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Yes better than
The old
Respected women
By actual men
"I can't wait for ten years.
I will finally have my life
The irony is repulsing
For your life was long together by then,
Because it was long over--
In one month, as a matter of fact,
Of you saying that;
Could you really not wait for ten years
When everyone but a few
Have forgotten you?
You don't cross their minds all the time,
That pain has healed from ****** wound
To infected scab to nasty scar to
A faint little mark
Barely visible
That is fading
More and more
Just like you.
I remember you, though,
Too clearly
For I was in that car
Lying next to you,
Saying "It will be okay,
Help is coming"
And you passed so easily
And I stayed too easily
And your blood that covered me,
It won't wash away,
It's a stain
I see
Just like you.
Every time I close my eyes,
I remember a car ride one month before the last:
We were so done with school, relationships, part time jobs,
You grabbed my hand as I drove and smiled,
"I can't wait for ten years.
I will finally have my life
Ten years later,
I'm so sorry.
The mirror is not my friend today
It has pilfered my youth
what little beauty I possessed
now softened or erased
by time the healer
time the thief

Raw moments
brand my face
with unedited lines
like pillow creases
that will never fade
from my skin

My eyes are circled black
lids stone-weighted
by what I cannot
bear to witness
sadness is their color
this day

the mirror is not my friend
it will not lie
somber eye to somber eye
the truth won't be denied
*what we have lost
can never be regained.
This one may need a little explanation.  It's not about vanity.  Everything that happens in our lives, all the hurtful things done to and by us and the **** that just happens, is written with each crow's foot, laugh line, or gray hair.  We wear our stories.   And even the truths we don't want to face can't be denied when we look into our own eyes.
this is the last time you'll drag your dagger through my mind
im silencing the thoughts
readjusting the locks
just to keep you out.
don't try and break in,
theft is in your blood and im not yours to steal.
your mask won't trick me the next time
your face is engrained in my mind
and i'll never forget
i could never forget
i'm just out of things to give
so please stay out this time.
 Nov 2015 Darwyn Bruelemans
Before I took up poetry,
I had no way to express myself
I didn't talk to other people,
They wouldn't care about how I felt
I've always found this difficult,
Uncomfortable to speak my mind
Ever scared to make a fool of myself
Of being judged and pushed aside
That I never spoke of my worries,
Not my doubts, or my fears
I kept them buried deep inside,
And ignored them all these years..

I don't remember when I started writing,
Only when I did, I wasn't scared
My thoughts no longer caged inside,
And my poetry I shared
Before I took up poetry
I was lonely, confused, and afraid
Poetry helped me find myself,
Brush aside old habits and forget mistakes
And slowly through my writing,
I'm healing every day
Poetry can save lives
Don't believe me but I'm proof of it all the same
Poetry can save lives
Poetry saved mine
 Nov 2015 Darwyn Bruelemans
"don't say you love me unless you really mean it. because i might do something crazy like believe it."
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