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maxine Aug 2015
When will my last set of tears roll down my cheeks?
When will the sadness come out with the sobs?
When will all be calm and happy and good?
It all comes back to time.
It took time to get to the sadness.
And now it will take an eternity for it to dry out.
One of my favorite YouTube collab channels may be splitting up, and that above all of the other things going on at the moment made me start to bawl. Then I got angry and the words came in just as fast as the tears.
  Aug 2015 maxine
Unknowing, unaware.
Doesn't see, so it doesn't care.
Hanging up - Just like the bones,
Limp and lifeless and no one knows.
By the neck, the hanger holds;
Touched by the dark and growing cold.
The beauty gone, the color faded;
The fight is over, the survivor gave in.
Cursed by the mind, tainted by darkness,
Victim of everything, eyes dull and spark-less.
Nothing left, the coffin closes.
The door shuts early
                         On the Pink Sweater's Closet.
  Aug 2015 maxine
brandon nagley
A poet isn't one to followeth the rules of poetry,
A poet's writing
Cometh from the soul;
And the soul hath none rule's....
Thus the word's from one
Art words of freedom...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
maxine Aug 2015
Mama said ''Don't trust boys they'll leave you with a broken heart.''
I said ''Yeah well that's alright I've been broken from the start.''
Just some lyrics that I'm developing some chords for. :)
maxine Aug 2015
People get tired of you being sad, and then they leave, even when they promised they wouldn't.
Being abandoned by the people you once loved the most and thought you had a connection and understanding with.
maxine Jul 2015
She once played beautiful music but now she's just a broken record.
just something that popped into my head
  Jul 2015 maxine
Sometimes there is no reason behind what I am feeling.
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