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David Jun 2015
You tell yourself,
that if she wanted to talk to you:
Then she would.

And she won't.
She wants you out of her life
for ever.
For good.

There are others
in her life.
Yet no one else
in yours.

The clouds fill up the sky,
your eyes;
and when it rains,
it *pours.
It's 3am. Can't sleep.
David Jun 2015
We danced away
under the misty starlight.
I was lost in your eyes.
what a night.

We woke up
under sheets of rich
red rose-coloured garments
of silk and lavender.

We kissed,
and cuddled
through the sound of rain
hitting the roof
and through the roars
of lightning
and thunder.

We strolled
through an enchanted,
rich meadow,
and trekked
through the mountains
all covered with  snow.

You looked at me
and told me,
that I should know:
that you love me.
That you wouldn't let me go.

And in that moment,
I said it didn't matter.
That the words weren't necessary.
That they would only get lost,
fragile sound waves obscured
in the chaos of the ether.
Like tears frozen in frost.
I said I could feel it anyway.
I knew it.
That you didn't have to say.
And in that moment,
we were perfect.
Everything was beautiful.
No pain;
when *I woke up.
You always wake from dreams.
David Jun 2015
Thank you
for being there
when no one else was.

Thank you
for telling me
I meant something,
Just because.

Thank you
for coming by
when you know didn't have to.

Thank you
for helping me
and taking me under you wing.
For guiding me through.

Thank you
for opening my eyes
to the things I hadn't before seen.

Thank you
for making me aware
and for telling me what it means.

And thank you,
For all that you have done.

Thank you,
my dear friend,
even though you have gone.
To a friend.
David Jun 2015
Not dead,
yet slowly dying.
But you can't fault me
or blame me
for trying.
And I'd be lying:
if I said I didn't miss her,
Or that I didn't want to kiss her
But it's too late for that now.
Too much sorrow.
Too much pain.
She gets on fine without me
so why can't I do the same?

I don't know.
And doubt I'll ever.
It went by so fast,
when we were together.
Now I'm stuck here,
in the cold rainy weather.
Wondering whether
you even think of me at all.
If you're feeling as I feel
or you're standing up tall.
I wonder a lot.
Wondering if I should call
only to be put on hold.
All my life I've waited
and now
I've already grown
far too old.

I remember now why I forget.
Killing me slowly
like smoke from your cigarette.
Filling me from the inside.
Invading me
poisoning me.
A little mistress of death
I wish I had never met.
I am ill.
David Jun 2015
Her city's wine:
Bitter but sweet.
Under the darkness
and under bed sheets.
The scent of cigarette smoke.
The sound of heart beats.
Sore lips, smooth, soft.
They say,
"That which starts bitter
ends sweet."
But that goes both ways.

And that wine:
Sweet but bitter.
A cruel mistress.
Covered in glitter,
glowing, shining
under bright neon lights.
Floating up
and away:
High like a kite;
And leaving, disappearing
into the blackness
of the cold
starless night.
Just some thoughts.
David Jun 2015
A car is speeding
down a stretch of road.
To have her prince,
she kissed a toad.

The car stops
to get some gas.
She would never
have her prince
if she gave
that toad a pass.

It stops.
Someone steps out
from the car.
They start to walk
but not too far;
to a house,
surrounded by trees.
Hidden in the hills.
by the autumn leaves.

They knock on the door
three times,
and no more.
But he is not answered
for nobody is home.
So he walks away,
and he
is alone
just like before.
Just like old times,
he tells himself
that "less is more."
So that it doesn't hurt
quite as bad.
So that he doesn't feel
quite as sad.
And like going insane;
a man gone mad:
He forgets the things
that he once had.

So again in his car
He is back on the road,
and at the next red light
he pauses, because he knows:
He could've been her prince,
but now
he'll always be a toad.
Stuff and stuff
David May 2015
In my hotel room,
I pace the floor.
I hold my breath, count to ten:
She's out the door.
Alone again.

A few seconds of silence
feels like forever.
Lighting her cigarette:
Time slows down, stops
when we are together.
So it's too bad  
we blank each other out.
Both invisible.
"Please see me,"
I scream,
I shout.
I am miserable.
And need to feel something.
So on my hand,
I put it out.

And it left a mark.
A reminder.
That I could never
and didn't deserve
to find her.
To hear her words,
be in her thoughts,
to feel her touch,
to walk her floors.
Or to enter her house,
to open her doors.
To be washed up,
from the rough seas,
to safety on her shores.

Her city's wine was bitter
but sweet.
Under the darkness
and under bed sheets.
I felt a warm breath,
My haven.
My sweet retreat.
And heaven it was
hearing her heart beat.
Reassuring me
that she was there.
That she might feel something too.
That she might care.

And that wine:
Sweet but bitter.
A cruel mistress.
Covered in glitter,
glowing and shining
under bright neon lights,
high like a kite;
foggy of thought,
and gone
into the night.

And if you're reading this,
and you might:
Say something sweet,
Please say that I just
and that it's all alright.
Or say nothing at all
Don't raise me up
or bring me down
with your words,
your call.

But sometimes I stop and wonder:
Do you remember me at all?
I hope not.
I hope you don't recall.
It's best if you forgot.

Yes, it's best if you forget
the time you let
me hold you and pet
you, cold in the room
where we were warm,
with the window wide open,
smoke seeping out
from your cigarette.
We weren't supposed to smoke in there.
Something you'd regret.
But they cleaned our ashtray, anyway.
Nobody seemed to care.

You never seemed to care.

Opening the door, ready to leave,
you gave me a look
I could not believe
Did I ever meet you?
Was it all but a dream?
Am I now awake?
Is my life now seen?

You closed the door and became a stranger
and from that point on,
like seeing baby Jesus in his manger,
I knew the end of this story.
"No love,
no glory."

Crucified and all I got was this T-shirt.
I feel your pain, Jesus,
I feel your hurt.

I suppose I shouldn't look back
but it's quite hard
to put these memories aside,
to discard.
And to write rhymes
knowing full well,
like some hopeless, unfunny
drunk Irish bard:
That she's no longer mine.
She was never mine.
And I can't get over it.
Can you tell?

And can you tell:
That every unconscious breath
causes pain,
and every conscious thought
causes hell?
That I climbed up
into the lofty heights of my hopes,
that I climbed too high,
that I slipped,
and I fell?

And I am still falling
Her name,
I keep calling.
As I continue to fall.
The taste still lingering.
and forgetting it all.
A sort-of prequel to 'Tell her'
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