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I cant imagine life without you.
I dream of us
not ***,
not swallowing each other,
I look forward to seeing you
every day
I .

I dream about us on a regular day.
It may seem strange.
I dream of when we come home to each other.
I just want to tell you
I love you
I can't say it enough.
I love you.
I hope you know,
I count the hours till I see you again.
You mean everything to me.
Now all i have to do is take the step,
and ask you out.
Will you say
 Apr 2016 Devyani Rawat
gray rain
home is where I want to go
home the only place that I know
home the only place that I miss
home but I don't know where it is
 Apr 2016 Devyani Rawat
he is the sun.
with his bright red hair and his warm hands
freckles all over
he shines
gives warmth and light to people

I am the moon.
a bit cold and a bit sad
with pale white
kinda dusty skin
with scars like craters

the moon can't shine without the sun
but still it is not less important.

sun gives warmth, casts shadows
moon controls the tides,
sees things in a different light

we are the sun and the moon.
like all people are.
the sun an the moon are in love
 Apr 2016 Devyani Rawat
Julia Mae
i said tonight
that i'm going to be dead
you said,
go ahead
i asked,
don't you care?
the stifling silence
on the other end of the line
was enough of an answer
of you and my life

i said tonight
good night
i love you
i'm going to be dead
the line clicked dead
and let go of the rope i did
swinging, my feet
i wish you were here
to grab them
and pull me back
i thought this as i

no more oxygen

*go ahead
have you ever had the person you loved the most tell you to go **** yourself?
Sometimes I have to remind myself
I'm not better than you.
I'm just better than who you say I am.
 Apr 2016 Devyani Rawat
Max Jonas
I am a lonely shepherd
That have no sheep
I am a deranged
That have been never existed.
I am lost with you
Can't find myself
I couldn't see bars,
The prison named life*.
Every morning I wake up with your dream from my sleep.
If Love is shorthand
for Fool...
I have no
 Apr 2016 Devyani Rawat
Ree Bunch
My world is depriving me of oxygen;
as you parade around with your new girl,
and I receive pity stares from friends.
I play unconcerned ‘til I get home,
then I showcase all of my sadness
with my pen, paper and nonstop tears.
I’m going to use you as my muse
to tell you to go ***** yourself, poetically.
When it's over, but you still have those **** feelings when you see him with someone new!
Gone are the glorious Greeks of old,
  Glorious in mien and mind;
Their bones are mingled with the mould,
  Their dust is on the wind;
The forms they hewed from living stone
Survive the waste of years, alone,
And, scattered with their ashes, show
What greatness perished long ago.

Yet fresh the myrtles there--the springs
  Gush brightly as of yore;
Flowers blossom from the dust of kings,
  As many an age before.
There nature moulds as nobly now,
As e'er of old, the human brow;
And copies still the martial form
That braved Plataea's battle storm.

Boy! thy first looks were taught to seek
  Their heaven in Hellas' skies:
Her airs have tinged thy dusky cheek,
  Her sunshine lit thine eyes;
Thine ears have drunk the woodland strains
Heard by old poets, and thy veins
Swell with the blood of demigods,
That slumber in thy country's sods.

Now is thy nation free--though late--
  Thy elder brethren broke--
Broke, ere thy spirit felt its weight,
  The intolerable yoke.
And Greece, decayed, dethroned, doth see
Her youth renewed in such as thee:
A shoot of that old vine that made
The nations silent in its shade.
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