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 Feb 2016 Loki
y i k e s
Oh, So Much
 Feb 2016 Loki
y i k e s
And I loved you, oh so much

I was unsure what to do

But you didn't love me back

That was the only thing I was sure of.
 Feb 2016 Loki
I can't tell otherwise if its the waves in her hair that speak to me directly.  Nevertheless I am simply bewitched by it. And then her smile.  Her melting smile brings a moment of frozen enchantment to my eyes.   A smile with just the right curvature mixed in her face with her deep brown fiery eyes that lock into mine for a second of her happiness.  Its all I need in this world.  I will take it no further..
And so I keep this wonderful memory.
 Dec 2015 Loki
m i a
her ((02))
 Dec 2015 Loki
m i a
you are* the blood running through my veins

you keep me somewhat sane

you are the reason why i'm breathing

you are the reason why my heart keeps beating

i know this isn't a lot of words
and this may seem absurd

**but i guess what i'm trying to say is
i love you.
ily guys! haha, thanks for all of your amazing comments, likes, an just everything. <3
 Dec 2015 Loki
Seth Milliman
 Dec 2015 Loki
Seth Milliman
Your mysteriousness in question has made me second guess.
You've fooled me like the rest,
When I have lost ability to tell what is true.
You've turned an even weaker man blue,
How then can I call you love?
Were you even love to begin with?
Or just an illusion of what I've been seeking of?
Who knows what it truly is?
Or understands the vast valleys one finds them in during,
Hide my eyes no longer behind your cloudy veil, oh love.
For if I am ever truly to have you,
Then I must be free clear to see out of it, of you.
And gain the happiness of you again.
 Dec 2015 Loki
y i k e s
love & care
 Dec 2015 Loki
y i k e s
Everything grows with a little love and care
Even in small dosages, it'll bloom eventually
 Dec 2015 Loki
Reverie Dawson
Angel laughs, smiles and sings.
Her figure like an hourglass, her eyes like the sea.
She walks with elegance pose and class,
Taking in every moment like it's her last.
Her length is rather tall, but she is pure perfection.
Her smile is wide and white gleaming through the night.
Her voice is soothing and kind to the ears.
When she looks upon you, you are filled with tears.
For how could anyone be so kind?
"Miss?"  She turns around toward me and smiles
"Why are you so happy all the time? For it looks like misery has never touched you."
"Like you know your destiny and live in your own fantasy. Tragedy slips over you, there is sure to be an endlessly flawless melody revolving around you."
"So I say yet again, why are you always so happy? "
She leans in and whispers
I'm not
I'm broken.
But you would never know that.
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