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May 2020 · 149
Feelings for you
Devilgirlzdream May 2020
“I can’t say I haven’t wondered what it would be like, you and I” and  “It hurts me knowing that I can’t just go and be yours”. You’ve said them both. Word for word. So why do I feel like it’s a hopeless love? Like Romeo and Juliet, Bonnie and Clyde, Cleopatra and Mark Anthony. All that fell in love but died with their feelings for one another. One night I dreamt of fighting for you. Dreamt of doing everything I had to do just to make you mine. I’m not sure what it is about you. Is it your smile? Your eyes that I can easily get lost in. Maybe it’s the sweet soothing sound of your voice dancing in my head. I’ve only felt like this for one before you. It was in 2012 when I met him, He was my best friend, and he sadly drifted from my life. His feelings were true, he loved me. Just sadly not in the way of romance and true love. He saw me as nothing more than a great friend, and a painful reminder of his past. I feel like I’m in the same situation once more with you. You’re a highly respected man. Thirty-two years of age. A father of a beautiful daughter. The man of someone that doesn’t truly deserve you. Someone that has put you threw so much and has given you so little. You call your job your place of escape. Your home, your woman. Those are things that should be your escape from the world. You deserve someone that’s willing to fight, that’s willing to hold you when you need to let your feelings out, that’s willing and devoted to make you smile every single day, even if they have to act like a total idiot to just see the glimmer of hope return to your eyes. You’ve dealt with demons for so long. I understand that everything can seem so dark. You deserve to have someone that truly understands those feelings. Not a person that will just say they get it. You want to feel their words, feel their actions. You want someone real, honest, true. I get butterflies everytime I think about you. I get a knot in my chest every time I see someone upset you. You don’t understand how much I want to just run up to you and hug you so tightly, as I whisper in your ear that I’m always here and I love you. “I love you” I don’t know what other words to use to describe what I’m feeling. My feelings towards you are so strong. I’d fight through a crowd of people just to protect you and make you feel worthy of every single thing in life. You’re smart, and funny. You’re sweet and protective. You’re blunt and honest. You’re caring and comforting. Your eyes make me smile. While your smile makes my heart melt. Your touch sends chills down my spine. While your voice makes me blush. I may never get the chance to make you mine. I need to accept that chance and move on. Even though just the thought of it makes my heart hurt and my eyes tear. Like you said “this is just innocent flirting, nothing more.” I was all for it. I now have more feelings than I should. I tried. I truly tried to keep my heart out of this, I kept telling myself that we’re just friends, that you have a girlfriend. Nothing can happen. I can’t feel anything for you. That was, until I had my blackout, and while drunk I admitted to three people, as well as wrote it in a suicide letter, that I fell in love with you. I was willing to take my life and the only thing that I could think of while the world was collapsing on me was you. You truly are my savior. Whether I want to admit all of this to you or not….we shall see what the future holds. I’m so sappy. I want to apologize to you about all my flaws. Like apologizing for apologizing so much. I know that just made you smirk cause I just smiled while typing it thinking of your reaction.
Oct 2016 · 415
Devilgirlzdream Oct 2016
Slowly fading away,
Into the darkness.
Once again,
Trying to fight.
The demons,
Pushing me down.
Down to hell,
To the end.
Feeling are for fools I guess. and dreams....HA!.....Dreams are just for amateur.... :(
May 2016 · 366
Leave me
Devilgirlzdream May 2016
Just leave me be.
Got off my back.
Let me be me.
I never told you to speak.
I never told you to listen.
Get out of my life.
You don't know what I've seen.
What I've been through.
Just leave me be.

Mar 2015 · 519
On IMVU I am
Devilgirlzdream Mar 2015
I am a human.
I am a furry.
I am a vampire.
I am strong.
I am smart.
I am honest.
I am protective.
I am hurt.
I am quiet.

I am me.
Devilgirlzdream Feb 2015
The life in the eyes of your savior.
The death in the eyes of the demon.
Both wanting your heart.
Your soul.
Your mind.

In a dark room.
Surrounded by these to beings.
One trying to keep you safe.
The other trying to destroy you.

The Demon running towards you.
Trying to rip out your soul
And devour it as your blood surrounds his mouth
And drips down his chin

Your savior pulling him back
Two blades appear in his hands
As he get ready to show the demon
He's here to keep me close to him.

He yells as the demon comes after him
You do as he says

You turn back and find him
on the floor fighting back
as the demon's eyes burn red
with revenge in his eyes

You scream
"Leave him alone!"
"Get away from him!"
You run back to the side
of your handsome savior

Out of no where
You push the demon back
Pushing him across
The darkened endless room

Your eyes get wide
About this new strength
Wondering where it came from
Nov 2014 · 881
Devilgirlzdream Nov 2014
Someone message me D':
Im so bored.
I don't wanna be in class.
I just wanna go nap.
Someone one save me.
Take me into a daydream of freedom.
Come set me free.
Nov 2014 · 282
Devilgirlzdream Nov 2014
Why even bother with life,
if its only filled with lies and disappointment
Nov 2014 · 589
The Prey
Devilgirlzdream Nov 2014
With blood shot eyes.
He watches her sleeping.
Tears not falling.

Crashing around him.
The music plays.
The drums pounding.

The voice seducing.
The guitar waling.
It's like your hypnotized.

Getting closer.
And closer.
And closer.

To the amazing sound of his voice.
Opens the door.
There he is.

So mesmerizing.
Don't look back.
Don't look away.
For he's there to steal you.

His arm around your waist.
His breath against your neck.
The chills that fill you.

His voice luring.
As you softly kiss his lips.
Your now under his control.
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
Romeo & Juliet
Devilgirlzdream Nov 2014
The twisted star crossed lovers that we all know.

They fought for each other.
They breathed for each other.
They became one.

Not looking back.
Not caring bout anything.
Not wanting to leave.

The day of the dance.
So fascinated.
Romeo's eyes on her.

Juliet dancing.
But something was missing inside.

In the dark night.
No one around.
He listens to her sweet voice.

Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo.
She's on the balcony.
Thinking of her sweet mystery man.
Nov 2014 · 450
Devilgirlzdream Nov 2014
With love...
There's hope.
All these different emotions.

The feel of your touch.
Your breath giving me chills.
Want you to never leave.
To stay close to me.


For each other.

For forever.

For the past.

Towards the future.

In the end of life.

Chasing for something you believe in.
Through the snow,
The rain,

If I lay here waiting.
Waiting for you.
Will you take me in your arms.
Never let me go.
Nov 2014 · 301
Devilgirlzdream Nov 2014
If you think I don't understand....
Then you don't know me.
Oct 2014 · 358
Dead Soul
Devilgirlzdream Oct 2014
Feeling dead inside once again.
This time...
It's pain for your best friend.
But the thing is.
He's my life.
He's more family than anyone knows.
He's not just my best friend.
He's like my brother.
He's my twin.
He's the other half of me.
I wish I could take away his pain.
I wish I could help him.
He broke so hard.
Yet he tries to fight.
Feels like he tries to fight alone.
Make you feel like....I don't know.
He's my German *******.
He's my #1 cuddle bug.
I don't care what happens to me ever.
I'd die for him without thinking.
I wish I could take all his pain.
I wish that I could be there more for him.
I wish I could hug and hold him when he breaks.
I wish that whenever he feels like crying he can
come to me and we'll just cuddle and talk like
everything will be ok when we know that it won't be.

I can't get it out of my mind.
Can't get it out of my heart.
My soul is dying.
Oct 2014 · 770
What to feel....
Devilgirlzdream Oct 2014
I don't know what to feel anymore.
Life just seems like a waste here and there.
Seeing people happy around me
Seeing them break uncontrollably
What's the point in life anyway.?
We're born.
We live.
Then we die.
What's the point if you're pretty much already dead to begin with.?
Some of us are born with these unbelievely amazing talents.
The rest of us are just like a waste of space.
If I can sing....Then why do I feel like such an outsider.?
I'm right with the group of the loners.
The weak trying to act strong.
The dumb ***** trying to act smart.
But for what.?
I'm never gonna be good enough.
Not in this life time.
And probably not the next.
Or even the one after that.
Im not sure where all this is coming from.
And don't act like you're worried about me.
Don't act like you ever cared.
Im just someone in the shadows.
Im just that nobody people look past.
After everything i've seen.
It breaks my heart....
Oh wait..
What heart.?
Im a heartless *****.
I guess I'll always be that way.
Guess I'm a disrespectful and rude.
If so I apologize.
Not like you'd except that apology anyway...
I know you all have at least one thing against me.
And I don't blame you.
I could really care less if everyone hated me.
I mean...I should be use to it by now.
Everyone else is growing up and doing something with their lives.
I'm just the stupid lazy *** chick that thinks theres no point in life.
Thinks that she was suppose to die at the age of 15....
I don't know why Im even writing this considering no one will read it....
Aug 2014 · 343
Without You
Devilgirlzdream Aug 2014
If I ever lost you,
I'd rather die.

If you never came back,
I'd be in hell.

If I didn't have my angel,
I would forever be a demon.

If I ever saw my wolf dead,
I'd go insane.

I can't imagine life,
Without you by my side.

You keep me whole,
You're now part of my soul.

I give you my heart,
So you'll never lose its beat.

I'd cry until,
I drowned in my own tears.

I'd cut until,
I drowned in my own blood.

Without you,
Life is nothing.

I never knew,
You'd be this important to me.

But life comes with surprises,
And you're the best I could have.

You make me smile.
You make me feel loved.
You make me feel save.
You make me laugh.

You might be a goober.
You might be an *******.
You might be different.
But I love it all.

I love you for you.
No matter how weird,
You can get.

I just wanted to say,
That if you ever leave.

I'll be by your side,
Through thick or thin.

You are
Best friend.

You are
My life.

My reason
I live.

Without you
I'm nothing.
<33333 Aikin The Deadman <33333
Jul 2014 · 308
Just One of Those Days
Devilgirlzdream Jul 2014
Just one of those days.
That I feel like I'm death.

I made you upset.
Angry with me.

I'm sorry.
I never meant to.

Just to much around today.
To much in my head.

I thought I cleared it.
I thought I was fine.

I guess I'm not.
If I made a fight with a line.

This poem might make no sense.
But I could care less.

I'm writing down my feelings.
Writing what I believe in.

I feel like such a *****.
I'm crying for making you feel like this.

I believe that I'm sorry.
You can leave now if your done with me.

I'm so use to people leaving.
I'm just stuck believing.

That no one really cares.
That no ones wants to be here.

That they all want me to die.
They don't want me in their lives.

I'm just having one of those days.
Please forgive for upsetting you that way.
Aikin The Deadman :'(
Devilgirlzdream Jul 2014
You are my savior.
My reason I still live.
My reason for being here.
My reason I've not disappeared.

You’re my best friend.
I love you so much.
If you look in the mirror,
You’ll see my favorite person.

We've only known each other
For over a year.
It feels like forever,
Seeing how close we've gotten.

Would you lay with me and forget the world?
Would you take a bullet for me?
Would you cry along side me?
What would you do if we had to say good-bye?

I miss the sound of your voice.
I wanna feel the touch of your skin.
Watch you smile like a *****.
When I do something cute.

You’ll make me blush.
You’ll make me smile.
You’ll hold me close,
Even if its just for a while.

You are everything,
To me and more.
I’d pretty much die,
If you walked out the door.

I’d be so lost.
So alone and confused.
I’d blame myself for it,
Even if it wasn't my fault all.
I’m surprise I’m writing so much.
But you’re just that special.
To have me pretty much write a book.
To tell you how much you mean to me.

I’d want you to be my last friend.
My last dance
My last hug.
My last kiss.

When I’m on my death bed.
I want you to be there.
So I’m not alone,
Going through that fear.

Our hands together.
My last breath on your cheek.
As you’d cry a single tear.
And my face goes pale.

I’d wish for you to be strong.
Let me be the strength in you.
Like you’re the strength in me.

My handsome sweet wolf.
A true friend to me.
My amazing lil Aikin.
My protective Dommikinz.

My loving twin.
You will always be my savior.
Til the very end.
Inspired by
the best guy I've ever know
Aikin The Deadman

Please look at his poetry.
It's amazing :)
I hope you like both of ours
Jul 2014 · 354
Missing You Tons
Devilgirlzdream Jul 2014
The rain comes out.
The sun fades away.

Nothing will ever be the same.
Until I see your sweet face.
<3 Dommikinz <3
Jul 2014 · 899
Devilgirlzdream Jul 2014
He has a surprise for me.
What is it gonna be?
He said its done.
When am I gonna get it?
When did he have the idea,
To do this?
I'm so excited,
But annoyed.
He won't tell me.
No matter how much,
I beg, pout, or kiss up.

Aikin The Deadman<3
Love you but tell meeeee Dx
Jul 2014 · 544
Knock It Off!
Devilgirlzdream Jul 2014
I'm not your "babe"
Knock it the *******.

I'm not your "gal"
Knock it the *******

I'm not your "*****"
I'm not your "boo"
I'm not anything to you.

Stop calling me all this ****.
I'm just looking for a friend.

I'm not anyone's anything.
The ONLY person that get me.

Gets to call me whatever.
Is my best friend Aikin.

I'm HIS baby girl.
I'm HIS lil kitten.

So knock it off.
Or I'll have my wolf come after you.
<3 Aikin The Deadman <3
(A.k.a. My dommie/dommikinz)
Jul 2014 · 269
Devilgirlzdream Jul 2014
It was a lil promise
You got ******
You almost exploded on me
Im sorry I like talking to you
Im sorry I like seeing you
I should just leave you alone
I should've never said a thing
I **** everything up
**** people off
Im just so done with life
I can't do a single **** thing right
I'll just stay the no body I was meant be
Hope everyones lives are now easier without me
Im sick of being the one
That can't do anything right
Jul 2014 · 355
Devilgirlzdream Jul 2014
Only ones that get jealous,
But still stay no matte what.

Those are the amazing people,
To keep close to your hearts.
Jul 2014 · 555
Im Sorry Dommikinz v.v
Devilgirlzdream Jul 2014
Itdoesn't matterwhat I do
Nothing seems to go right
I'm so ******* stupid
I write to get rid of everything
But I upset the greatest guy ever
He's my best friend
It kills me seeing
That I made him disappointed
I just want to curl in a ball
And cry, try to
Turn back time
So I could've never hurt him
Im sorry, I love you
I never picked up a blade
Please believe me
Your my reason
Why I stayed,
Why I was strong,
Why I fought,
Why I dreamed at night,
Instead of fallingin the dark.

I wish I could hug you tight,
And say Im sorry to your face
But we're so far apart
So Im sorry between this space
Aikin The Deadman
Jul 2014 · 299
Devilgirlzdream Jul 2014
I hurt everyone
I hurt people I love
I hate myself for it
I wish I would just die

I hate seeing my friends like this
I hate seeing HIM upset
It tears me apart
It sends me to the darkness crying

Slicing up my arm
Slicing up all of me
Feeling the sting of the pain
As the blade goes in deep

I'll fall to my knees
Drowning in my own blood
If he hurts again
But I'm so scared

He says he'd do the same.
I can't imagine it.
I'm NOT that important to the world.
Not that important to anyone.

My heart has broken so many times
And the pain is killing me
Slowly eating away at my soul

I should just give up now
Cause this is a waste of my time

When HE reads this.
Text me.
Please DON"T do anything but talk to me.
You know who you are.
And I'm sorry Im not as strong as I seem
I just lost all control
Jul 2014 · 456
Shit Happens
Devilgirlzdream Jul 2014
**** happens,
Hearts get broken,
Andlife moves on,
But no one cares,
Until your gone.
Jun 2014 · 3.2k
Senior Prom
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
Prom date?

Thinking bout it

Will be kicked off as soon as the music starts

Either curled or just in a ponytail

So much for me to think about
But im just hoping that amazing someone can come with me
Jun 2014 · 528
Who My Heart Says I Want
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
I never meant to make him jealous.
I never meant to be a flirt.

Im scared to tell him the truth.
Im scared he'll leave me in the dirt

Last night I skyped with him and his friend
I'm talkin to his bud

I tell him he's right.
About me liking my bestie.

First day I met him.
I fell hard.

I never told him.
I didn't want to **** up our friendship.

He's just the sweetest guy i've ever met.
He's just so smart,
And talented,
And funny.

He's the only guy,
I've ever been really attracted too.

NONE of my ex's compare even close to him.

Now I gotta find the guts.
To tell him my secret.
Jun 2014 · 209
Please Come True
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
Is he really coming?
Is it really gonna happen?
Am I dreaming?
Someone pinch me please
I can't wait to see him.
I'll tackle him to the ground.
Might even kiss him...
I'm just so happy right now
Jun 2014 · 4.9k
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
My dream feels so real.
Feels like I could just reach out and touch him.
I’m not sure what to think of it.
Do I really want it to happen.
Maybe I do,
But I don’t want things to get weird.
I love him but Im not sure if I should say it.
Friends with benefits is kinda interesting.
It’s also kinda weird too.
Am I just feeling this way cause he's the only guy I feel closest to?
Is it cause I find him attractive and he helps easily take the pain away?
Im not sure.
I need some serious help.
But time shall tell.
What it wants me to do.
Jun 2014 · 258
Truth in Me
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
I don't know what to think
He's really attractive
Even more attractive than my ex....
First time i've ever said that
But it is true
He's so sweet and adorable
But he's got someone he loves
I respect that
Even though I love him a lot
More than just a friend
Im glad he's happy

But let me tell you something
His heart gets broken
I'm NOT going to think twice
Bout kicking some ***
NO ONE hurts my family and friends
Then gets away with it
...Not sure if i should tell him...
might make things a lil awkward...
but i already know he's gonna see this so..
Jun 2014 · 273
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
The first time in my life
I don't know what
Or Who
I want
Or want to be

I feel like no one cares
No one loves me
No one would cry if I died

Why am I even here?
I should just go
Go far away
And just forever be alone
Jun 2014 · 8.4k
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
Talking to my friend Vincent
Told him what has been going on
Told him about the whole
"Friends with benefits" thing
He just said
"**** ;D"
Jun 2014 · 245
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
nothing to cry about

nothing to die about

don't pick up the ******* knife
Jun 2014 · 347
He's Nothing
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
He's nothing to cry about
He's nothing to cut about
He's nothing to die about

But yet,
I'm still left broken
Over you by Daughtry reminds me of you :'(
Jun 2014 · 1.7k
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
WOO! hell ya baby! i'm officially on my last year of high school
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Got Him ;)
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014

he bit my neck
i clawed his back

his tongue against mine
loving it

i nibble his ear
bite his neck
claw his back
hear him softly moan

i know i got him,
just where i want him
;) some very lovely stuff goin on
i feel like friends with benefits ;D
Jun 2014 · 362
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
Tryin to sell my ring
My engagement ring

The ******* left me
Got someone new
He's getting nothing back

Anyone need a ring.?
Its beautiful
Size 8

Message me if you'd like it
Its from Kay's
Jun 2014 · 3.3k
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
Talking to my best friend
We cuddle
And I kiss his cheek

Next thing I know
He's licking my neck
I slowly lick his in return
Blushing my head off

What the hell is going on here?
Am I talking to the same person?
But he is really attractive..
I bite my lip

This is some intense ****

the **** that happens lol cx
Jun 2014 · 715
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
Talking to my besties
One says a friend called him a lollipop
I just laugh and ask
*"Can I lick you then?"
cx love ya dommie
Jun 2014 · 302
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
*** CAKE!
long story but thank you summer
Jun 2014 · 461
Our song <3
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
You make me feeel sooo alive
I've got purpose once again!

If looks could **** you'd be the one
That takes my world and makes me numb
I'm nothing, without you I can't breathe (I can't breathe)
And as the sunlight burns the sky
I see through my obsessive eyes
I'm nothing, without you I can't see

You're the strength I need to fight,
You're the reason I still try,
I'm the moth and you're the light,
Use these wings so I can fly
Ashley by ETF (Escape The Fate)
For my amazing dommikins <3 love you sweety
Jun 2014 · 707
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
YOU'RE AN *******
A MAN *****



******* CODY!
Jun 2014 · 408
Your Eagle, My Wolf
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
You kept me fighting,
You kept me strong.

When I was weak and alone.

You are the strength within me,
You're my loving twin.

I'll love you forever,
Til the very end.
If it wasn't for him, I'd be gone right now.
Love you my amazing bestie and twin Aikin The Deadman <3 c:
Jun 2014 · 226
How do you say...
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
There is many ways to say
Love you

Best friend
Love You

Love you

Love you
Jun 2014 · 625
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
Talking to cousin.
Told him I'm cutting.
He just says.
"What do you think grampa would say
if he saw you cutting.?
I broke into tears
And now Im ballin'
Its been over six years since my grandfather died v.v
The most amazing grampa I could've ever asked for
Jun 2014 · 873
Fucking Bullshit Man!
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
Friend trying to cheat,
I take the teacher's book away from him.
"If I could slap you I would"
He says.
I offered him my help before
He denied.
"You think you're my mother or something?"
"I can do whatever I want, thank you very much"
He says.
I'm trying to help.
So you don't get in trouble.
And I get this ****!?!
Go to hell and have fun failing
Just remember you had a friend that cared
The thing is
a friend
GRRRR!!! >.< **** him man. Im trying to be nice. Im trying to help. I get this. The SAME day I get called two faced..
**** life. This AIN'T worth it!
Jun 2014 · 1.0k
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
I broke
After over a year
I just ******* broke
And sliced my arm
v.v im scared
im ******* terrified man
I don't wanna do it anymore
but its soo hard to stop
Jun 2014 · 284
Let Go
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
please just let me go
let my die
im dying inside
so just let me fly
please v.v just let me die
Jun 2014 · 544
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
I don't care any more
This is to much for my head
You both say you love me
You both say you care
I believed it all
But I'm sick of hearing *******
Stop telling me lies
Stop pretending you like the real me
I'm not ******* perfect
I never wanna be
So if you don't like it
Then leave me be
I'll vanish forever
If that's what you want
You're both breaking my heart
Talking about all this stuff
Dommie and Garland, thankz a lot
Jun 2014 · 273
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
Jun 2014 · 372
Devilgirlzdream Jun 2014
Those who help you get up
Know what it's like to fall.
said to me by my bestie Aikin The Deadman
Love you *** and thanks for bein' there for me c:
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