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 Mar 2015
Phantom Byron Lorde
My angel,
Do not fly so close to me
For I,
Would clip your wonderful wings
Keep you my prisoner
Locked away in a cage
So I could gaze on naked beauty
Your innocence,
Mine to corrupt,
To use as my will
Burning you with pleasure
But your beauty always shines
My darkness is blinded
Still I take,
Refusing you the key
My angel,
I am a demon
Copyright 2015
 Sep 2014
Kevin Eli
Addiction doesn't go away, it just gets put on the shelf.
 Jul 2014
Kevin Eli
When I was with her,
I never felt so alive, nor dead.
I never felt so much love, nor so alone.
I never felt so much pain, and so much joy.
I never knew how strong I was, nor how weak.
I never knew what I could do, nor what was out of reach.
Still can't see a difference between loving her and torturing me.
 May 2014
Kevin Eli
Slowly, you come before
Me in this warm light
As the only thing I want.

Don't make it a dream,
just give in.
Let me seep in.
Seep into me.

Your fold, my sin,
our whole existence, manifest
in you, my friend.
Tempt intense,
your taste, my wish
to make you want it badly.

Hold me, come again.
Intense, breathe slowly and return
this favor I ask you so sincere and desperately.
Give me your secret, your desire, your fire
what inspires
your mind and soul.

This last chance, this request
I whisper loud.
One taste, your sin, your ***.
Your salvation I beg to give you
One more time.

One caress, one gesture
One grace
This taste of you
my dark nirvana.
 May 2014
Kevin Eli
Blindly crawling, ****** kneed, trembling.
Feeling in the darkness, the murk and muck on the floor covers knees.
Breath uneven and scared, terrified again.

There are no doors, no windows, no others.
The cell has no features, only walls with no color.
An expression of the mind, an image of nightmare. Empty.

The lack of content is what scares.
Air so thick, one would choke, but I can't open my mouth.
Nothingness pervades. Wades through the thoughts to another corner.

With but thy blood and fingernails, messages are cut, carved and scraped into the grey concrete of these walls, words begging to not be forgotten.
Messages mandating weak memory to scribe.

This is my mind. This is where each day I reside.

In terror of the world, I am not inside.
in horror of the things I think, or thought?
I know not nor remember what I do, I am scared.
Naked, afraid and trying to remember the lessons I learned so long ago.

Goose-bump covered and huddled in the corner.
Hands wrapped around my knees, crying, shaking.
Dead inside, hollowed out. Nobody home.
Betrayed again...
By myself.

Beside myself.
A mind is a horrible place to be trapped...
See them coming, creeping after you
Closer, closer they are coming still
You try to run, cold ice grips your shoe
Zombie snowman will strip your will

Coal mouths show their deadly fangs
Carrot noses will always smell you out
Twigs are where their arms now hangs
You are too scared to scream or shout

Cold is their soul, they never stop
Feed on you until they have their fill
Wearing strange looking hats on top
Zombie snowmen will strip your will

But I can stop them, I can do them harm
I have a weapon, now them I will face
Ready for them, blow torch under my arm
Prepared to battle them for the human race

They keep coming, more than before
I am cornered on top of this hill
I try to fight, but there are many more
Zombie snowmen will strip your will

copyright Chris Smith 2010
 Feb 2014
jeremy wyatt
Of all the torments of the north
I hold the wind most grim
Scything the very hope from my heart
tears of ice thrown raging back
to scour my soul
folorn curses fail and falter
till mute I quail before its barren ire
eye imploring mercy
from uncaring natures might
are blinded by its savagery
As it tears away my sight
Of all the torments of the North
I hold the wind most grim
 Apr 2013
He hears voices; but do you hear his?
Spitting crystals from his teeth,
he says he drank the magic of time
and now every second passing of mine is nervous
knowing every passing second of his mind.
His internal monologue eternally seeping into external,
leaking into the verbal.

He wears many faces; many places know his steps.
How do you react when you see him?
Do you retract and take action to extract yourself
from his immediate surroundings? I do.
His impact is astounding, found in my hometown
are two types of intimidation;
the vexed son and the wrecked **** of Wrexham.

Giant in the crowd, bald with a dead stare.
Constantly looking down, clothes so thin with many a tear.
Academic with his head in the clouds, to look at,
epidemic with his eyes to the ground in reality.
Local myth whose pith is to be barefoot,
you daren’t look. Innocent elder, non compos mentis,
tells you she carries bombs.  

It carries on, in plain sight
there are so many vacant minds walking these streets.
They incite fear, recite dreams and live near
the edge. Of the kerb. Of the absurd.
I have had the chance to meet some frail lives,
one gave me their last drop of wisdom and the tale of his bullet wound.
He told me to remember where I was from.
You can find my first book *With Words for Weapons* for the small price of £6 on Amazon :)
 Apr 2013
The swallow kept my eye,
for a sixth of an hour,
before observing a cat
with almighty presence and power.

This feline affected me also,
making me an eternal predator.
Showered in blood, that of its victim’s,
Proud, purring, devouring torso.

It was proud of this blood,
as far as I understood anyway.
Like war paint.
A declaration.

I enjoy the ****.
This piece of writing is taken from my book With Words for Weapons which you can find on Amazon :)

It is a fictional crime thriller told through the autobiographical poetry of a serial killer, if you purchase a copy you would be doing a young writer a huge favour :)
 Mar 2013
Mos Def addict practicing my mathematics
multiplying gross deaths stacking high in my attic
banishing, your batting eyelashes in my hatchet
brandishing a reflection of death nothing can match it,
a packet of matches, three cans of gas am I mad *****?
I’m a man mastering cracks of dark arts from a sad witch,
tears of evil, blasting apart marked hearts, sew they can’t stitch,
so I can cross your eyes and harvest every last inch
of your body I’ve got hauled high with my crass winch.
Dangling like abattoirs meat hanging upside down by your feet,
never is the time that I will retreat,
secreting discreetly in your petite physique,
desecrated secretly I never cease with the heat.
I’m a clever beast with the sweet smile of a pre-school teacher
I’m a leach, I’m an evil preacher,
I’m worse than a priest with someone not quite senior in reach.
I beseech you to keep my smile in mind when I breach
the regular limits of sin, an when the victim begins
spinning within the rhythm of my limb precision
positions a physician would think weren't natural
constructions. Causing concussions with my bone crack percussion
discussing the disgusting repercussions of being obstructive
with a kind as destructive as mine its reductive to imply
that I’m stuck with a mind superior to thine, let the subtleties shine,
you’re an inferior design, obsolete, so the premise is supremacist
there’s no preventing this, the evidence is left in every crevice of the premises.
 Mar 2013
See me.  Hear me. Converse.
Generally I hate people.
Maybe if I got to know you,
I could hate you too?
I despise various types of self,
15, 16 through 19.
If life is a high court I judge all
for their discrepancies.
Procrastinators need now,
believers need reality,
liars need honesty but honestly
we’re too sensitive for honesty;
speak or hear.  So I speak clear right here.
Hear right. Arrogance needs insults,
the self-righteous need to take a look in the mirror and find their own.
False reflection, false affection.
Attention needs to be looked after,
Naïve views need blindsighting.  
You can’t love hate; if you hate love.
White lies make me get dark,
why bark if you’re not a dog?
Quit *******, deceit carries a receipt.
I’m just a flea itching to bite.
Eternal fuse, refuse to explode,
re-fuse, implode. Exposed.
Corrode societies iron clad prose of civility.
Severe sincerity.
 Mar 2013
The land makes me uncomfortable;
each crooked branch hooking plants
and their stance stands to make me
look at man.

Each strand of hair waves at a blade of grass,
feeding off the dead.
Seething in my head
instead of screaming into the mass of land.

Dead field; tombstones protruding,
next wheel in a loom only using
hands to make a blanket
to cover the globe.
Against a grey tree, lately
it seems that I will be little more than
a flayed piece of meat making
an imprint in the mud.

Stood shivering, simmering blood,
red face on black cloud.
Nothing still, killing time
while time does likewise.

Broken angels and idols of old
hold idle fables that watch me grow cold.
Names erased in the moss,
lost in the face of the earth.
 Apr 2012
- K T P -
One day I sat alone
Staring out over the endless tides of blue.
Dark thoughts scouring for a moan,
As my mind ‘s eye focused on Nature’s hue.

Incessant honking, sirens and colored lights plagued the night.
As I sat there, peering out into the world I left.
My neighbors came by hiding sympathy for my plight.
Ever confused as to my serene chin’s cleft.

A crowd grew as they wandered around my yard anxious for a show.
I sensed a uniformed officer approach me.
Her energy vibrated with a dull maroon glow.
I blinked at this new energy I could see.

She stopped mid step as she watched my reaction.
I looked down at my hands and found them full of blood.
My once serene face quivered with curious reflection.
She reaches down to her hip, as her mouth opens like a blossoming bud.

Her mouth moved but her words I did not hear.
That voice so sweet, so pure, so near!
“Where are you my love!”
My face twists to the sky as I hear her from above.

It was only then that I heard the officer’s words.
As my eye wanders to a man’s body bleeding at my feet.
“Put it down Mr. Birds!
We all know you got him beat!”

My body quivers as images flash through my mind.
My wife, tied to the bed.  My son’s door kicked in.
Serenity flushes from me as rage begins to unwind.
A man lies over her on my bed, doing his cardinal sin.

The rage surges as my scream erupts throughout the night.
My neighbors fallback as the officer grabs her gun.
I see her gun and confusion set me right.
Again her voice!  Telling me not to run.

Her sweet voice yearned me to drop the knife,
I instantly react as the knife falls to the ground.
The officer sees this and takes a few steps wary of strife.
I look and see all the pained faces around.

The officer pats me down as my eye wanders to heaven’s gate.
“I am sorry dear!” was all I could say.
Her voice sweetly answered in a tone definitively innate.
“We love you dear, please find your way.”

The officer puts my hands behind me as she places the cuffs.
A new voice pours from heaven’s roughs.
“I love you dad.  We are finally safe.
Now go and find your way to us without anymore strafe.”

His pure words shocked me to the core,
As water gushed from my long dry shores.
My emotional rigidness was no more,
Leaving the sadness and grief free to explore.

Only then did I see all the brighter blue hues,
Of my comforting neighbors, and friends.
There to mend what they could of what was left from life’s blues.
That was when I knew, that love never ends.
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