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 Jul 2014 Danziel
Domestic violence, I feel it in your silence,
I see the pain in your eyes, hearing the torture in your cries.

Bruises, broken bones your half dead,
he battered you so badly there's scars on your head, with the feeling of dread.

To weak to fight his strength, you'd go to any length,
to break free run from this bully, he don't love you in his heart not truly or fully.

Excuses are running out, you have to get out
U can hear him coming, you get the urge to start running.

You freeze he grabs you by the hair,
pleading with him to stop, in this rage he doesn't care.

Another punch in the face, he throws you around,
too young to pick you up off of the ground.

He says he didn't mean it, i wish you could of seen it
from the beginning, he's got a hold of you he thinks he's winning.

walking on egg shells living in this hell,
too afraid to speak out, there's no one you can tell.

He rapes you batters you inflicts all this pain,
stripped you of your dignity, makes you feel insane.

Domestic violence, break your silence
fight back your strong, what he's doing is wrong.
 Jul 2014 Danziel
Poetry is
 Jul 2014 Danziel
poetry is blood
not words
poetry is heartbeats
sunlight in your eyes
poetry is life
it is not english class
 Jul 2014 Danziel
She always wondered what it would be like to be loved
And not slipped under someone like a glove.
She always dreamed of not being a man’s trophy.
Yes she
Wondered why
No guy
Seemed to truly love her
Enough to stay.
Day by day
She’d think to herself
This may well be the reason her daddy didn’t
Stick around
Long enough to hear the sound
Of her first cry
Because he too knew
Before she was born into the world
Deep down inside,
There was something wrong with this girl.

So she chased every guy who smiled in her directions
You see,
Seeking love was her infection
Passing the shards of her heart
To each ‘brand new start’
Thinking they were the one
Who would put her together again
Yet every encounter left her even more broken
Each ***** gentleman left a token
Of their ‘gratitude’
Which was pain etched on her pieces of heart
Leaving her further away from the start

“What’s wrong with me?
Am I not worthy of love?
Or am I just a girl
Destined to be second in another world?”
She’d cry out.
Then she’d search about for the one.
Yet it never occurred to her to
Seek out The One
Who could truly save her

The One who died on a Calvary Hill
Healed the demon-possessed and the ill.
The One who bled dry to save,
The Ancient of Days,
The Prince of Peace and Lord of Lords.
Yes Jesus the risen Christ,
Who mends hearts and makes them alright.
The one who two thousand plus years
Defeated death
And Is worthy of all praise and cheers.

Then one faithful day they met
Her heart could not believe the love
After so many years of neglect.
The Jesus she always cast aside
Pieced her heart back together
And gave her access to forever,
He cleaned her sin with His blood
And anoints her with His everlasting love.
Yes the broken she
Was now the beloved Princess
Of The Perfect He.

 Jul 2014 Danziel
Awesome Sauce
When I was fourteen, I wore lots of make-up,
My skirts were too short, I looked like a ****.
I had no fears, no worries brought me down,
And boys knew they'd get lucky when I was around.

My best friend, however, was always bare faced,
Her clothes were so bland, she was easily erased.
She stressed little things, like good grades and college,
And she brought the boys down with her exceeding knowledge.

When I was fourteen, I was ***** by a man,
I was loaded, I asked for it, though it wasn't my plan.
I was dressed like a *****, and I teased him til he was begging,
So I wasn't surprised when he held me down, and RIPPED through my leggings.

My best friend, the good girl, yeah, she was ***** too,
What I always wondered was, what did she do?
In her ugly baggy clothes, putting her books in her locker,
Though I guess she was unaware of how those boys stalked her.

When I was fourteen, the rumors began,
"Its her fault, she's to blame, she wanted to sleep with that man."
I just smiled in their face, and held my head high,
I got it, I was a ****, *****, and *****, I knew that was "WHY".

My best friend didn't get it, and couldn't ignore their tales,
Her overwhelming sadness came out, in long painful wales.
Her smile so broken, the cracks were see through,
And her overdose a relief, what else could she do?

When I was fourteen, I learned a hard lesson,
It doesn't matter how you act, or the clothes that you dress in.
Neither innocence nor promiscuity will allow you escape,
Because NO still means NO, and **** still means ****!
 Jul 2014 Danziel
Brendan Holland
Love is like the rain,
because although when in the clouds,
the droplets may fall from the sky as rain,
they continue on for the chance of  
forming a beautiful crystal snowflake

Love is like the trees,
because although some die before
their prime, others live on for thousands
of years in harmony, and people gather
around and stare in awe at their beauty

Love is like the sun and earth,
because although the sun can not get
too close to earth, it still provides her
with sunlight, and energy, and anything
she needs to get through another day.

Love is like the dirt
because although it gets stepped on
everyday, it still provides homes for other
animals, and it provides plants what they
need to to grow and survive

Love is like nature
because too many times, people don't take
the time to appreciate it all of it,
but if we stopped and looked around,
we'd see how beautiful it really is.
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