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The night is like a sharpened knife,
It slides inside the softened butter of my sleep,
Slices, and spreads.
My dreams are a feast for beasts that haunt
The shuttered soul of my very human heart.
That first taste; sweet, like the first brave stars
That wave goodbye to dusk.
Heady then, those midnight licks
From something sated, gorging here for greed alone.
Soon, their appetite curdles,
My dreams within those gaping maws,
Turned foul and rank, now turn on those that feed.
As dawns shy song bids night ghasts flee
My dreams return, at last, to me.
Not sure what this is about. I have not been sleeping well, in a lot of physical pain, hopefully to be rectified soon with surgery. Think it's about that, about sleep being stolen by pain.
I don't know what I'm doing
I don't know what I'm feeling
I don't know where I'm going
I don't know who I'm being
I'm overwhelmed,
I can't cope

These are the slogans
I repeat to myself
Over and over again

Oh yeah

I'm a failure too
I've lived this life
What did I do?
What do I have to
show for it?

These facts about myself
are the one thing
I'm very positive about.

I repeat these slogans
day in and day out
always wondering
what I'm so
depressed about

I bury my head in these sands

choking on anxiety
in my own
advertising slogans
on my private airwaves

To complicate
just because we think something
doesn't make it true
that goes for
self worth too.


watching the passing cars
from a freeway overpass
like our racing thoughts
not holding on
not making them go away,
in peace
letting them
States of mind are transitory, come and go.
shining sheet
satin chiffon scarves
beaded curtain of

who knew
beauty could wreak
such chaos?

overturned dumpsters
blocking the road
and a
matress floating down the street!

sirens shrieking
and cars flooded in roadways

some silly motorists
will be swept away in the washes


but agave bloom's
pale yellow petals
the color of an
old wedding gown
drenched with dew

the sun cannot be


I                    B
A                                  O
R                                            W

(C) 7/1/2016
We just had an incredible rainstorm!
All of what I said above really happened!
It was the hardest rain we've had in years. The June rainfall was the highest it's been for 50 years! The second highest since 1932.



I took a picture of the Agave flower.
It is now my site photograph.

And the double rainbow!

We walk together through scorched ravines.
Cutting paths through ashen yellowed undergrowth.
Beads of perspiration, our faces flushed,
The gusting wind embraces us as if to hold us back from completing our objective.

Six minutes of Safety our mission, premise clear,
We attack the fire with grit & opposing force.
Smoldering vegetation extinguished beneath our feet
And a Jack Rabbit makes his move to escape the approaching flames.

And in the distance, the Demon ‘Fire’ & his accomplice ‘shifting winds’ plan their conspiracy,
They look down upon there victims with malicious contempt.
Hands clenched as if to enjoy their fatal actions….
And with swift exploit they entrap the men.

As the men peer through the flames they see Angels on the Horizon.
And they arrive to carry off their heroes to paradise.
Making their way through the Milky Way……. past Jupiter & Mars,
Bound for a place called “The New Jerusalem”.

A welcoming carpet of stars marks their arrival and the Son shone bright!
And as they approach the city, their smiling faces are welcomed by oceans of loved ones & friends afar.
No more tears, no more pain, no more worries…only happiness abounds
Because the hotshots from Granite Mountain have arrived home, safe and sound.

-Kurt Carman 2014
laughter: a mask
and a medicine for his pain. they pay him no mind.
to them ,
he is barely a person, a tool. his
flesh melts into metal, his arms levers, his face flat and featureless.
he mocks his fears and flaws,
his pain,
secretly hoping that
will make them
a mere joke,
a fantasy.
it fails, it always fails, but the smiley faces stenciled on his exoskeleton
of reassurance of his state of mind
are still there.
so he clatters on, joking, grinning,
his laughter his mask and his medicine.
For a friend of mine
Cover the garden.
Hiding all that is under them.
I pull.
I tug.
I endure the noise of the machine.
To get rid of every single one.
I labour.
And then.
I uncover.
Green treasure.
Shiny leaves of green.
Soft leaves of juniper.
As two lovely bushes are exposed,
from under their long-endured
weedy cover.
Is this how it is with the trials of life?
The pain.
The rejection.
The anger and sorrow.
Like the weeds that try to cover.
The hope of tomorrow.
The weeds that try to hide.
The hidden treasure.
Of what God wants to teach me through this.

Hidden treasure.
Hidden treasure.
Of knowing He loves me all through the storm.
The hidden treasure of knowing I am His.
And because of this...
I shall see His goodness.
Because of this...
I shall behold...
Hidden Treasure.

(C) Elizabeth T., 2016

that vacant stare

the here-not-here

thought gathering
these few seconds

of a world
of little or no


a glance capturing
a bird in mid-flight

the dance of sunlight
through lime green leaves

a memory of her self
being all of four

the yellow pencil sharpener
held steadily in her hand

paring all the  coloured pencils
down to the last shavings

a swirl of frocks
dancing with each other

all these thoughts
scattered upon the air

all these thoughts lost

the bomb goes off.
Eftsoons the lumming, there shalt be
Bygone descendant's strumming.
Strumming string's,
Cleping the Almighty's name;
Yeshua ha'mashiach-
Jesus the king.
In white robes we'll dance
Pure air we'll breathe;
None need for shirt's nor pants,
None pain's of mortal being's.
None sadness to be brought inside
This place of glory, in the third heaven's sky's,
A place where thine eyne art dry,
A place of space where liberty shines.
A place with faces that never die,
Where there is no time-
Or way's of men.
Lover's, soulmates , Queen's, king's, friend's,
Guiding truth, where no river end's.
No place of pretend, no place of the lost,
All's found here, with ourn Savior's cost.
His cost of blood, upon that cross,
Upon that cross, where he was nailed;
Blood and water ran from his heart,
Gruesome detail's. Yet that's the love
He payed for us, mansion's now mine queen
Art awaiting us. So please just trust yeshua's
Holes, there in his hand's , thou wilt feel his soul.
Exploding into the cosmos, destroying death's own blow,
Don't be so worried mine queen, with him thou art whole.
Thou art the daughter of him mine love,
Just look to God O' dear God above,
When the evil forces try to shake ourn mind's
Hold mine hand, as Christ hold's mine;
Away we'll go, where the light doth shine,
O' the light doth shine, from his radiant face.

©Brandon Nagley
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou)
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Eftsoons - archaic word meaning ( soon after)
Lumming- heavy rain , this word was used early nineteen hundreds.
Bygone- belonging to  earlier time.
Clepe- to call or to name. Meant this as to ( call) like call ones name. Cleping- calling ones name.
Ourn - our.
Yeshua ha'mashiach means- Jesus the Messiah, as well amazingly Yeshua means- in hebrew salvation. S h
Thine- your.
Eyne- eyes archaic word.
Art- are.
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