You took two stars,
that burned so bright
and crushed them in your hands,
and though you won't miss just two,
to me you left a huge hole
that I can't even begin
to understand.
If this has been some kind of test
then I know I have failed,
How far down can you send me
when I'm already in Hell?
And God I'm asking point blank,
What is this divine plan you have devised?
that you can take so much from me
in so little amount of time.
This lone sparrow has fallen
and I've hit the hard ground,
Where was your hand then Lord?
your love and mercy,
I have not found.
How can I be thankful
for the little things you give,
When you take the big things from me?
You have left me blind and broken,
You took my beautiful stars,
left me unable to see.
I gave my all to you, my everything
Now, there's nothing left at all
You Lost one of your sparrows
When You Let Me Fall!
Losing my mom and then my neice today is to much!