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 Nov 2018
catch me professing
the solitude crawling
all over my body,
insist to me
that everything will be alright,
force into me
the perception of getting by.
why don’t you advise
all the lies
you have incessantly
been telling to yourself?
 Jun 2017
i cry out for freedom,
not from the government or
from the society or from
any other thing that holds
absurd rights of caging
one believed free spirit;
i cry out for freedom
from the only thing i
cannot escape,
from the only thing
that has all the rights
to embrace me,
i cry out for freedom from
my body, my mind, my heart.
 Nov 2016
a skeptic and a believer
in one cracked soul;
a not so lover of words
and a poet in one beating heart;
a grotesque and a beauty
in one complex mind;

it’s a person against the world
and a human against himself.
 Oct 2015
it is not the poetry perse
that we depend upon as an escape
it's  the words that we use
to keep our aloof soul safe.
 Oct 2015
we are the visible boundaries
between our hearts.
 Oct 2015
"If you could only hear my genuine feelings within these locutions,
If I was only good at expressing my exact emotions,
Then maybe I wouldn't be giving you these mixed signals
And maybe I wasn't left with the segmented petals."

I wonder how many times the owner tried to find this letter,
I wonder how much effort was made before he gave up
Or did he even find time to look for this? Did he even read this?
I wonder how he felt.

I wanted to tell him, "Don't give up!"
Don't we all show confused emotions?
I wanted to tell the person who wrote the letter, "Take the risk!"
Aren't we all eager to know the after-possibilities?

Yet, I can't.
There are reasons behind every action.
She's perchance too hurt to give her whole soul,
He's perhaps too tired to have another heartache.
 Jul 2015
Joshua Adam
You're a Poet, but you don't just write poems, you're so much more
gifted with the power of perception, knowing how to make hearts soar
compelled to share your heart's impressions, both the good and the bad
taking the beautiful and lyrical, making them happy, and sometimes sad

You're a Poet, writing poetry, sharing imagination with a flowing creativity
wanting to bring people close, ever watchful to avoid unwanted negativity
coming from the Greek word poietes, poet, which means maker or to make
allows us to appreciate each other as poets, life's all about the give and take

You're a Poet, loving the world and the people in it, wanting to see the truth
knowing your limitations and flaws, always open to introspection and proof
self driven from a powerful force within, and needing to share your thoughts
you tailor words just so, keeping your objectivity intact, as your poetry talks

You're a Poet, unlike the rich and wealthy, your treasure will never be stolen
a power to create, using the simplest of tools, even with a measured semi-colon
you have a venue for sharing and caring, you warm the feelings of those around
drawing people into your inner world, giving them words with a beautiful sound

You’re all Poets, all having the power, and making the difference to someone dear
never stop giving of yourselves, because so many find direction in what you share
so to all of you calling yourself poet, my friendship and admiration for you is clear
honorably spreading messages of hope, by disseminating poetry to those that care
This is a short poem dedicated to all of my fellow poets on this site. We know who and what you are.
There’s no love sated
In one man, one woman
It flows unabated
For endless span!

In life she had seven husbands
But love with her is buried where her tomb stands
Many more might have come to her life
The lady she’s known as *the seven husband’s wife.

Empty would seem her heart’s treasure trove
If she had stuck to merely one love
So when tired she banished one for good
Found herself another as her soul’s food.

She searched love towards that end made attempt
But after a while grew familiarity’s contempt
Love is no water that can be held in one jerrycan
When one man was exhausted was time for another man.

Often she fell for them drawn by their exterior
Only to find afterwards their inferiority to her
All their sweet talks were hollow in every bit
Impossible was to endure their annoying habit.

Yet she didn’t cease her search for love true sublime
To bond in a relationship that would stand the test of time
But that she never found remained empty her treasure trove
She passed from one man to the other not found real love.

The seven men that failed her in love she ended their term
For they unbeknownst to them had caused her fatal harm
By not fulfilling her cherished goal not being loving husband
*Leaving her with no choice but with their blood to smear her hand!
At the tomb and memorial of Susanna Anna Maria (cover photo), 1809
It’s said she had married seven times and killed all her husbands as they failed her in love.
She lived in a period (18th century) when a woman couldn’t live with men without marriage.
 Jul 2015
He was not difficult to love
but hard to forget.
He would make you fall in love
with the letters
he writes using his soul,
it would tattoo on your bones
and you could never erase it,
for when you try, you’d only get hurt.
The pain of losing him
feels like he’s using your heart as his scratch
and you’d choose to feel another heartache
than to completely destroy the love he built
and be vanished for a lifetime.
You live to hear him.
He loves to write; lives to die.
One of my Tumblr posts.
 Jul 2015
darling, you may not understand,
but it's more heartbreaking to leave
than to be left behind.
A quote from the prose that I made.
Her wails rent the air

O God how unfair you are
to have snatched him from me
the only man that truly cared
never treated me badly.

Without him is a life to grieve
empty meaningless
take me too O God relieve
this pain of no redress!

Shouldn't we bring a costly cot
of mahogany or such wood
asked the men what was her thought
about carrying her man so good.

Shouldn't the pyre be of sandalwood
the fuel a pure ghee
your husband ma'am was a man too good
to be burned ordinarily.

She paused a while frowning dark
a shadow passed her face
a hint of wince made its mark
a pall of uneasiness.

He's gone to never return
the onus is now on me
to run the days with meager earn
and not spend wastefully.

ordinary wood would burn as good
kerosene would do well
prudence demands not one should
be lavish in funeral.
What does one need to do to be remembered?

as for me
I would ever remember
how she watered the plants through the summers.

— The End —