corners when you laugh
And how your smile is the most beautiful thing she has ever seen
And how your hair is the perfect mix of messy and hot
She will try to put all these feelings into words
And despite her vast vocabulary and experience in writing
She will never find the right words to describe you
Searching for words will be like using internet explorer as your browser
Or riding a snail
Or looking through a dictionary when all the words are crossed out

Be careful when you fall in love
With a girl who writes
Because you just might be the reason for her writer's block
And she will probably hate you for it
But at the same time love you for it
Yet you can also be the reason she can never stop writing
Because you are more than enough inspiration she needs
You will be the driving force of the pen in her hand against the paper
And that's pretty **** amazing if you ask me
She can turn your world into words
Turn your thoughts into lines
Turn your feelings into poetry
She will say the things you never knew how to say

Be careful when you fall in love with a poet
Because you just might be turned into intangible literature
 Mar 2015 Edward leahy
harlee kae
My hands are perpetually cold,

and I don't know if that's because

of this weather

or because they

never get held anymore.
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