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Our bodies are lampshades

Dimming our true potential to shine
You are like a demon,
walking through my life so
carefree and happy to ruin
all that I had left.

He was like a snake,
slithering through my life,
and leaving so quickly. I almost didn’t notice
when he slithered away. In the middle of the night,
I heard the faint hiss of you leaving.

They were like birds,
singing songs of how I was never to forget your
hiss. I was pathetic, and you were
just another person who left. And everyone

I was like a deer,
caught in the headlights of your vehicle.
I was all but lost, and you didn’t care.
All you did was
run over me.
My love is not controversial.
You are not permitted to
Define it, or make light of it.
It is not my choice to love.
I didn’t pick and choose.

You call yourself so righteous
In your morals, but you
Judge us
Which your dear
Religion told you so often
Not to. don’t call my love fake,
Do not make slander.

Don’t pretend that you’re better than us
Do not protest at our events,
It will only make you seem more
Ignorant to the truth.

Your closed-minded morals disgust me.
Just think how many connections,
Friends and acquaintances you could have.
I’m sorry you judge us so easily,
But I can’t care about it
Any longer.
I am angry for the way your eyes touched mine, how
They looked at me and without thinking, made contact,
Opened your mouth and the word beautiful
Fell out

I don't know if it was the 2 am restlessness or
the alcohol speaking but
What you said burned a pit in my stomach
I planned on filling it with your smile but
you stopped sharing it with me

I wanted to pile the void high with the thought of how your
Hand pushed hair behind my ear and
Your arms reaching out like you needed me

You told me,
I was beautiful
Whether or not it was an accident does not matter when
I can still feel how your breath felt brushing my cheek as you spoke and
How I blushed, laughing, turning my head to break the connection
I shook it in response saying,

"No, I am not"

Because beautiful things don't confess to their own knowledge of being

You said yes
I said no,

Because beauty is a privilege I have never been allotted

You said yes, you are
I said okay

I don’t know why you had to tangle truth into a lie
If I were truly beautiful to you, you would say hello and still mean it
I'd like to think that if I really were, you would want nothing else but to hold me at all hours of the day, to
Kiss the face you held in your palms and just watch the up and down of my eyelashes but
You don't and I understand, it's okay

It has been a month or two since you spilled poison into my open heart and
for the first time I am remembering this encounter,
It is too sweet for your now bitter
I ask myself why I still think of you and
I know it is due to the way you spoke to me, how
You touched me too gently for too long
Your fingerprints left holes in my memory foam skin, I let you get too close.

This is simply sadness that
is too tired to morph into anger
I am only angry in how you made roses out of words
to plant them in my garden, unfit to grow
I could never keep much else alive besides myself and
everything dies out eventually
I should have guessed that we would too.
Rose petal lips
A velvety kiss
How sweet it tastes
To be rooted in this
Breathtaking bliss
i think i'll always think of him as the ocean
with his eyes made of tidal waves and
a voice like a current that could always
pull me closer

i was the weather,
a pair of glass eyes that would rain
when i could no longer find reasons
to fall in love with the sun, and
i remember the days when he would
hold me in his arms when i could no longer
find shelter inside my skin, and
how our intertwined fingers became
my newfound reason to live

and letting go always felt
like i had run out of oxygen, gasping for
a feeling i thought i would lose
because i was taught that
love always dies, that it would only be
a matter of time before i would be left
suffocating in silence alone once more

but i am able to breathe on my own now
without feeling as if my chest could collapse
and swallow me whole
because i know that even the darkest skies
hold beauty within them, and if i just look up
a little farther,
i will see the moon
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