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Aidan Feb 2020
Where am I?
Please can someone tell me
Where am I?
I’m lost and confused
Can someone please be my guide?

It’s dark and cold
I’ve already ran into something twice
I’ve lost my mind 5 years ago
I think I saw it here

Can someone help me?
Tell me where I am

Someone is here
They are coming
Can someone help me?

They are here for me
They are here to take what I only have
They are waiting
They are watching

Help me please!
I’m lost in the forest of my mind.
Aidan Jan 2020
They’re coming
Hear them roar
They’re coming
Hear their battle cry

Out for blood
Out for revenge

They’re coming
And there is nothing you can do

You invited them
You used them
You gave them all of this power

Now it’s time to bow down
Time to surrender
Time to put your life in their hands

They’re the pots and pans
And they dictate your future
Aidan Dec 2019
Can someone hear me?
Can someone hear me?

It’s so dark in here.
So many days, so many nights

Can someone hear me?

Set me free
Anyone! Someone!

I’ve been in here for a decade!
I hear growling,
I’m scared.

I’m in over my head,
The liquid!
It’s going over my head.

Help me please!
I’m stuck in the bottle
Aidan Jun 2019
I trusted you
I trusted you and I have been forgotten.
I have been forgotten and left to deal with the never ending abyss that is my mind.
What have I done to cause this?
What have I done to be left all alone in this world.

The reality checks that we get are unique to all of us but what really defines who we are is how we react to it.
It's how we use this wake up call to our advantage rather than let it be our downfall.

But you have let it get the best of you.
Reality has told you something that you did not wish to hear so you turned the other way.
Away from the truth.
You chose to ignore the pain rather than fight through it.
Rather than take it as a lesson and learn from it.

You chose the easy way out.
In most cases, I would agree with your decision but not now.
This was the wrong time to choose to escape.
This was the wrong time to choose to abandon hope of change.
Change comes around regardless and it is up to us to be there for when it arrives.
Change leads to many great things in life
Change can also lead to various horrific things

I trusted you and you left me to fend against the truth by myself
You left but I will still welcome you back with open arms.
I will still allow you the second chance to let me down
I will still allow you the chance to escape once more.

Maybe I need the lesson in who to trust
But it's you who needs the lesson in fighting.
This poem is about not having someone in your corner at the most detrimental time. About the fact that even though they left, you would still give them a chance to do it all over again.
Aidan Jun 2019
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
That's the saying isn't it?
To not let the words of someone else get the better of you?
But how can you not let them get the best of you when they haunt you daily?
How can you ignore them when they are lurking right around the corner?

We want to believe that the cushion to our wound will always be there for us no matter what.
We want to believe that there will be someone by our side through it all.
But it's the words that we use that can do the exact opposite of what we want.
Words make people leave
Words can make people stay
Words define how we live and who is involved in it.

Nothing is said without an intention,
It may not be direct but it will do damage.
Damage that could either be fix with more words or damage that will stay forever wounded.
Words cause the hurt that surrounds us today
Words cause the joy that we are all addicted to

So the next time you use the words you have been blessed with,
Just think long and hard
And then, just then may you say what could very well dictate your future.
This poem is about the words that are used in everyday life and how they hold much more power than people like to think. Words are the key to the set backs and the advantages in life, it is just a matter of how you put them together.
Aidan Mar 2019
You will get what’s coming to you
When? I don’t know
What I do know is that it’s coming.

You’ve stabbed me in the back,
You’ll soon pay.
What makes you think that the world is on your side?

The world always find justice
And justice will side against you.
Mark my words.
You’ll pay.
Aidan Feb 2019
The time of the year where new beginnings take form.
The time of love and heartbreak. You give your trust and the receiver may do what they will.
The harsh icy shoulder starts to thaw and you see the raw side of people.
Showers of tears cleanse the soul, making the body ready for new truths.
Flowers and new hopes bloom. Whether they flourish depends on the upcoming months.
The beginning of summer and new relationships whether they are friends or more.
Mid summer and just beginning of finding who you are.
End of summer, end of freedom. Our minds soon captured by the education board.
The start of school and new intelligence to be gained.
One month in and everyone is burnt out, waiting for break.
Crawling on the ground, trying to just hold on for a little longer because next month is
Presents and joy now to come. School ends for a week and the restart is pushed.
Until next year...
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