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 Jan 2021 Colm
David P Carroll
I never felt true love
Like this before and
When touched my heart
Its skipped a beat
Feeling true love
For you in life

A friendship so beautiful
And so true
And a heart full of love too
A bond so strong
It would never part

And this love will last forever
Take my hands
And listen to my
Heart beat, I Love You.
Lovers ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
 Jan 2021 Colm
 Jan 2021 Colm
Space gazing through the universe
Feel like I’m floating in another dimension
Intense emotions and low eyes
Is this anxiety or the high
 Jan 2021 Colm
Rachel Rae
The stars were out
when I fell
Bright sparks that broke the dark
Almost a comfort in my soul
there settled
As I drifted down the well
 Jan 2021 Colm
 Jan 2021 Colm
Sensitivity is a gift and sometimes makes life difficult
You wish you could return this gift.
Going with the flow is not easy
Laughing when crying is easier is not always possible
It is as if you don't belong
Taking a joke or knowing when a joke is being told does not compute
You are the puzzke piece mishapen
You dont fit in and you know it
You were meant to standout but you didnt know it
It is certain that you challenge what is unclear

 Dec 2020 Colm
Amber Heaney
Life is a ditch, in which we sit
Digging, digging
Trying to find a way out
Searching, searching
Until we find the light
Wrote this many (many) moons ago as a frustrated teen. I chuckled when I discovered it, looked to my teenage son, and remembered what it was like to feel such keen emotion.
 Dec 2020 Colm
Dear Santa
 Dec 2020 Colm
> 2:50am
So, I asked about fairy wings
when I was 11;
   you never delivered.
   In case you want to make up for me,
I will be just fine
with a true lover instead.
That should be easier.
Isn't it?
-Delivered 2:52am

-New message 2:53am
From: Santa
I'm bringing you your wings
Well looks like true love can't be find even from santa

Written on December 26, 2020
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