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 Mar 2019 Delia Darling
Lick my lips
Cradle my face
Gaze into my eyes
And tell me I'm safe
 Feb 2019 Delia Darling
life is too short to wish you were living someone else’s
 Feb 2019 Delia Darling
I'm seeing someone often lately, someone I have not seen in a very long time.

It's me.
Finally, my life is back on the track of which it derailed many years ago.
There is
"There is" sounds so solid
declaring existence
so soundly
breaking time

like it was ribbons
on a prize

sinking through this
surface of now

as if

as if turned inside out

is of shaded thinking

is of feel
the almost connection
breeding loneliness

on your neck
is where you feel

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
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